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從豆子到杯子的旅程 From Bean to Cup: The Journey

09/15 @ 2:00 下午 - 4:00 下午




“Coffee is nature’s chemical miracle.”
Compounds in coffee, such as caffeine and polyphenols, bring us unique flavors and physiological effects.

“Every cup of coffee is a precise chemical reaction.”
From grinding to brewing, each step in coffee preparation involves the extraction of water-soluble compounds and the balance of flavors.

Excerpt from The Science of Coffee

活動資訊 Event Information

✎課程日期 Date:9/15(日 Sunday)下午場 Afternoon Session
✎課程時間 Time:14:00-16:00(約2小時 approximately 2 hours)
✎課程地點 Venue:200基隆市仁愛區仁二路236號 No. 236, Ren 2nd Rd., Ren’ai Dist., Keelung City(見書店 Sea To See Bookafé)
✎課程主題 Topic:從豆子到杯子的旅程 From Bean to Cup: The Journey
✎課程收費 Fee:定價 Standard NT$1,000/位(最低4人即開課,小班制12人以內 Minimum of 4 participants, small class of 12 or fewer)
☛早鳥優惠 Early Bird NT$799/位 person,兩人同行超值NT$1,500/組 $1500 NTD/group for two participants(限9/6以前報名適用 (valid for registration before 9/6)
☛優惠價 Discount Price NT$899/位 person(9/6之後報名價格 after 9/6)

報名 To apply:https://www.accupass.com/eflow/ticket/2408290617139525286530?utm_source=EventPage&utm_medium=AdCard&utm_campaign=accu_AdCard_2408170931171883223720

課程內容與收穫 Course Content & Takeaways






  • Understanding Coffee and Its Cultural Development:
    From the origins of coffee to the characteristics of beans from different regions, how geographical conditions shape flavor profiles.
  • The Journey of Coffee Flavor:
    Just as “one grain feeds a hundred people,” different processing methods determine the flavor profile of each bean. Discover your personal favorite coffee flavor.
  • The Relationship Between Tools and Taste:
    From roasting and grinding beans to pour-over kettles and filter cups, each tool enhances the immersive experience of savoring coffee. To master any craft, you must first master your tools—find the perfect entry point for your own coffee journey.
  • Taste Bud Training:
    Some prefer acidity, while others enjoy bitterness. The same bean can yield different flavor profiles through various brewing methods. Developing your palate is key to refining your coffee tasting skills.
  • Hands-on Pour-over Coffee Practice and Post-class Exercises:
    A professional barista will demonstrate the key points of pour-over coffee, and every participant will have a chance to practice. Enjoy the collective experience of brewing and tasting coffee. Specialty coffee will be provided for participants to continue honing their brewing skills at home.

咖啡師介紹 About the Barista



A former engineer who transitioned from the high-tech world to pursue a new journey in the realm of specialty coffee beans. Once navigating the fast-paced, high-pressure environment of market trends and innovation in the tech industry, the barista found a contrasting rhythm in the world of coffee. This shift prompted a reevaluation of career priorities, though the two fields share more in common than it might seem.

Both the electronics industry and the coffee world demand a meticulous attention to detail. Just as electronic design requires precision down to the smallest component, brewing coffee demands precise control over time, water temperature, and coffee grounds. This focus on detail helps career changers quickly adapt and excel in the coffee industry, producing high-quality products. Both fields also emphasize innovation and individuality; in coffee, unique bean sources, roasting techniques, and brewing methods are key to attracting customers. Choosing beans, roasting, and brewing techniques all require innovation and focus, but in coffee, there’s a serene, immersive quality that opens the door for a career shift. Now, as a coffee artisan, the barista shares the rich aroma of coffee with travelers in the harbor city of Keelung, making each visit a flavorful journey.


基隆市, Taiwan
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