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從廣告到電影的觀景窗:日本攝影家瀧本幹也講座 From Advertisement to Cinema: Lecture by Japanese Photographer Mikiya Takimoto|La Vie美感俱樂部系列活動 Aesthetics Club Series Event
10/05 @ 2:00 下午 - 4:30 下午
不管你對瀧本幹也的名字是否熟悉,一定都看過他的作品:寶礦力水得、麥當勞、UNIQLO、ISSEY MIYAKE等品牌廣告、日本樂團Mr.Children多張專輯主視覺、《篤姬》、《龍馬傳》、《真田丸》等多部NHK大河劇主視覺,更與導演是枝裕和長期合作,不僅是電影《我的意外爸爸》、《海街日記》和《第三次殺人》的攝影指導,《舞伎家的料理人》劇照、《怪物》海報攝影也由他執掌。這位拍下無數高調作品卻始終低調埋首創作的攝影家,將首次來到台灣舉辦講座,現場還將與多次合作的日本設計師矢後直規、同樣橫跨設計與攝影的台灣設計工作室HOUTH創意總監黃紀滕同台對話!
Whether you are familiar with Mikiya Takimoto’s name or not, you’ve likely seen his work: commercials for Pocari Sweat, McDonald’s, UNIQLO, ISSEY MIYAKE, album covers for the Japanese band Mr. Children, and visuals for many NHK historical dramas such as Atsuhime, Ryomaden, and Sanada Maru. He has also collaborated long-term with director Hirokazu Kore-eda, serving as cinematographer for films like Like Father, Like Son, Our Little Sister, The Third Murder, as well as The Makanai: Cooking for the Maiko House and Monster. This photographer, who has captured countless iconic works while staying out of the limelight, will be giving a lecture in Taiwan for the first time. He will also be joined by frequent collaborator, Japanese designer Naoki Yago, and Taiwan’s multidisciplinary creative studio HOUTH’s Creative Director Chi-Teng Huang for a live dialogue!
The lecture will be split into two sessions. Through different thematic discussions, guest dialogues, and behind-the-scenes footage exclusive to the event, attendees will gain a deep understanding of the photographer’s techniques and mindset. You’ll also leave with insights into photography, design, and the creative industry.
➫ 講座精彩內容 Event Highlights
【上半場 Session 1】橫跨靜態與動態、商業與藝術的攝影心法 The Philosophy of Photography: Bridging Stillness, Motion, Commerce, and Art
主講 Main Speaker|攝影家瀧本幹也 Photographer Mikiya Takimoto
❍ 講座亮點 Lecture Highlights
- 如何在高度競爭的攝影產業樹立個人風格?
- 「靜態」和「動態」攝影的技巧要如何兼具?
- 商業攝影要怎麼達到客戶需求又不落窠臼?
- 從電影到劇照,是怎麼實際拍出是枝裕和導演的腦中所想?
- 寶礦力水得、隈研吾建築、《海街日記》、《怪物》拍攝過程全公開!
- How to establish a personal style in the highly competitive photography industry?
- Balancing techniques between still and motion photography.
- How to meet client needs without compromising creativity in commercial photography?
- How did Takimoto capture the essence of Kore-eda’s vision in films and stills?
- Behind the scenes of shooting for Pocari Sweat, Kengo Kuma’s architecture, Our Little Sister, and Monster!
【下半場 Session 2】照片的設計方法論:攝影與設計合作談 The Design Methodology of Photography: A Discussion on Collaboration Between Photography and Design
對談 Dialogue|攝影家瀧本幹也、設計師矢後直規 Photographer Mikiya Takimoto, Designer Naoki Yago
主持 Host|HOUTH創意總監黃紀滕 HOUTH Creative Director Chi-Teng Huang
❍ 講座亮點 Lecture Highlights
- 攝影師和藝術指導的合作,有哪些眉角可以更順暢?
- 當攝影師和設計師對於照片的選擇、後製、裁切等想法不同,該怎麼解?
- 編排攝影集時,設計師是如何解讀攝影師的每張照片?
- 在繁忙的商業案之外,為什麼還要花時間投入純創作?
- Laforet百貨、UNIQLO、NHK大河劇視覺等合作幕後真心話!
- How can photographers and art directors collaborate more smoothly?
- What happens when photographers and designers disagree on photo selection, post-production, or cropping?
- How do designers interpret each photograph when compiling a photography collection?
- Why devote time to pure creative projects despite the busy demands of commercial work?
- Honest conversations about collaborations on projects like Laforet, UNIQLO, and NHK dramas!
➫ 講座與談來賓介紹 Lecture and Guest Information
主講人 Main Speaker|瀧本幹也 Mikiya Takimoto
A photographer specializing in both still and motion imagery, Mikiya Takimoto works across commercial photography, photobooks, TV commercials, and films. He is a long-time collaborator with Japanese director Hirokazu Kore-eda, with his first film Like Father, Like Son winning the Jury Prize at the 66th Cannes Film Festival. In 2015, he won the Best Cinematography Award at the 39th Japan Academy Film Prize for Our Little Sister, and in 2017, his work The Third Murder was selected for the main competition at the 74th Venice International Film Festival. Takimoto has also won numerous awards, including the Tokyo ADC Award, New York ADC Gold, Cannes Lions Gold, and D&AD Yellow Pencil.
對談嘉賓 Dialogue Guest|矢後直規 Naoki Yago
藝術指導、平面設計師。任職於株式會社SIX設計。曾任Laforet原宿的廣告總監,合作對象包括RADWIMPS、THE YELLOW MONKEY、菅田將暉、矢野顯子等音樂人,以及篠山紀信、瀧本幹也、奧山由之等攝影師,亦擔綱ZIPAIR航空品牌規劃。2022年首次於Laforet Museum原宿舉辦個展《婆娑羅》,也參與高雄駁二《HOPE—希望的形狀:台灣日本設計師聯合創作展》。2023年獲得日本JAGDA新人賞。
Art director and graphic designer. Currently working at SIX Inc., he has served as the advertising director for Laforet Harajuku and collaborated with artists like RADWIMPS, THE YELLOW MONKEY, and Masaki Suda, as well as photographers like Kishin Shinoyama and Mikiya Takimoto. In 2022, he held his first solo exhibition, Basara, at Laforet Museum Harajuku, and participated in the HOPE exhibition in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. In 2023, Yago received the Japan JAGDA New Designer Award.
主持人 Host|黃紀滕 Chi-Teng Huang
HOUTH創意總監、專案管理、攝影師。HOUTH為黃紀滕、何婉君共同創立的創意團隊,領域包括品牌策略、藝術指導、視覺設計等,不斷模糊藝術與商業的界線,從邏輯中產生驚喜,並透過為客戶完成的作品與世界對話。除了商業案之外,同時也以獨立出版計畫「HOUTH BOOKS」,不定期出版設計與攝影的純創作。
Creative Director of HOUTH, specializing in project management and photography. HOUTH, founded by Chi-Teng Huang and Wan-Chun Ho, is a creative team that works across brand strategy, art direction, and visual design. In addition to commercial projects, HOUTH publishes independent creative works under HOUTH BOOKS, which blends art and commerce in unexpected ways.
口譯 Interpreter|詹慕如 Mu-Rou Jan
A freelance interpreter and translator, with works spanning genres such as mystery, literature, design, and children’s books. Murou also provides interpretation services in various fields such as art, business, and technology.
➫ 相關講座資訊 Lecture Information
講座日期 Date & Time|2024.10.05(六 Saturday)14:00~16:30
講座地點 Venue|台北101大樓4樓 獨一文創 The One @ Taipei 101(台北市信義區市府路45號4樓 4/F, No. 45, Shifu Rd., Xinyi Dist., Taipei City)
講座與談者 Guests|主講 Main Speaker:攝影家瀧本幹也 Photographer Mikiya Takimoto
對談 Dialogue Guest:設計師矢後直規 Designer Naoki Yago
主持 Host:HOUTH創意總監黃紀滕 HOUTH Creative Director Chi-Teng Huang
口譯 Interpreter:詹慕如 Mu-Rou Jan
講座流程 Schedule|13:30~14:00 觀眾入場 Audience Admission
14:00~15:00 上半場講座 Session 1 Lecture
15:00~16:00 下半場對談 Session 2 Dialogue
16:00~16:30 Q&A交流
講座票價 Fee|$980,內含瀧本幹也簽名A3海報(作品選自最新攝影集《LUMIÈRE》)、La Vie雜誌10月號 including a signed A3 poster by Mikiya Takimoto (selected from his latest photobook LUMIÈRE) and La Vie magazine October issue
觀眾席次 Audience Capacity|300人 people
報名時間 Registration|2024.09.03(二 Tuesday)中午12:00起至額滿為止 at 12:00 PM until full
報名 To apply|https://www.accupass.com/eflow/ticket/2408150621361811067830
關於 About 『La Vie美感俱樂部』
La Vie雜誌於2004年創刊,為台灣第一本生活美學設計雜誌。在品牌邁入20年之際,於2024年啟動「美感俱樂部」系列活動,在數位當道的此刻,我們仍相信實體與面對面交流的力量與溫度,透過媒體的影響力,以更多元的形式與讀者交流。美感俱樂部將打造多樣化的內容,涵蓋圖書及雜誌主題的講座、手工實作體驗、展會導覽、主題活動、海外創作者講座等等。透過活動將資訊和知識立體化,提供參與者與美感互動的機會。
Founded in 2004, La Vie magazine is Taiwan’s first lifestyle aesthetics design magazine. Celebrating its 20th anniversary in 2024, the magazine launched the “Aesthetics Club” series, which includes a wide range of events, such as lectures on book and magazine themes, hands-on workshops, guided exhibition tours, themed activities, and lectures by international creators. Through these events, La Vie offers readers the opportunity to engage with aesthetics in a more interactive and tangible way.
注意事項 Notes
- 本活動為付費講座,請確實填寫出席者姓名、地址、E-mail、電話等報名資訊,以利寄發活動通知、發票及注意事項。
- 報名成功者將自動取得系統電子票券,活動當日須憑電子票券(QRCODE)完成報到。現場採自由入座,報到時間為13:30-14:00,請於時間內完成報到入座,活動準時開始。
- 主辦單位將於活動前一日統一寄發報到通知信,活動後寄送發票,請報名時務必確認通訊地址與聯絡信箱資訊,並留意最新消息。
- 本活動將進行現場攝、錄影,活動內容之權利屬版權所有者,任何攝影、錄音、錄影行為皆屬違法,參與此活動即同意授權本場館將相關影音資料作為活動紀錄及非營利使用。
- 主辦單位基於活動服務必要,蒐集本報名系統內參加者之個人基本資料,包含姓名、E-mail、電話等資料,以作為活動確認、憑證、通知及主辦單位訊息宣傳使用,如有依個人資料保護法請求查閱、製給複製本、補充或更正資料、請求停止蒐集、處理利用或刪除之必要,請主動聯絡主辦單位。
- 為配合政府防疫政策調整,自2023年2月20日起放寬室內戴口罩規定,本活動可自行斟酌配戴口罩。惟建議有發燒或呼吸道症狀、年長或免疫低下者,敬請配戴口罩,以保護自身健康。
- 本講廳內全面禁止飲食;雨具統一置放場外指定區域。為維持講廳內安全與維持逃生動線,請勿逗留、站立或坐在廳內走道與其他非開放座位區。
- 主辦單位保留活動異動之權利,若有未盡事宜得隨時修正公佈之。
- 活動聯繫:sunnie_wang@hmg.com.tw,(02) 2500-7578 #3372、#3393,王小姐。
- This is a paid lecture. Please ensure accurate completion of registration information (name, address, email, phone) for ticketing, invoicing, and event notifications.
- Participants will receive an e-ticket with a QR code and must present it for check-in. Seats are on a first-come, first-served basis, and check-in is from 13:30 to 14:00.
- The organizer will send out check-in instructions the day before the event, and invoices will be sent afterward.
- The event will be filmed and photographed. By attending, you agree to the use of media materials for non-profit purposes.
- For inquiries regarding the use of personal data or other questions, please contact the organizer.
- In line with government health regulations, participants are encouraged to wear masks if experiencing symptoms, are elderly, or have immune concerns.
- No food or drink is allowed in the venue. Please store umbrellas in designated areas outside the lecture hall.
- The organizer reserves the right to make changes to the event.
- Contact: sunnie_wang@hmg.com.tw | (02) 2500-7578 #3372, #3393