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建築系 Department of Architecture|21屆畢展「不在場製造」松菸文創開展 21st Graduation Exhibition “Made in Absence” Opens at Songshan Cultural and Creative Park

05/31 @ 10:00 上午 - 06/02 @ 6:00 下午

建築學系第21屆畢業製作成果展「不在場製造 MADE IN ABSENCE」,5/31-6/2在松山文創園區3號倉庫舉行校外展,展示建築系學生5年的學習成果;6/1並安排有「建築國際講座」,將邀請日本知名建築師夫妻檔手塚貴晴和手塚由比來台演講,歡迎對建築設計有興趣的民眾、師生免費前往參加。

建築系是銘傳唯一修業年限為5年的學系,今年畢業班共有48位學生,預計展出43件模型設計作品、8件論文海報展示。畢展主題「不在場製造 MADE IN ABSENCE」,表達這五年來,同學們一直藉由每次的設計,窺探建築的世界,就如同門縫溢出的光線一般,循著這條路徑擴散出的光。同學們帶著各自不同地方的生活經驗與詮釋,提出各自的想法、提問與質疑,為五年的建築學習短暫作結,透過作品敘述關於建築更多的可能性。

The 21st graduation exhibition of the Department of Architecture, titled “MADE IN ABSENCE”, will be held from May 31 to June 2 at Warehouse No. 3 in the Songshan Cultural and Creative Park. This off-campus exhibition showcases the results of five years of learning by the architecture students. On June 1, there will also be an “International Architecture Lecture”, featuring renowned Japanese architect couple Takaharu and Yui Tezuka. This event is free and open to the public, as well as to teachers and students interested in architectural design.

The Department of Architecture is the only department with a five-year program. This year’s graduating class consists of 48 students, who will be presenting 43 design models and 8 thesis posters. The exhibition theme, “MADE IN ABSENCE”, reflects the students’ journey over the past five years. They have continuously explored the world of architecture through their designs, akin to light streaming through a door crack, spreading along a path. Bringing their diverse life experiences and interpretations, the students present their ideas, questions, and critiques, offering a brief conclusion to their architectural education while narrating the potentialities of architecture through their works.

同時,為增進學生的國際視野,銘傳大學建築學系與冠德玉山教育基金會共同主辦「建築國際講座:手塚貴晴+手塚由比 X 溫子先的對話」,6/1上午9:30-11:30在畢業展現場舉行,由銘傳大學設計學院副院長李芝瑜、十彥建築師事務所建築師陳彥伶共同主持,邀請以當代木構設計為主的日本建築家Takaharu Tezuka + Yui Tezuka(手塚貴晴與手塚由比),與來自全球十大建築師事務所Aedas(凱達環球)全球設計董事 Dr. Andy Wen(溫子先)進行一場對談,講座全程以英文進行,無中文翻譯。

手塚貴晴、手塚由比建築師夫妻檔曾獲得日本Good Design Award金獎、美國ArchDaily Building of the Year等大獎,並曾榮獲來自聯合國UNESCO頒發永續性建築的全球獎項。溫子先建築師設計的作品富於文化特色且屢獲殊榮,如WAF(世界建築節大獎)、APPA(亞太房地產大獎)、HKIA(香港建築師會大獎)、(AIA)美國建築師學會大獎、MIPIM等。手塚貴晴與溫子先曾經為Upenn(賓夕法尼亞大學)的同窗,在本次講座的對談中,除了建築的觀點之外,也能聽到兩人的建築養成,本場國際講座與畢展活動皆免費入場,歡迎踴躍參加。

In addition, to broaden students’ international perspectives, Department of Architecture, in collaboration with Kindom Yu San Education Foundationn, will host the “International Architecture Lecture: Takaharu + Yui Tezuka in Dialogue with Andy Wen”. This lecture will take place on June 1 from 09:30 to 11:30 at the graduation exhibition venue. It will be co-hosted by Associate Dean of School of Design, Jeanne Lee, and architect Chen Yen-ling from Yen Partnership Architects. The lecture features contemporary wooden structure design architects Takaharu Tezuka and Yui Tezuka from Japan, and Dr. Andy Wen, Global Design Director at Aedas, one of the world’s top ten architectural firms. The entire lecture will be conducted in English without Chinese translation.

Takaharu and Yui Tezuka have received numerous accolades, including Japan Good Design Award Gold Prize and ArchDaily Building of the Year award. They have also been honored with global awards for sustainable architecture from UNESCO. Dr. Andy Wen’s culturally rich designs have won prestigious awards such as World Architecture Festival (WAF) Award, Asia Pacific Property Awards (APPA), Hong Kong Institute of Architects (HKIA) Award, American Institute of Architects (AIA) Award, and MIPIM.

Takaharu Tezuka and Andy Wen were classmates at the University of Pennsylvania (Upenn). In this dialogue, besides discussing architectural perspectives, they will share insights into their architectural training and education. Both the international lecture and the graduation exhibition are free to attend, and everyone is welcome to participate enthusiastically.


05/31 @ 10:00 上午
06/02 @ 6:00 下午
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