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山海邊境,隙間流光|遠山呼喚國際教育行動攝影展 The Apertures: From Ridges, Coasts to the Borders | Calls Over Ridges’ Education Actions Photography Exhibition

04/13 @ 10:00 上午 - 04/21 @ 9:00 下午

走進資源匱乏的遠山 Walking into the resource-deprived distant mountains
                               呼喚長期教育的希望 calling for the hope of long-term education






The distant mountains, where education cannot reach where children are, are the remote areas calling for the initiation of educational actions.

Calls Over Ridges desire to provide children with “choices” in life. We believe that the purpose of education is not only to find a job; education can broaden horizons, inspire creativity, shape thinking, and build warm personality traits, ultimately giving them the opportunity to truly become themselves, to truly live as complete “individuals”.

Therefore, with the mission of planting education in the world, leading the distant mountains to go to each educational remote area, deep into the high mountains of Nepal, advancing to the islands of the Philippines, visiting stateless villages hidden on the border of Sabah, Malaysia, focusing on long-term education, and catching poor children who are caught between reality and dreams.

For eight years, Calls Over Ridges have seen that even though limited resources have folded the space for survival, life can still blossom in the gap, showing infinite possibilities.

We hope that every glimmer of hope ignited by key educators in education can penetrate the cracks of all things and illuminate every crevice.

——— 4/13 (Saturday) – 4/21 (Sunday),與我們一同前往山海邊境,看見隙間流光。 Join us the apertures, and see from ridges, coasts to the borders.———

Two exhibition highlights, following the trajectory of Far Mountain’s 8 years, exploring the radiant brilliance in the gaps.

♢ 看見影像裡的生命故事 Witnessing Life Stories in Images

Through images, let us journey together to places where education once could not reach, witnessing the priceless light and shadows of life.

♢ 三大展區,走進三個國家服務現場 Three Exhibition Zones, Entering Three Countries’ Service Sites

▍ 展覽時間與場地資訊 Exhibition Time and Venue Information
✧ 日期 Date|4/13 ㊅ – 4/21 ㊐
✧ 時間 Time|平日 Weekdays 10:00 – 20:00;假日 Weekends 10:00 – 21:00
✧ 地點 Venue|華山 1914 文創產業園區 中4B館 1F-1 Huashan 1914 Creative Park, Building 4B, 1F-1
✧ 官網詳細資訊 Official Website for Detailed Information|陸續釋出 To be announced
✧ 參與形式 Participation|免費入場 Free Admission


*Due to event arrangements, exhibition hours on 4/18 and 4/19 are adjusted to 10:00-18:00

報名 To apply:https://www.accupass.com/eflow/ticket/2403120852528833320420?utm_campaign=accu_theme&utm_medium=home_north&utm_source=Web

▍ 主辦單位 Organizer | 遠山呼喚 Calls Over Ridges

An international education organization originating from Taiwan, committed to planting education worldwide, granting children in resource-scarce areas the right to self-realization.


Calls Over Ridges insists on creating long-term and localized educational services, pinpointing real local needs in Nepal, the Philippines, and Malaysia. We gather local education key figures such as teachers, principals, parents, and community members to transform the educational environment in the region. Additionally, we aim to “exit” by nurturing local youth to establish local NGOs to take over education operations, fostering sustainable changes.

▍ 協辦單位 Co-organizer | 森子工作室 Moriko Studio

Embracing nature, returning to simplicity, and listening attentively, Moriko Studio depicts the warmest scenery between people and the land through visual creation.


The name “Moriko Studio” combines the surnames of the two founders and represents their aspiration to bring nature into life and nurture all beings. For many years, Moriko Studio has delved into social issues, observing people and dedicating themselves to capturing real moments in life with highly flexible execution and integration capabilities. Through images, we gather intentions, sow seeds in various places, and grow forests together with people from different corners of the world.


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