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小即是美 Small is Beautiful–馬丁・哈曼陶瓷雕塑個展 Martin Harman Ceramic Sculpture Solo Exhibition

08/23 @ 9:30 上午 - 09/01 @ 5:00 下午

英國藝術家Martin Harman的創作特色,以英國著名景點「巨石陣」遺址為靈感,雕塑出具有抽象風格的陶瓷藝術。他的作品探討信仰、靈性、空間等主題,反映出他對現實世界的深思,並象徵著逃離現實、進入虛幻境地的過程。



British artist Martin Harman’s work is inspired by the famous Stonehenge site, creating abstract ceramic sculptures that explore themes of belief, spirituality and space. His creations reflect deep contemplation of the real world while symbolizing a process of escaping reality and entering a surreal realm.

In this “Small is Beautiful” series exhibited at the gallery, Harman continues to draw inspiration from Stonehenge, presenting a series of small, abstract ceramic sculptures. The artist’s concept questions traditional notions: “Sculpture is often regarded as large-scale works. But what if sculptures were made small?” Thus, this solo exhibition showcases small ceramic works based on his observations of the Stonehenge site.

Stonehenge, with its towering circular geometric structures and enigmatic mysteries, attracts visitors from around the globe and has inspired the artist to perceive the world in new ways. While most people strive to understand everything they see, Stonehenge invites viewers to explore its own meanings. Through these small ceramic works, Harman allows the audience to experience the macro in the micro and encourages a renewed reflection on how we perceive the world.

票價 Fee:NT$80


新北市, Taiwan
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