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室內照明設計應用 Indoor Lighting Design Applications

10/03 @ 8:00 上午 - 10/09 @ 11:59 下午



Master the magic of transforming spatial atmospheres, and illuminate your design future with light and shadow!

From fundamental knowledge, design strategies to system integration, this is a must-learn lighting design course for interior designers!



Indoor lighting design is not just about providing light sources—it is a crucial element in shaping and enhancing the overall space design. It influences the functionality, ambiance, and user experience of a space.

Want to quickly master professional techniques, improve design efficiency, and solve lighting problems with precision? Eager to use the latest lighting technology to make your designs stand out and create stunning light effects? This advanced lighting design course, tailored for interior designers, will enhance your lighting skills and help you break through design bottlenecks!

/課程亮點 Course Highlights/

  • 亮點1 Highlight 1. 深入解析照明設計流程 In-depth analysis of the lighting design process


Explore the entire design process from concept to implementation, ensuring you feel confident in every step.

  • 亮點2 Highlight 2. 掌握必備專業知識 Master essential professional knowledge

不僅學習光的基本術語,還深入了解環境照明(Ambient lighting)、重點照明(Accent lighting)、任務照明(Task lighting)和焦點照明(Focal Point)的應用,全面提升你的專業素養。

Learn not only basic lighting terms but also gain a deeper understanding of Ambient lighting, Accent lighting, Task lighting, and Focal Point lighting applications to elevate your professional skills.

  • 亮點3 Highlight 3. 應對不同空間的照明策略 Lighting strategies for different spaces


Get specific lighting design suggestions for spaces such as living rooms (including art, paintings, and display cabinet lighting), dining rooms, kitchens, and bathrooms.

  • 亮點4 Highlight 4. 智能控制系統的應用 Application of smart control systems



Learn how to optimize lighting design using smart control systems to create comfortable and efficient living environments.
Modern smart control systems for residential lighting will be explained, enhancing design flexibility and functionality.

  • 亮點5 Highlight 5. 燈具選擇的專業指導 Expert guidance on lighting selection


Understand how to choose lighting fixtures that match different spaces and styles, ensuring a perfect balance of aesthetics, functionality, and technical specifications for your design projects.

/適合誰來上課 Who Should Attend/


Interior designers, individuals interested in transitioning to interior design, and contractors in interior design projects.

誰來上這堂課 Instructor

一隱照明設計顧問 YI.ng Lighting Design Consultant 主持設計師 Principal Designer 朱文英 Annie Chu


不僅為中國註冊頂級照明設計師,同時也是台灣照明人協會理事、CIE台灣光污染工作小組成員。並以照明設計獲得國內外各大獎項包含金點設計獎、台灣光環境獎、LIT照明設計、北美照明協會、美國MUSE設計獎等等的肯定,其中新北市十三層遺址的「點亮十三層」除上述獎項外,更拿下公共藝術獎評審特別獎、德國IF設計獎及紅點設計獎、日本GOOD DESIGN優良設計獎等大獎。

Annie Chu holds a Master’s degree in Architectural Lighting Design from Parsons School of Design, New York. She has worked for FMS Architectural Lighting Design in New York and Li Wemin Architects + Shanghai Crossover Lighting Design. As one of the few professional lighting designers in Taiwan, Annie founded Yiyin Lighting Design Consultancy, providing expert lighting design and consultation services. She also serves as an assistant professor and lecturer at various universities.

Annie Chu is a certified top-level lighting designer in China and a member of Taiwan’s Lighting Professionals Association, as well as a member of the CIE Taiwan Light Pollution Task Group. Her work has received numerous accolades, including the Golden Pin Design Award, Taiwan Lighting Environment Award, LIT Lighting Design, IESNA Lighting Award, and the MUSE Design Award. Notably, her project “Lighting Up the Thirteen Levels” at the Shisancheng Ruins in New Taipei City won several prestigious awards, including the Public Art Award Jury’s Special Prize, the IF Design Award, Red Dot Design Award, and Japan’s Good Design Award.

教學特色 Teaching Features

◆ 特色1 Feature 1. 專業照明設計師親自授課 Taught by a professional lighting designer


Classes are taught by lighting design expert Annie Chu, providing first-hand knowledge and practical experience.

◆ 特色2 Feature 2. 豐富設計經驗與專業技術傳授 Rich design experience and professional skills


The instructor’s extensive international design experience and technical expertise are shared through practical lessons, teaching students the most valuable skills.

◆ 特色3 Feature 3. 課程設計從基礎到進階 Comprehensive course design from basic to advanced levels


The course progresses from fundamental knowledge to advanced design techniques and strategies, making it suitable for learners at all levels. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced designer, you’ll gain valuable insights.

◆ 特色4 Feature 4. 全面性強化照明設計能力 Comprehensive lighting design enhancement


Covering design strategies and system integration, the course helps students quickly improve their design skills, strengthening their expertise from entry-level to professional.

課程內容 Course Schedule

10:00-12:00    第一堂 Session 1︰照明設計的基礎 Fundamentals of Lighting Design

★重點 Key points

◆照明設計的流程 The lighting design process

◆關於光,你應該了解的基本術語 Essential terms about light

13:00-15:30     第二堂 Session 2:照明的設計策略 Lighting Design Strategies

★重點 Key points

◆環境光的種類 Types of lighting

Ambient lighting(環境照明)、Accent lighting(重點照明)、Task lighting(任務照明)、Focal Point(焦點照明)

◆住家裡的每一盏燈(不同空間對照明的需求) Lighting needs in different home spaces

◆客廳(含藝術品、畫作、展示櫃燈光介紹)、餐廳、廚房、浴室 Living rooms (including artwork, paintings, and display cabinet lighting), dining rooms, kitchens, bathrooms

15:40-17:00  第三堂 Session 3:照明設計的整合 Integration in Lighting Design

★重點 Key points

◆控制系統的應用 Application of control systems

◆如何挑選燈具 How to select lighting fixtures

報名 To apply:https://www.accupass.com/eflow/ticket/2409020844523025518900

/ 課程日期 Date & Time /  2024.10.26(六 Saturday)10:00~17:00

/ 課程地點 Venue / 台北市南港區昆陽街16號5樓 5/F, No. 16, Kunyang St., Nangang Dist., Taipei City 城邦文化事業股份有限公司 Cite Publishing Limited

/ 課程費用 Fee /(含講義、午餐與午茶 Includes handouts, lunch, and afternoon tea)

  • 單人優惠 Single-person discount     NT$7,000
  • 雙人優惠 Two-person discount        NT$13,000

報名截止 Registration Deadline /  2024.10.09(三 Wednesday)23:59

聯繫方式 Contact Information /


FB粉絲專頁 Facebook Page:https://www.facebook.com/iecosyst/


10/03 @ 8:00 上午
10/09 @ 11:59 下午
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