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太平青鳥 ∿ ∿ 海陸交響曲 Symphony of Land and Sea ∿ ∿ 海洋 Ocean ✕ 鐵道系列主題講座 Rail Series Lectures
06/22 @ 1:00 下午 - 06/29 @ 5:30 下午
∿∿∿【海陸交響曲 Symphony of Land and Sea】海洋 Ocean ✕ 鐵道 系列講座 Rail Series Lectures ∿∿∿
搭配 6月8日「世界海洋日」、 6月9日「鐵道節」的節日盛典,與店內的主題書區,提供不同面向的思考與想像,一起認識與親近海洋與鐵路。基隆環山抱海,特殊的地景與歷史條件,造就這座城市以海陸雙主修的形式仰賴交通運輸,系列講座規劃了海洋及鐵道路線,邀請讀者們搭乘心儀的班次,享受海陸交織出的風采與獨有氣息。
The notes of the summer overture are rising, and the sound of reading echoes in the bookstore, leading us to set sail from the docks and advance along the railway.
In celebration of June 8 “World Oceans Day” and June 9 “Railway Day”, along with the themed book sections in the store, we offer diverse perspectives and imaginations, helping us to understand and connect with the ocean and railways. Keelung, embraced by mountains and sea, has unique landscapes and historical conditions, making it a city reliant on both maritime and railway transportation. This series of lectures is planned along ocean and railway routes, inviting readers to board their preferred route and enjoy the charm and unique atmosphere intertwined by land and sea.
【來~請選擇想搭乘的路線 Choose Your Route】
一、海洋路線 Ocean Route:海洋繪本領讀 Ocean Picture Book Reading ✕ 海港走讀 Harbor Walk
In a city where you can see the sea from any high place, the people on the shore are busy with life and lack motivation to approach the ocean… The ocean route lets you explore the mysteries and romance of the sea and takes you back in time through a walking tour to witness the various faces of Keelung Harbor.
二、鐵道路線 Railway Route:鐵道迷的山城客廳對談 Railway Enthusiasts’ Mountain Town Living Room Talks ✕ 鐵道畫家 Railway Artist ✕ 鐵道攝影 Railway Photography
Over a century ago, the first railway line on the island started in Keelung, marking the beginning of Taiwan’s railway history, and it remains a strong support for our intercity travels today. The land route takes you back to the old stations’ glory and lets you read railway stories.
三、說書路線 Storytelling Route:地方說書 Local Storytelling ✕ 斷裂的海 The Divided Sea
The ocean is both a connector and a divider. Through stories and discussions, learn how this island nation, surrounded by the sea, is both separated and connected.
海港走讀 Harbor Walk:《海好有你!職人領路看港務 It’s Good to Have You at the Harbor! Professional Guide to the Port》
Local historian Mr. Zhuang Yao-hui, who moved to Keelung Harbor for work and life as a young man, retired from port service and became a volunteer and photographer at the harbor. He has devoted himself to promoting Keelung Harbor’s history and is now a professional local historian.
This walk will focus on Keelung Harbor’s history, starting with a gathering and pre-tour lecture at the bookstore, introducing the cruise port, military port, container port, fishing port, and shipbuilding port. The tour will continue to the Ocean Plaza and Harbor Building, explaining the pier’s historical culture, port work, and the mysteries of ships.
6/22(六 Saturday)13:00 – 16:00
(12:30開放入場,書店有陳列主題書籍,可以早點來店裡喔~ Admission starts at 12:30, the bookstore will display themed books, so feel free to come early!)
集合地點 Meeting Point:基隆太平青鳥書店二樓 2/F, Keelung Bleu & Book
走讀講師 Tour Guide:莊耀輝 Zhuang Yao-hui
此活動報名皆附一杯茶飲 The event includes a cup of tea for each participant
走讀講座費用 Tour Lecture Fee:NT$250 / 一位成人 adult(含平安保險 including insurance)|NT$150 / 一位孩童 child(含平安保險 including insurance)
小叮嚀 Note:請盡量於6/18完成報名!因保險作業流程,超過6/18報名者無法投保,也無法額外退費喔~ Please try to complete registration by 6/18! Due to insurance processing, those who register after 6/18 will not be insured and cannot be refunded additionally.
【走讀講座行程 Tour Lecture Schedule】
12:30 – 13:00 太平青鳥二樓進行報到驗票 Check-in and ticket verification at 2/F of Bleu & Book
13:00 – 14:30 講座分享時間與行前準備 Lecture and pre-tour preparation
14:30 – 16:00 走讀時間 Walking tour
太平青鳥 Bleu & Book → 海洋廣場 Ocean Plaza|解說基隆港細分為 : 郵輪港、軍港、貨櫃港、漁港、造船港的迷人奧妙之處。 Introduction to Keelung Harbor’s segments: cruise port, military port, container port, fishing port, and shipbuilding port.
海洋廣場 Ocean Plaza → 海港大樓 Harbor Building|解說海港大樓建築設計與景觀、昔日風貌與民常生活、現今文化保存及推廣。 Explanation of the building’s design and landscape, past and present cultural preservation and promotion.
16:00活動結束後可自行原地解散或回太平青鳥書店 After the tour, participants can either leave on their own or return to Bleu & Book.
(走讀活動每人皆配戴一副耳機,活動中請愛護用品,如有損壞照價賠償。 Each participant will be provided with a headset. Please take care of the equipment; damages must be compensated at cost.)
地方說書 Local Storytelling:海的分野與連結 《斷裂的海》—邀獸牆說書 The Divided and Connected Sea “The Divided Sea”—Inviting the Beast Wall for Storytelling
邀獸牆由基隆在地餐廳八斗邀友善餐廳的邀姊、在地書店小獸書屋的獸妹以及喜劇系科學Sky in the wall的牆編,因對知識的渴望擷取而組成的雨都戰隊!以食與海為主題選書說書,當然也不限於此,畢竟知識本身就是不受限的無盡大海!
邀獸牆is formed by Keelung’s local restaurant Badauyao’s 邀姊, local bookstore BBBooks’s 獸妹, and comedy science group Sky in the Wall’s Wall Editor. They formed the雨都戰隊out of a thirst for knowledge! This storytelling session revolves around the book “The Divided Sea”, discussing how the ocean connects and divides, the cultural and geographical identities of Kinmen and Matsu, and the various matters of life at the edge.
Welcome to all readers interested in related topics.
6/29(六 Saturday)16:00 – 17:30
15:30 開放觀眾入場 Audience admission(書店有陳列主題書籍,可以早點來店裡喔~ The bookstore will display themed books, so feel free to come early!)
16:00~17:00 說書正題 Main storytelling
17:00~17:30 觀眾提問、分享及其他 Audience Q&A, sharing, and more
地點 Venue:基隆太平青鳥書店二樓 2/F, Keelung Bleu & Book
入場費用 Fee:回饋場次,免費入場! Free!
主講人 Speakers:邀獸牆(八斗邀友善餐廳 Badauyao、小獸書屋 BBBooks、Sky in the wall)
說書內容 Storytelling Content:本場次選書為《斷裂的海》,過程將分享對台灣海域的感受、金門馬祖、以及基隆與馬祖之間的各種經驗談 The selected book for this session is “The Divided Sea,” sharing experiences related to Taiwan’s waters, Kinmen and Matsu, and the cultural and geographical ties between Keelung and Matsu.
▲注意事項 Important Notes:
◎ Admission starts 30 minutes before the event begins.
◎ Limited seating available, free seating, early arrival recommended.
◎ Receipts for paid lectures will be issued on-site.
◎ For event information, refer to Bleu & Book’s Facebook fan page.
◎ Please take care of the tools used during the event; damages must be compensated at cost.
◎ Respect the speakers and others’ comments.
◎ The organizer reserves the right to modify, change, interpret, or cancel the event. Any changes will be announced on the website.
相關事宜請洽 For inquiries, please contact:bleubook2016@gmail.com