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夏季養生特別課 Summer Health Special Course:GOOD NIGHT RUN! 好眠跑步工作坊 Better Sleep through Running Workshop

07/13 @ 4:00 上午 - 6:30 下午

夏天養生重養心 Summer Health: Focus on Nurturing the Heart



During the summer, it’s essential to pay special attention to nurturing the mind, maintaining a calm and peaceful state to avoid depleting mental energy and experiencing mental fatigue and drowsiness.

According to “Yellow Emperor’s Canon of Internal Medicine”, summer health practices should align with the natural rhythms, adapting to the sun’s schedule, maintaining a serene and joyful mood, and avoiding anger to cultivate inner beauty and tranquility.

你是否一離開冷氣房沒多久,便開始心浮氣躁? Do you find yourself becoming restless shortly after leaving an air-conditioned room?

「小暑過,一日熱三分」 “As Minor Heat passes, each day grows hotter and hotter”


Once Minor Heat has passed, we’ll enter the full-fledged summer, with gentle breezes turning into waves of heat, and our bodies enduring humidity and scorching temperatures. Summer weather can lead to decreased appetite, coupled with the modern pressures of work and constant bombardment of information, which can overload the brain. Without proper attention to physical and mental well-being, one may experience fatigue, depression, insomnia, irritability, restlessness, decreased memory, and poor concentration, which are all early signs of psychosomatic disorders…


「這個夏天,應該如何守護身心健康呢?」 “How can we protect our physical and mental health this summer?”


Let’s embark on a journey of relaxation and rejuvenation with our Summer Health Workshop. Through running tutorials and experiences, guided hypnosis, breathing exercises, and meditation, this workshop aims to help you alleviate anxiety, unwind, and embrace the refreshing vitality of summer!

這是一堂跑步結合催眠的全新設計課程! This is a brand-new course designed to combine running with hypnosis, offering a unique approach to achieving holistic wellness amidst the summer heat!

身心合一 Mind-Body Harmony 深度放鬆 Deep Relaxation

由小鹿老師(楊惠如)同時擁有舞蹈專業的催眠治療師所帶領深度放鬆的催眠技巧,讓您快速達到平靜的心境,為自己打造寧靜舒適圈。由專業跑步教練 洋洋教練(林鼎洋)親自指導現下流行的低心率跑法,進入身心合一狀態,享受輕鬆暢快的運動體驗。

Led by Teacher Yang Hui-ru, who possesses expertise in both dance and hypnotherapy, this session combines deep relaxation techniques with hypnosis to swiftly attain a tranquil state of mind, creating a serene and comfortable space for yourself. Guided by professional running coach Coach Lin Ding-yang, you’ll learn the trending low-heart-rate running method, achieving a state of mind-body harmony and enjoying a relaxed and enjoyable exercise experience.

專業導師 雙管齊下! Professional Guidance for Comprehensive Stress Reduction!

跑步 Running X 催眠 Hypnosis

全方位深度減壓 Experience Deep Relaxation from All Angles


In the scorching summer days, join us for a rejuvenating summer wellness workshop. This workshop combines running instruction and experiences with hypnosis guidance, breathing meditation, and more to help you relieve anxiety, relax your body and mind, and embrace the freshness and vitality of summer.

報名 To apply:https://www.accupass.com/eflow/ticket/2405020654179348800330?utm_source=EventPage&utm_medium=AdCard&utm_campaign=accu_AdCard_2405090620516587815790

其他須知 Other Notices

  • 本活動無開立發票,如需要收據,請來信洽詢(louyangtw@gmail.com,楊小姐)
  • 如活動日如遇颱風、地震、惡劣天氣等不可抗力因素,以致主辦/籌辦單位不能繼續舉行展覽,主辦單位保留隨時對活動予以取消、更改性質、規模內容、活動日期之權利。
  • This event does not issue invoices. If you require a receipt, please contact via email (louyangtw@gmail.com, Ms Yang).
  • In case of force majeure such as typhoons, earthquakes, severe weather, etc., on the day of the event, causing the organizer/planner to be unable to continue the exhibition, the organizer reserves the right to cancel, change the nature, scale, content, or date of the event at any time.


桃園市, Taiwan
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