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在地與道地之間 Between Local and Authentic|在異鄉解構家鄉味 Deconstructing the Taste of Home in a Foreign Land

10/21 @ 3:00 下午 - 5:00 下午

「黑白大廚 已激起全網高度討論,主廚故事與餐飲業態再度成為萬眾焦點,趕快跟上!」

“Culinary Class Wars” has sparked widespread discussion online, bringing chefs’ stories and the restaurant industry back into the spotlight. Don’t miss out!

⭐ 名廚小聚 亮點搶先看 Highlights of the Chef Gathering ⭐

❍ 史官 Eric Sze:風靡海外,臺式熱炒風潮先行者 A pioneer of Taiwanese stir-fry culture abroad
✔ 特邀返台!征服紐約的料理外交大使。
✔ 名廚獨家!無數的挫折經驗 ,沒殺死的更強大!
✔ 強行突圍!你想不到的超有趣跨文化POP-UP合作。

✔ Specially invited back to Taiwan! The culinary diplomat who conquered New York.
✔ Exclusive insights! Endless challenges that made him stronger.
✔ Breakthrough collaborations! Cross-cultural POP-UPs you wouldn’t expect.

❍ Joaquin Elizondo:饕客焦點,收服臺灣味蕾的拉丁美洲料理 Latin American cuisine that captivates Taiwanese palates
✔ 風味秘訣!異國風味如何在地奪星?
✔ 陌生又熟悉!拉美與臺灣的意外風味共鳴!
✔ 文化共融!環遊世界後的台灣餐飲認同。

✔ Secret ingredients! How to adapt exotic flavors and win local hearts.
✔ Familiar yet foreign! Surprising flavor harmonies between Latin America and Taiwan.
✔ Cultural fusion! Global journeys and Taiwan’s dining identity.
** 全程由主持人飲食記者邱文蕾協助翻譯 Full translation by food journalist Chiu Wen-Lei **

這次我們邀請,紐約臺菜代言人 886 & wenwen 主廚暨主理人 史官 Eric Sze 與 臺灣米其林指南一星餐廳 ZEA 主廚暨共同創辦人 Joaquin Elizondo 擔任講者,以及 飲食記者 邱文蕾 作為對談主持人。在主持人的穿針引線下,兩位講者們各自以「在地與道地的差異與交融」、「異鄉的挑戰」與「飲食文化的創新與影響」等方向,分享自身經驗與獨到見解,其多元視角與豐富實戰經驗,期能為大家帶來全新的啟發與思考,共同推動餐飲產業的創新與發展。

We are excited to have Eric Sze, the Taiwanese cuisine ambassador from New York and head chef/co-owner of 886 & wenwen, and Joaquin Elizondo, head chef and co-founder of the Michelin-starred restaurant ZEA, as speakers. Food journalist Chiu Wen-Lei will serve as the host, guiding the discussion. The speakers will share their experiences and unique perspectives on topics like “the differences and integration between local and authentic”, “challenges abroad” and “innovation and impact in food culture”. With their diverse insights and extensive experience, they aim to inspire new ideas and perspectives, driving innovation in the culinary industry.

活動流程 Event Schedule

報到 Check-in 14:40 – 15:00

|開場 Opening

|紐約臺菜浪潮 The New York Taiwanese Wave / 史官 Eric Sze|886 & wenwen 主廚暨主理人 Chef & Co-owner of 886 & wenwen

  • 誤打誤撞的料理生涯
  • 肩負文化使命的紐約食物外交部: 886 / 既然不夠台,就做更「犯規」的計畫:wenwen
  • 揭秘886 & wenwen
  • 臺菜浪潮POPUP
  • A serendipitous culinary journey
  • Cultural diplomacy through food: 886 in NYC
  • Breaking the rules with wenwen: Going beyond “just Taiwanese enough”
  • Secrets of 886 & wenwen
  • The Taiwanese food wave POP-UP

|只能發生在台灣的拉美餐廳 The Only Latin American Restaurant in Taiwan / Joaquin Elizondo|ZEA 主廚暨共同創辦人 Chef & Co-founder of ZEA **由主持對談人協助翻譯 with translation by the host**

  • 多元文化的料理經歷
  • ZEA:台灣首間拉丁美洲Fine dining
    • 如何定義當代拉丁美洲料理? / ZEA的兩大基本原則:時間與味道
  • 阿根廷與臺灣的共通之處
    • 你所不知道的ZEA
      • 永續的服務
  • Culinary experiences from diverse cultures
  • ZEA: Taiwan’s first Latin American fine dining
    • Defining contemporary Latin American cuisine / The two pillars of ZEA: Time & Taste
  • Connections between Argentina and Taiwan
    • What you don’t know about ZEA
      • Sustainable service

|中場休息 Break / 自由交流 Networking

|嘉賓對談 Guest Panel Discussion / 現場QA

活動結語 Closing Remarks / 自由交流 Networking 17:10 – 17:30

報名 To apply:https://www.accupass.com/eflow/ticket/2409180812101401919336?utm_campaign=accu_feature&utm_medium=home_north&utm_source=Web

講者 Speakers

史官 Eric Sze|886 & wenwen 主廚暨主理人


Eric Sze is a young Taiwanese-American chef who has been featured by The New York Times and VICE. With no prior background in the culinary arts, Sze moved to New York 10 years ago to study, where he started cooking Taiwanese dishes to cope with homesickness. Through this process, he discovered his passion for Taiwanese cuisine and decided to share it abroad. Today, he is the chef and co-owner of two renowned NYC restaurants, 886 and wenwen, becoming an important figure introducing Taiwanese flavors to New York.

Joaquin Elizondo|ZEA 主廚暨共同創辦人

生於1990年,自幼受同為廚師的哥哥Ignacio Elizondo啟蒙而決心投入餐飲業。就讀阿根廷廚藝學校同時在布宜諾斯艾利斯的柏悅酒店工作,後至巴黎歷練。移居亞洲後,成為香港Maximal Concepts團隊一員,隨後加入了主廚Ricardo Chaneton的知名餐廳Mono。現與太太Di共同創立ZEA,台北首間拉丁美洲Fine dining餐廳,他們精心籌劃了豐富又真誠的美食體驗,提供源自拉丁美洲的風味與傳統,並使用台灣的食材和風土重新演繹。他們的餐廳連續兩年獲得米其林一星的榮譽。

Born in 1990, Joaquin Elizondo was inspired by his chef brother, Ignacio Elizondo, and decided to pursue a career in the culinary industry. He studied at the Argentine Culinary School while working at the Park Hyatt Buenos Aires, later gaining experience in Paris. After moving to Asia, he joined the Maximal Concepts team in Hong Kong and worked with renowned chef Ricardo Chaneton at Mono. Now, Joaquin and his wife Di have co-founded ZEA, Taipei’s first Latin American fine dining restaurant, reinterpreting Latin American flavors with Taiwanese ingredients. ZEA has been awarded a Michelin star for two consecutive years.

對談主持人 Host

邱文蕾 Chiu Wen-Lei|飲食記者 Food Journalist


With a Bachelor’s degree in music and a Master’s in performing arts marketing, Chiu Wen-Lay started cooking Taiwanese dishes in New York due to the lack of authentic options. She began exploring substitute ingredients and documenting her culinary experiments on a blog, which later evolved into writing about daily meals and New York’s food culture. Her articles have been featured in magazines and online platforms.

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