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圖書館 Library|IEEE 資料庫 Explore Through ChatGPT 檢索賽 IEEE Database Explore Through ChatGPT Retrieval Contest

06/06 @ 9:00 上午 - 06/12 @ 5:00 下午

銘傳大學圖書館邀請全校師生共同參與「IEEE 資料庫 Explore Through ChatGPT 檢索大賽」!即日起至6/12(三),參賽者只需上網答題,即有機會抽中iPad、AirPods、印相機等豐富獎品。歡迎銘傳大學的在校教職人員及學生,值得注意的是參與者需使用學校網域連線方可順利開啟答題頁面。

此外,活動主辦單位為了增加獲獎機會,參賽者還可以參加額外的Bonus任務。只要加入「IEEE Xplore平台檢索文獻」的Line好友,並回傳填答時使用的Email及任一篇包含答案在內的文獻PDF檔或網頁文獻截圖,即可再獲得多3次抽獎機會,參加Bonus任務者,還有機會獲得最高500點的Line Points。快快別錯過把這些豐富的獎品和額外的抽獎帶回家的機會吧!

IEEE 資料庫 Explore Through ChatGPT 檢索大賽」不僅提供了豐厚的獎品,同時也能提升大家對IEEE資料庫的認識和應用能力;圖書館呼籲所有符合條件的師生積極參加,充分利用這個學習與獲獎的機會。活動詳情及參加網址請參考圖書館公告,抓住贏取iPad mini 6大獎的機會吧!現在立即點選網址參加吧!

MCU Library invites all faculty, staff, and students to participate in “IEEE Database Explore Through ChatGPT Retrieval Contest“! From now until June 12 (Wednesday) participants simply need to answer questions online for a chance to win fantastic prizes such as an iPad, AirPods, instant cameras, and more. Please note that only current faculty, staff, and students are eligible, and participants must connect through the school’s domain to access the answer page successfully.

Additionally, to increase the chances of winning, participants can join extra Bonus Tasks. By adding the “IEEE Xplore Platform Literature Search” Line friend and sending back the email used for the answer submission along with any PDF file or web page screenshot containing the answer, participants can earn up to three additional drawing opportunities. Those who join the Bonus Tasks can also have a chance to win up to 500 Line Points. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to take home these fantastic prizes and extra drawing chances!

The “IEEE Database Explore Through ChatGPT Retrieval Contest” not only offers abundant prizes but also enhances participants’ understanding and application of the IEEE database. The library encourages all eligible faculty, staff, and students to participate actively and make the most of this learning and winning opportunity. For more details and the participation link, please refer to the Library announcement. Seize the chance to win the iPad mini 6 grand prize! Click the link now to join!


06/06 @ 9:00 上午
06/12 @ 5:00 下午
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