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國際學生學伴計畫 向你招手 Buddy Program Reaches Out to You

04/23 @ 12:00 下午 - 04/26 @ 1:00 下午

銘傳大學招收來自世界各地的學生,為了促進本地學生與來自世界各地的國際學生之間的交流與互動由國際教育交流處特別推動「國際學生學伴計畫(Buddy Program)」,為每位遠道而來的國際學生搭配本地生,協助國際學生更融入校園生活以及體驗台灣文化。歡迎有熱忱與想跟國際學生交流的同學踴躍報名參加!

欲報名者,請先至「國際教育交流處」官網填填寫申請表,貼妥照片完成推薦師長簽名,而後參與現場面試,面試會將分別於兩校區舉辦,桃園校區4/23-24 12:00~13:00在應中系茶文化教室;台北校區4/25-26 12:00~13:00在D201-1,依校區選擇一日參加面試即可;面試當天請記得攜帶申請表至現場,並以英文自我介紹30秒,隨即由評審提問,面試者將針對申請者之談吐表達、語言能力等進行評分,適合者得錄取為正式學伴。預計4/29(一)~5/3(五)以email或電話通知錄取名單。


這是能與外國學生互動交流的難得機會,感興趣的同學請踴躍報名參加!更多詳細資訊請上:國際教育交流處 Ivy老師(分機3705)<ivy@mail.mcu.edu.tw>詢問。

Ming Chuan University welcomes students from all over the world. In order to facilitate interaction and communication between local students and international students from various countries, the International Education and Exchange Division is promoting the “Buddy Program“. This program pairs each international student with a local student to assist them in integrating into campus life and experiencing Taiwanese culture. We invite enthusiastic students who are eager to engage with international students to participate actively!

To sign up, please visit International Education and Exchange Division website and complete the application form. Attach a photo and obtain a signature from a recommending teacher. Then, attend an on-site interview, which will be held separately at both campuses. For the Taoyuan campus, interviews will take place on April 23-24 from 12:00 to 13:00 in the Tea Culture Classroom of the Department of Applied Chinese. For the Taipei campus, interviews will be held on April 25-26 from 12:00 to 13:00 in D201-1. Choose one day to attend the interview according to your campus preference. On the day of the interview, remember to bring the application form and deliver a 30-second self-introduction in English. The panel will then ask questions to evaluate applicants’ communication skills and language proficiency. Successful candidates will be notified of their acceptance via email or phone from April 29 to May 3.

Accepted buddies are required to attend the Buddy Program Session: Taipei campus session on May 7 (Tuesday) from 12:00 to 13:00 in H101, and Taoyuan campus session on May 9 (Thursday) from 12:00 to 13:00 in M104. During the orientation, responsibilities, obligations, and future activity plans for buddies will be explained, and current buddies will share their exchange experiences.

This is a rare opportunity to interact and communicate with foreign students. Interested students are encouraged to sign up! For more information, please contact Ivy from the International Education and Exchange Division at extension 3705 or via email at ivy@mail.mcu.edu.tw.


台北市, Taiwan
桃園市, Taiwan