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商業裡的數位設計學 Digital Design in Business|網站體驗 Website Experience ⨉ 動態影像 Dynamic Images ⨉ 互動服務 Interactive Service ⨉ AI導入 AI Integration,品牌溝通再進化! Evolving Brand Communication!

08/08 @ 9:30 上午 - 5:00 下午


The development of digital experiences extends the boundaries of brand scenarios, leaving a lasting impression. How can websites, images, and interactive designs enhance digital touchpoints and amplify the perception of a brand? How can the introduction of AI digital tools foster creativity and accelerate productivity? This essential digital design course for the new generation of designers and brand owners integrates static and dynamic visual applications across four dimensions, addressing business needs and innovative presentations.

▫ 課程對象 Target Audience
・企業裡的動靜態設計師 – 了解新時代設計趨勢觀點,升級商業思維
・UI/UX設計師、數位產品經理 – 深入用戶需求,建構細緻完整的數位場景
・品牌經理人、經營者 – 欲進行數位轉型,尋求品牌體驗創新
・跨領域創意工作者 – 以AI數位工具整合,驅動創意產生與加速

  • Dynamic and Static Designers in Enterprises: Understand new design trends and upgrade business thinking.
  • UI/UX Designers, Digital Product Managers: Deepen user needs and construct detailed and comprehensive digital scenarios.
  • Brand Managers, Operators: Seek digital transformation and innovative brand experiences.
  • Cross-Disciplinary Creative Workers: Integrate AI digital tools to drive creativity and speed up production.

內容規劃 Course Outline

♦ Part1 【網站體驗 Website Experience】 09:30-11:00

線上展開的品牌體驗敘事 Online Brand Experience Narrative

講師 Lecturer:李明 Li Ming / 版塊設計 Block Studio 創辦人暨設計總監 Founder and Design Director of Block Studio

≣ 課綱重點 Key Points

  • How digital experiences tell compelling brand stories
  • Website architecture and functionality inspired by architectural thinking
  • Visual layers and detail management with personality

圖片來源 / 版塊設計

≣ 版塊設計網站設計作品 Block Studio Website Design Works

Beanfun!潮玩節, Hotai Commercial Fleet Management Platform, KEBUKE Real Brewed Tea, 18th KKBOX Music Awards, Taiwan Design Research Institute Online Introduction, RAW, Kaohsiung Music Center, Taipei Music Center, Presidential Chat Room…

♦ Part2 【動態影像 Dynamic Images】 11:15-12:45

立體化形象的動態美學構成 Dynamic Aesthetics for 3D Image Construction

講師 Lecturer:劉承杰 Liu Cheng-jie / 浮點設計創辦人 Founder of Floating Point Art

≣ 課綱重點 Key Points

  • Anchoring concepts and style settings from business demands
  • Composition, layers, and rhythm in visual aesthetics
  • Visual integration techniques to create emotions and atmosphere

圖片來源 / 劉承杰

≣ 劉承杰設計作品 Liu Cheng-jie Design Works
2024第35屆金曲獎動態視覺、Porsche保時捷宣傳視覺、MSI 2021新品發佈會形象影片、第三代林書豪球鞋XTEP JLIN3宣傳影片、禮坊Rivon 2023年度廣告影片……

2024 35th Golden Melody Awards Dynamic Visuals, Porsche Promotional Visuals, MSI 2021 New Product Launch Image Video, 3rd Generation Jeremy Lin Shoes XTEP JLIN3 Promotional Video, Rivon 2023 Annual Advertising Video…

♦ Part3 【互動服務 Interactive Services】 13:45-15:15

數位服務打造品牌專屬場景 Creating Brand-specific Scenarios with Digital Services

講師 Lecturer:楊英亮 Yang Ying-liang / AJA大予創意設計創意總監暨合夥創辦人 Creative Director and Co-Founder of AJA Creative

≣ 課綱重點 Key Points

  • Discovering user purposes, behaviors, and logic
  • Digital service design focusing on needs and feedback
  • UI/UX design thinking balancing aesthetics and functionality

圖片來源 / AJA大予創意

≣ AJA大予創意介面設計作品 AJA Creative Interface Design Works
台新 Richart 數位銀行、國泰醫院數位服務、王品瘋美食數位會員卡、和泰移動派遣服務yoxi、星宇航空官方網站、新光金控品牌官方網站、台北田徑場智慧場館規劃……

Taishin Richart Digital Bank, Cathay Hospital Digital Services, Wowprime Crazy Cuisine Digital Membership Card, Hotai Mobile Dispatch Service yoxi, STARLUX Airlines Official Website, Shin Kong Financial Holdings Official Website, Taipei Track and Field Stadium Smart Venue Planning…

♦ Part4 【AI導入 AI Integration】 15:30-17:00

設計場景裡的AI整合運用 AI Integration in Design Scenarios

講師 Lecturer:林思翰 Lin Si-han / 谷汨文化 Group G. 導演 Director of Group G.

≣ 課綱重點 Key Points

  • How AI helps solve business problems
  • AIGC integration thinking from conception, proposal to planning
  • Differences and advantages of AI tool usage scenarios

圖片來源 / 谷汨文化 Group G.

≣ 谷汨文化 Group G. 作品 Group G. Works
Samsung發現嘻哈台巡演、眠豆腐的房間系列影片、華為榮耀Play4系列發佈會產品動畫視覺、LINE VOOM新功能上線影片、台灣虎航8週年虎將慶生大作戰、這很台北VERY TAIPEI-台北捷運線形公園成果設計展……

Samsung Discover Hip-Hop Taiwan Tour, Mian Tofu Room Series Videos, Huawei Honor Play4 Series Launch Product Animation Visuals, LINE VOOM New Feature Launch Videos, Tigerair Taiwan 8th Anniversary Celebration Campaign, Very Taipei – Taipei Metro Linear Park Design Exhibition…

▫ 報名資訊 Registration Information
時間 Date & Time:2024/08/08(五 Friday)09:30-17:00(09:00開放報到)
地點 Venue:張榮發國際會議中心 Chang Yung-fa Foundation(台北市中正區中山南路11號 No. 11, Zhongshan S. Rd., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei City)

▫ 票價資訊 Fee
. 雙人票 Dual Ticket NT$3,800/人 person
. 團體票 Group Ticket NT$3,400/人 person(3人以上)
. 一般票 General Ticket NT$4,200/人 person
. 企業團報歡迎來訊洽詢 Corporate Group Registration: Contact us for details

報名 To apply:https://www.accupass.com/eflow/ticket/2407160947551117144170

▫ 報名須知 Notes
※ 本課程附贈午餐及茶飲。
※ 本公司採用電子發票,發票將統一於付款完成後的兩週內由「綠界科技 ECPay」寄送電子發票開立通知至您報名時填寫的發票收件人email。若有公司報帳特殊需求,敬請提前來信告知,謝謝。
※ 如需申請退款請於課程開始日前8個工作天告知,我們將收取課程的10%費用以及銀行轉帳之手續費,逾期恕不受理。課程亦提供名額保留,請於課前來電或來信告知,可為您保留名額一年,一年內若對其他課程有興趣可轉移至該堂課。
※ 主辦單位保留課程大綱異動之權利,更新資訊以活動網頁內容為主。

  • The course includes lunch and tea.
  • E-invoices will be issued by ECPay within two weeks after payment is completed and sent to the email provided during registration. For special company reimbursement needs, please inform us in advance.
  • To apply for a refund, please notify us at least 8 working days before the course starts. A 10% fee of the course fee and bank transfer charges will be deducted. No refunds will be processed after this period. The course also offers the option to reserve a spot for one year if informed in advance.
  • The organizer reserves the right to modify the course outline. Updated information will be based on the event webpage content.

∎ About Us
Shopping Design自2016年創辦「風格經濟學院」,累積邀請超過100位設計師、策展人、創意人、品牌主,透過全天課程企劃,提供與時俱進、系統化的知識觀點、設計思維和經營策略,以「視覺設計」、「品牌經營」、「創意企劃」為三大核心主題,深入探索新一代消費情境、品牌價值,與風格商業機會。

Shopping Design founded the “Style Economics Academy” in 2016, inviting over 100 designers, curators, creatives, and brand owners. Through all-day course planning, we provide up-to-date, systematic knowledge perspectives, design thinking, and business strategies focusing on “Visual Design,” “Brand Management,” and “Creative Planning.” We explore new generation consumer scenarios, brand value, and stylish business opportunities.


9:30 上午 - 5:00 下午
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Shopping Design


台北市, Taiwan
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