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台北地下寶藏 Taipei Underground Treasure X 地下水宮殿 Underground Water Palace X 思源之旅 Origin Journey

07/14 @ 8:00 上午 - 07/27 @ 5:00 下午

古典美學,有著百年歷史的地下水宮殿 Classical Aesthetics with a Century-Old Underground Water Palace




Is there still a hidden gem in Taipei? Yes, there is an underground palace concealed in Gongguan.

The “Guanyinshan Reservoir” is part of the “Taipei Water Park” designated as a municipal historic site. Hidden on the small Guanyinshan in Gongguan, it unveils an underground palace right in the city center.

By the end of 2020, it even became the runway for models during the “World Fashion Week”! Don’t miss the chance to create beautiful memories at this century-old underground monument!



The main structure of the Guanyinshan Reservoir is a semi-underground symmetrical design, featuring meandering flow-guiding walls inside. The walkways are flanked by a Greek column style with one large pillar and eleven smaller ones on each side, creating a deep visual effect.

This architecturally stylish building offers a glimpse into the scenery of the Japanese colonial period, making it feel as though you are walking through a time tunnel.

好久不見,久違的晨間散步 Long Time No See, the Long-Awaited Morning Walk





Walking is a very romantic activity and can also be seen as a relaxing way to relieve stress.

It’s been a while since you’ve taken a stroll around the campus at 8am, hasn’t it?

Looking back at the days when we rushed to catch the bus and get to class early in the morning, life might have been hectic back then.

However, now we can make walking more interesting by listening and engaging our senses, allowing ourselves to be more present and deeply immersed in the moment.




Zhoushan Road disappearing from the Map?

It is rare for an urban street in Taiwan to undergo such a transformation as Zhoushan Road. Once a main thoroughfare planned for urban traffic, it has now become an alternative route and ultimately been redeveloped into a pedestrian walkway lined with trees within a campus.

As you walk north along Zhoushan Road, you will come across another historical site often mentioned in textbooks: the “Liugong Canal Branch”.




The waterway next to the ecological pond is the remaining branch of the Liugong Canal, which once traversed the NTU campus and has a history of over 260 years.

The old canal nurtured life and stories, preserving the waterway branch beside the ecological pond.

On Xinsheng South Road, the excavated canal has transformed the previously indifferent urban environment into a green space centered around people, bringing greenery into daily life.

活動日期 Date:7/14(日 Sunday)、7/27(六 Saturday)

體驗費用 Fee:

A. 一般售價 Regular Price:NT$900/人 person

B. 雙人散步票 Couple Ticket:NT$850/人 person

散步路線 Walking Route:

集合出發 → 晨間散步(時空旅人走訪社科院/消失的舟山路/瑠公圳殘存支線/台大十二美景椰林大道/傅鐘的二十一響/台大校門) → 台北自來水博物館 →  秘境解鎖/地下水宮殿導覽(安排自來水園區導覽老師) → 原地解散

Assembly → Morning Walk (Space-time Traveler visits Academia Sinica / Disappeared Zhoushan Road / Remaining Branch of Liugong Canal / Coconut Avenue of Twelve Scenic Spots of NTU / Fu Zhong’s Twenty-One Sounds / NTU Gate) → Taipei Water Museum → Unlocking Secret Spots / Underground Water Palace Tour (guided by a teacher from the Water Park) → Dismissal at the starting point

*動線安排將依當天天氣、防疫期間校園開放狀況做彈性調整 The route may be adjusted flexibly according to the weather and campus accessibility during epidemic prevention periods.

集合解散資訊 Assembly and Dismissal Information:

集合地點 Assembly Point:08:00 科技大樓捷運站 at Technology Building MRT Station

解散地點 Dismissal Point:11:30 自來水博物館 at Taipei Water Museum(將視現場導覽時間做調整 adjustments may be made based on tour duration)

*最終集合解散資訊,將依行程通知資訊為準 Final assembly and dismissal details will be based on itinerary notifications

報名 To apply:https://www.accupass.com/eflow/ticket/2405280330152014850098?utm_source=EventPage&utm_medium=AdCard&utm_campaign=accu_AdCard_2405310532494598543320

報名須知 Registration Information

  1. 本活動限6歲以上兒童或成人報名。
  2. 活動為自行前往行程,費用不含交通,請於指定時間地點集合報到。
  3. 全程需步行行走2-3小時,小觀音山路線有階梯路段,請穿著舒適好走的鞋,並評估自身體力 ; 若無法配合行程操作方式,切勿報名參加。
  4. 活動報名成功後,愛玩團隊將於活動前3天寄送行前通知至信箱。
  5. 活動當日請準時集合,如旅客因個人因素脫隊、集合不到,恕無法退費。
  6. 當天如因個人因素遲到,恕無法退費、延期或要求補走行程。
  7. 如颱風、地震、豪雨及路況等不可抗拒之因素,本公司保有更改變動行程之權利,如延期或取消。
  8. 如因天候、活動地點施工等因素有變動,會提前以電話及訊息通知。
  9. 活動報到當天,請務必攜帶國民身分證以便核對身份,逾時不到者,視同放棄恕無法退費。
  10. 若有特殊疾病者,請於備註欄註明身心狀況,我們將依情況評估是否適合此活動。懇請協助填寫實情,若有隱瞞,請自行負擔潛在風險。
  11. 活動當天將安排愛玩服務人員全程服務及攝影,我們將於活動結束提供照片雲端連結,如有活動上疑問,歡迎加入LINE–>https://goo.gl/XkeAci
  12. 活動體驗為部分室外,部分室內,雨天請備好個人雨具,建議穿著登山鞋或雨鞋。路線依現場狀況做調整,雨天照常舉行。
  1. This activity is open to children aged 6 and above, as well as adults. Transportation is not included in the fee. Please arrive at the designated time and location for registration.
  2. The entire route involves walking for 2-3 hours. The route to Small Guanyinshan includes stair segments. Please wear comfortable shoes and assess your physical stamina. Participants unable to meet the operational requirements should refrain from registering.
  3. Three days before the activity, the I Play team will send pre-trip notifications via email upon successful registration.
  4. Please arrive on time for the activity. Refunds will not be provided for personal reasons such as separation from the group or failure to assemble.
  5. Late arrivals on the day of the activity will not be refunded, rescheduled, or allowed to complete missed segments.
  6. In the event of typhoons, earthquakes, heavy rains, or road conditions beyond control, the company reserves the right to change, postpone, or cancel the itinerary.
  7. Changes due to weather or site construction will be notified in advance via phone and message.
  8. Please bring your national ID for identity verification on the registration day. Failure to arrive on time will be considered as withdrawal, with no refund provided.
  9. Participants with specific medical conditions should indicate their health status in the remarks section. We will assess suitability based on individual circumstances. Please provide accurate information, as withholding information may pose potential risks.
  10. Photography service and full-time assistance by I Play staff will be provided throughout the activity. A cloud link to event photos will be provided after the activity ends. For inquiries during the activity, please contact us via LINE at: https://goo.gl/XkeAci
  11. The activity includes both outdoor and indoor experiences. Please prepare personal rain gear on rainy days. We recommend wearing hiking shoes or rain boots. Route adjustments will be made based on on-site conditions, and the activity will proceed as scheduled even in rainy weather.

聯絡我們 Contact Us

聯絡電話 Phone:02-8773-6060 愛玩團隊 專案組 IPlay, Project Department(週一至週五 Monday to Friday 09:00~17:00)

線上客服 Online Customer Service:https://goo.gl/XkeAci

承辦單位:愛玩團隊 IPlay https://www.iplaytrip.com


台北市, Taiwan
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