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台創祭5 Publishing Creatively Fair

10/05 @ 11:00 上午 - 10/06 @ 5:30 下午




Publishing Creatively Fair is a grand event for creators who love comics, illustrations, or handmade crafts, whether professional or amateur, to exhibit and sell their works independently.

We hope every reader can slowly enjoy and discover new works at the festival, finding new worlds they have never seen elsewhere.

Over the two-day event, more than a hundred independent publishers/creators will exhibit their work. We welcome everyone to come and explore stories that resonate with you.

活動回顧 Event Recap





Since its inception in 2020, this marks the fifth Taiwan Creative Festival.

What kinds of works will we encounter this year? What treasure stories will we unearth?
Everyone is welcome to come and explore!

各式精采參展名單 Exciting List of Exhibitors


Check out this year’s list of exhibitors and plan your visit!

✦ 10/05 參展名單 Exhibitor List

✦ 10/06 參展名單 Exhibitor List

台創祭5 Publishing Creatively Fair

時間 Date & Time │ 2024.10.05-06,11:00-17:30

地點 Venue │ 松山文創園區 4號+5號倉庫

主辦 Organizers │ 誌造所、GJ工作室

報名 To apply:https://www.accupass.com/eflow/ticket/2408260123117917035830?utm_source=EventPage&utm_medium=AdCard&utm_campaign=accu_AdCard_2312161621441051312994

《票價說明 Ticket Information》

✦現場購票 On-site Tickets✦

  • 單日票價NT$200,於活動現場售票處販售
  • 請直接到售票亭購票後,於5號倉庫入場
  • Single-day ticket price: NT$200, available at the event’s ticket booth.
  • Please purchase your ticket at the booth and enter through Warehouse 5.

✦預售票 Pre-sale Tickets(期間限定 Limited Time)✦

  • 09/09(一)12:00開始販售,10/04(五)23:55停止販售
  • 票價NT$200
  • 票券僅限單人單日使用,可於活動期間任選一日入場
  • Sales begin on Monday, September 9 at 12:00 and end on Friday, October 4 at 23:55.
  • Ticket price: NT$200
  • The ticket is valid for one person on one day of the event. You can choose any day during the event to attend.

《預售票使用說明 Pre-sale Ticket Usage Instructions》

請於活動當日於松山文創園區5號倉庫入口報到出示QR code票券,即可領取紀念票根並入入場。


Please show your QR code ticket at the entrance of Warehouse 5, Songshan Cultural and Creative Park, to receive your commemorative ticket and enter.

After entering, you will receive a stamp on your hand, which allows re-entry.

《其他事項 Additional Information》

  • 於購買成功24小時後,如需退票,請並於活動票券有效開始日前 8 日,依照活動通規定辦理。
    (活動於10/05開展,故報名人最晚可退票時間為 2024/09/28 23:59。)
  • 六歲(含)以下兒童可免購票入場,但需至少一位成人陪同並購票觀展。
  • 本活動禁止寵物入場(導盲犬除外)。
  • 人潮過多時,現場將進行參觀人潮管制,請配合現場工作人員指示排隊進場。
  • 活動詳情請依照官網及社群平台公告為準。
  • 主辦單位保有最終修改、變更、活動解釋及取消本活動之權利,若有相關異動將會公告於網站, 恕不另行通知。
  • 請詳閱售票資訊及內容,購票即視同您同意並遵守本活動之規定。
  • If a refund is required, it must be processed within 24 hours of purchase and at least 8 days before the event begins (as the event starts on October 5, the latest refund request date is September 28, 2024, by 23:59).
  • Children aged six and under can enter for free but must be accompanied by a ticketed adult.
  • Pets are not allowed at the event (guide dogs are exempt).
  • Crowd control measures will be implemented if there are too many people. Please follow staff instructions for queuing and entry.
  • Event details are subject to change as per announcements on the official website and social media platforms.
  • The organizers reserve the right to modify, change, interpret, or cancel the event. Any changes will be announced on the website without further notice.
  • Please read the ticket information carefully. Purchasing a ticket indicates your agreement to comply with the event’s terms and conditions.


For more information, visit the official website or follow us on social media!

台創祭 Publishing Creatively Fair

活動官網 Official Website │ https://pcf.gjs.tw/index.html

IG│ https://www.instagram.com/pcf.eventoffice/

FB│ https://www.facebook.com/pcf.office/

Plurk│ https://www.plurk.com/p_c_f


台北市, Taiwan
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