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創物文化祭 Ideas Assemble

06/28 @ 10:30 上午 - 06/30 @ 6:30 下午

創物祭2024年度主題 Ideas Assemble!


The best summer event, the Creation Festival, gathers various creative brands. Whether it’s original characters, IP licensing, illustrations, or handmade crafts, you’ll find an amazing array of original works here!

Every creator embarks on a unique journey to find inspiration in their sea of ideas. This process, from the birth of an idea, through its execution, to the creation of a unique personal style, is filled with bursts of creative energy!

Ideas Assemble!

We invite you to step into the realm of creators and witness their creative energy!

※ 本活動鼓勵原創 This event encourages originality

創物文化祭 Ideas Assemble|聚集點子能量,激發創作靈感! Gathering Creative Energy to Inspire Your Creations!


Upon purchasing a ticket and entering the Novice Hall, you’ll feel the blessing of the Great Cat God! Your sense of ennui will instantly diminish, bringing a smile to your face!

繼續深入活動現場,你會依序進入文化祭的四大活動區 As you delve deeper into the event, you’ll pass through the four main activity zones of the festival:

A. 充滿療癒能量的貓星秘境 The Healing Energy of the Cat Star Sanctuary
B. 巧遇各式奇幻珍物的神秘商人區 The Mysterious Merchant Zone with Various Fantastical Treasures
C. 充滿正向積極的冒險者專區 The Positive and Adventurous Explorer Zone
D. 奇幻寶貝出沒的異次元小徑 The Otherworldly Path with Enigmatic Creatures

每一區都有限定支線任務等你來解喔! Each zone has special side missions waiting for you!


What’s this!? The exhibition is so wild! What’s going on!?
Mysterious voice: Join the Creation Festival from June 28 (Fri) to June 30 (Sun) with your friends and family!

創物文化祭大會活動速看 Creation Festival Highlights
1. 超好拍!3座3.6米裝置藝術大偶 Great Photo Ops! Three 3.6-meter Art Installations(橘貓重重、cama Beano、醜白兔 Orange Cat Zhongzhong, cama Beano, Ugly White Rabbit)
2. 尋寶趣!大會集章送限定禮及四大區支線神秘任務?! Fun Treasure Hunt! Collect stamps to receive exclusive gifts and complete mysterious side missions in the four zones!
3. 回憶殺!特談IG拍貼機照片帶回家 Nostalgic Memories! Take home photos from the IG photo sticker machine
4. 追星去!人氣動畫創作者簽名會 Meet Your Idols! Popular animation creators will hold signing events
5. 超好買!快用大會創物幣(折價券)支持你愛的創作者吧! Amazing Shopping! Use the festival currency (discount vouchers) to support your favorite creators!

票價說明 Ticket Information
一、早鳥預售票與票價 Early Bird Tickets and Fee
販售時間 Sales Period


票價 Fee
– 早鳥1日/次票 Early Bird 1-Day Ticket:NT$160(內含價值NT$30之創物幣 includes NT$30 in festival currency)
– 早鳥2日/次票 Early Bird 2-Day Ticket:NT$300(內含價值NT$60之創物幣 includes NT$60 in festival currency)
– 早鳥3日/次票 Early Bird 3-Day Ticket:NT$420(內含價值NT$90之創物幣 includes NT$90 in festival currency)

二、現場票價 On-Site Ticket Fee
– 一般全票 General Admission NT$180:
適用一般民眾,並內含價值NT$30之創物幣 Includes NT$30 in festival currency

– 學生優待票 Student Discount Ticket NT$170:請持大專院校(含)以下有效學生證件,以當學期註冊章為憑,入場須驗證,每證限購一張,碩博士生、社區大學、空中大學及在職進修等不適用。 Valid student ID required內含價值NT$30之創物幣 includes NT$30 in festival currency)

– 親子票 Parent-Child Ticket NT$250:限1位成人與1位年滿3歲未滿12歲之兒童使用,需兩位同時入場。 Valid for one adult and one child aged 3-12內含價值NT$30之創物幣 includes NT$30 in festival currency)

– 愛心與兒童特惠票 Special Discount Ticket NT$90:
1. 65歲(含)以上年長者(民國48年(含)以前出生者),憑證限購1張。
2. 身心障礙手冊證件本人及陪同者,需出示證件正本,憑證限各購1張。
3. 年滿3歲未滿12歲之兒童使用,需出示證件,憑證限購1張。

  • For seniors aged 65 and above (born in 1959 or earlier), one ticket per ID.
  • For individuals with disability cards and their companions, one ticket per ID.
  • For children aged 3-12, one ticket per ID.

– 免票入場:限3歲以下兒童入場需出示正本證件。 Free Admission: For children under 3, ID required.

備註 Notes
1. 優待票、親子票、愛心票僅限現場憑證購票。
2. 各項優惠適用年齡計算方式以進場當日實歲計算。

  1. Discount tickets, parent-child tickets, and special discount tickets are only available on-site with valid ID.
  2. Age for discount eligibility is based on the actual age on the day of entry.

創物文化祭 Ideas Assemble
活動期間 Date2024/6/28(五 Friday) – 2024/6/30(日 Sunday)
開放時間 Time10:30-18:30,18:00停止售票及入場 last ticket sold and entry at 18:00
活動地點 Venue台北松山文化園區 5號倉庫展館 Warehouse No. 5, Songshan Cultural and Creative Park(台北市信義區光復南路133號 No. 133, Guangfu S. Rd., Xinyi Dist., Taipei City)
主辦單位 Organizer創物織造有限公司 IdeasforWeavers
報名 To apply:https://www.accupass.com/eflow/ticket/2404020433171607340210?utm_source=EventPage&utm_medium=AdCard&utm_campaign=accu_AdCard_2405150220151341489507


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