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六月週日跑團靠過來 June Sunday TRPG Sessions

06/23 @ 2:00 下午 - 8:00 下午




Enjoy the tension of facing a shaky tower and the endless wonders of Baldur’s Gate.

Experience the fear under the Call of Cthulhu and the exciting adventures in Golarion.

You don’t need a full set of adventure gear, just an adventurous heart. An amazing TRPG journey awaits you!

活動資訊 Event Information

🗓️活動時間 Date & Time:2024/06/23(日 Sunday)14:00開始報到 check-in starts at 14:00

📍活動地點 Venue:靠過來桌遊咖啡廳 Grow Life(東門捷運站7號出口 Dongmen MRT Station Exit 7)
台北市中正區新生南路一段160巷18-1號 No. 18-1, Ln. 160, Sec. 1, Xinsheng S. Rd., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei City

💰活動費用 Fee:NT$400,並請自點一杯清涼飲品。 With a refreshing drink.(不指定體驗系統則為NT$300+自點飲品 If you don’t specify a system to experience, the fee is NT$300 + a drink)

報名 To apply:https://www.accupass.com/eflow/ticket/2405191522412018365915?utm_campaign=accu_feature&utm_medium=home_north&utm_source=Web

參與系統 Participating Systems

⚔️《龍與地下城5版 Dungeons & Dragons》|DM:笨哈

💀《克蘇魯的呼喚7版 Call of Cthulhu》|KP:Loya

🛡️《尋路者2版 Pathfinder 2e》|GM:阿布

《恐懼 DREAD》|GM:江鳥

系統介紹 System Introductions

Amazon.com: D&D Player's Handbook (Dungeons & Dragons Core Rulebook): 9780786965601: Wizards RPG Team: Everything Else《龍與地下城5版 Dungeons & Dragons 5e》

龍與地下城(Dungeons & Dragons,D&D)角色扮演遊戲是關於劍與魔法世界的說故事遊戲。它有著與童年時玩的幻想成真遊戲一樣的要素。D&D就像那種遊戲一樣由想像力驅動。像是想像一座在暴風雨的夜空下矗立的城堡,然後推想奇幻世界的冒險者可能會如何應對場景所呈現的挑戰。

Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) is a storytelling game about a world of swords and magic. It shares elements with the make-believe games of our childhood. Like those games, D&D is driven by imagination. Imagine a castle standing under a stormy night sky, and then imagine how adventurers in a fantasy world might face the challenges presented by that scene.

克蘇魯的呼喚七版(CoC 7e)系統介紹- 屏風後的囈語《克蘇魯的呼喚7版 Call of Cthulhu 7e》

改編自洛夫克拉夫特經典作品《克蘇魯的呼喚》。由 混沌元素公司 出版,以神秘、恐怖為主題的桌上角色扮演遊戲(DTRPG)。
在遊戲中,一名玩家擔任守密人(DKeeper, KP)主持遊戲,而其他玩家則扮演擁有各自身份及秘密的調查員,透過想像力及邏輯推理,在理智歸零前,探索並對抗一個個離奇恐怖的神秘事件──

Adapted from H.P. Lovecraft’s classic work “The Call of Cthulhu”. Published by Chaosium Inc., this tabletop role-playing game (TRPG) focuses on mystery and horror.
In the game, one player acts as the DKeeper (KP), hosting the game, while the other players portray investigators with their own identities and secrets. Through imagination and logical reasoning, they explore and combat mysterious and terrifying events before their sanity runs out.

paizo.com - Pathfinder Core Rulebook《尋路者2版 Pathfinder 2e》 


Pathfinder, published by Paizo, is a tabletop role-playing game with new rules released in its second edition (PF2E).
Sometimes involving bloody battles and other times political intrigue, players portray adventurers in the world of Golarion. They explore, document, and encounter dangers while discovering the remnants or events of ancient worlds and epic deities.

《恐懼 DREAD》



“In the blink of an eye, the fate of the tower can be reversed.”

The tower symbolizes the characters’ beliefs, community consensus, or secure supplies in “Dread”, a TRPG played using Jenga blocks. When the tower faces collapse, everything can be overturned in an instant. Players take on roles of a fate-bound group, such as adventurers, apocalypse survivors, or close-knit classmates. As the story progresses, can you survive the trials of fate, or will you fall apart? Will this be a tale of heroism or treachery? It’s up to you to decide.

活動流程 Event Schedule

14:00-14:15  櫃檯報到,候補詢問與登記 Check-in at the counter, inquiries, and registration
14:15-14:50  開場,各GM介紹本日遊戲,玩家自我介紹 Opening, each GM introduces the day’s game, and players introduce themselves
15:00-19:00  開始跑團,跑團時間由GM掌控 Game sessions begin, game time is controlled by the GM
19:30-      團後聊天、交流,劇情分享,活動結束 Post-game chat, exchange of ideas, story sharing, end of the event


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