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優勢探索工作坊 Strength Exploration Workshop|挖掘你的職場隱性優勢 Uncover Your Hidden Workplace Strengths

2 11 月, 2024 @ 10:00 上午 - 7:00 下午



When people use their innate talents, they tend to progress faster, stay focused, and feel more motivated. These “talents” when well-developed, gradually transform into our “strengths”.

This workshop focuses on workplace scenarios, guiding you step-by-step to apply your “strengths” in your career, helping you break through bottlenecks and achieve your goals!

工作坊適合這樣的你 This workshop is for you if you…

  • 想深度挖掘自己的天賦與優勢
  • 經歷和能力多元,不確定自己的優勢在哪裡
  • 在工作中有點倦怠、停滯,想探索自己的動力
  • 清楚自己的職涯目標,想運用優勢更快達成目標
  • Want to deeply explore your talents and strengths.
  • Have diverse experiences and skills but are unsure of your strengths.
  • Feel burnout or stagnation at work and want to rediscover your motivation.
  • Have clear career goals and want to leverage your strengths to reach them faster.


過去學員回饋 Feedback from Previous Participants





「必須當下逼自己腦袋打開思考題目中的問題, 這是與線上最大不同的優點!不會有拖延症出現。」​​​​​​

  • “The workshop clearly outlined actionable steps, helping me understand my strengths and characteristics better.”
  • “The strength matrix was very helpful for me. By cross-referencing, I gained a clearer, more objective view of my work state and how to address issues.”
  • “It allowed us to think about how to apply what we learned to work and life, and through discussions with classmates, I gained more practical insights.”
  • “The matrix and action planning were both very helpful. First, by using the matrix to reflect on how I’ve applied my strengths, I knew better how to proceed when creating my action plan.”
  • “It forces you to think deeply and focus on the task at hand, which is the biggest advantage compared to online sessions! No chance for procrastination.”

BetweenGos優勢探索工作坊特色 Workshop Features by BetweenGos


Combining the rich experience of the instructor in coaching and course design, we’ve created Taiwan’s most workplace-oriented and systematic workshop. It helps you understand your talents, learn how to apply them, and develop a plan to strengthen your abilities, making your next steps clearer.

一、個人天賦連結 Personal Talent Connection


Discover your talents deeply, uncovering your motivators and blind spots. Learn from real-life examples to absorb insights more effectively.

二、矩陣歸納職場優勢 Matrix of Workplace Strengths


Use a matrix tool to deeply integrate your talents with your work experience, allowing you to see your strengths clearly and objectively!

三、優勢應用行動計畫 Strength Application Action Plan


Build on the matrix results to create a practical plan for strengthening and applying your strengths.


上完這堂工作坊,你的收穫是 What You Will Gain from This Workshop…

  • 更認識自己的天賦
  • 從天賦發現自己的潛在動力
  • 建立優勢思維,職涯發展方向更清晰
  • 帶走一份優勢鍛鍊行動計畫
  • A deeper understanding of your talents.
  • Discover hidden motivators within your talents.
  • Establish a strength-based mindset, making your career path clearer.
  • Take home a personal action plan to strengthen your strengths.

蓋洛普優勢識別測驗是什麼? What is the Gallup StrengthsFinder Test?



The Gallup StrengthsFinder Test (included in the workshop, with a fee of NT$765 for the Top 5 report) is a scientifically backed personalized strength report (adopted by Fortune 500 companies like Facebook). The test divides talents into 34 themes, and by answering about 100 online questions (available in English, Traditional Chinese for Hong Kong, and Simplified Chinese), it reveals your unique talent distribution and ranking.

Unlike other career assessment tools, which tend to categorize people by traits, Gallup’s test emphasizes individuality. By combining different talents, everyone can unleash their unique strengths!

34項天賦,又可以分成四大領域 The 34 talents are divided into four major domains:

蓋洛普優勢識別測驗,為什麼被全球近2900萬人信任採用? Why is the Gallup StrengthsFinder Trusted by Over 29 Million People Globally?



Gallup is a leading American research firm with over 80 years of experience in data analysis and decision-making. This makes Gallup an expert in using data for analysis and decision-making. Up to 90% of Fortune 500 companies have adopted this strengths assessment system, helping employees find their role and maximize their impact in the workplace.

Since the test is currently only available in English and Simplified Chinese, BetweenGos aims to use this tool to help participants better understand their strengths and find their ideal career path.

不適合對象 Not Suitable for Those Who

  • 只想尋求標準答案,不願開放探索
  • 不願參與課程實作練習
  • 課程中影響他人學習
  • Only want a standard answer and are not open to exploration.
  • Are unwilling to participate in practical exercises.
  • Disrupt others’ learning during the course.

※ 溫馨提醒:課程不是一對一諮詢,工作坊會由講師引導,透過小組討論形式,相互交流,探索自己。
※ 為確保其他學員權益,若遲到超過40分鐘,將不得進入小組討論,僅能以旁聽形式參與;若活動中有任何干擾到其他人學習交流之行為,主辦單位保有權利請其離場。

Kind Reminder: This course is not a one-on-one consultation. It is a workshop led by the instructor, with small group discussions for peer exchange and self-exploration.
To ensure the rights of other participants, if you are late by more than 40 minutes, you will not be allowed to join the group discussions and can only participate as an observer. The organizer reserves the right to ask anyone who disrupts others’ learning and communication to leave.

解鎖優勢,限額20名 Unlock Your Strengths – Limited to 20 Participants


Unlock your hidden workplace strengths, identify areas where you can perform better, consciously train yourself, and maximize your personal value to elevate your work performance!

報名工作坊流程 Workshop Process

講師 Instructor|蓋洛普優勢認證教練 Gallup-Certified Strengths Coach Grace


In 2021, after Taiwan officially obtained Gallup’s certification, Grace became one of the first internationally certified Gallup Strengths coaches in Taiwan.

Youtuber 末羊子|回饋分享:查看完整原文

【工作坊資訊 Workshop Information】

時間 Date & Time:11/2(六 Saturday)10:00 -17:00

地點 Venue:Happ. 小樹屋|大葉桉分館
(台北市中山區民權西路20號2樓,民權西路站8號出口,步行2分鐘 2/F, No. 20, Minquan W. Rd., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei City; Exit 8 of Minquan West Road MRT Station, 2 minutes on foot)

人數 Capacity:限額20席 Limited to 20 participants

報名 To apply:https://www.accupass.com/eflow/ticket/2407300752244899705800?utm_campaign=accu_theme&utm_medium=home_north&utm_source=Web

【課前重要提醒 Pre-Class Important Reminders】



*對於課程有任何問題,歡迎加入BetweenGos LINE@詢問

  • Feel free to bring your business cards for networking.
  • There will be practical exercises on-site, so don’t forget to bring a pen.
  • For any course-related questions, feel free to contact BetweenGos via LINE@.

常見問題 FAQ













  • 開課10日前告知,可選擇申請將票券轉讓給其他參加人或保留名額至下一場次旁聽。
  • 開課日前第3至第10日告知,可保留名額至下一場次旁聽,注意事項:申請延期最長不得超過三個月,並以一次為限。
  • 開課前3日內告知或缺席,則視同放棄,皆不予以申請轉讓或下一場次旁聽。
  • 日期計算方法:不包含課程當日。舉例:如果課程日期為12/12,開課10日前為12/1午夜前,開課3日前則為12/8午夜前。







若有任何問題或需要協助的地方,歡迎隨時透過LINE 客服與我們聯繫。


Q1: If I’ve already taken the “Strengths Thinking Online Course,” should I join the in-person workshop?

  • The workshop focuses on discussion, with different content structure from the online course, focusing more on motivation and talent application. If you wish to confirm your ideas through peer and instructor interactions, you can join the workshop with a 25% discount for returning students!

Q2: What do I need to prepare before class?

  • After registration, you will receive a test code and related information from the BetweenGos course team via email (within 10 business days). Complete the test before the workshop and join the group for that session.

Q3: What if I’ve already taken the test?

  • If you’ve already completed the test, you can share the test code with family or friends (the code has no expiration date).

Q4: I’m introverted and nervous about sharing in front of others.

  • We understand that career planning is personal and private. During the workshop, you’ll only need to discuss with your group members. The discussions may help you uncover blind spots or gain new perspectives.

Q5: How do I choose between BetweenGos’ various services?

Q6: How do I cancel my registration and request a refund?

  • Once tickets are sold, refunds will not be provided.

General Conditions:

  • If you need to cancel, you may transfer your ticket to another participant or reserve a spot as an observer in the next session by notifying us 10 days prior to the course.
  • Notifying us 3 to 10 days before the course allows you to reserve a spot for the next session as an observer. Delays cannot exceed three months and are limited to one postponement.
  • If you cancel within 3 days of the course or do not attend, the fee will be forfeited, and no transfer or rescheduling will be allowed.

Special Circumstances:
If unforeseen circumstances arise, please notify BetweenGos via LINE, and we will assist in discussing transfer or rescheduling options.


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