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伊萊克斯手作工坊-日本白檀洗顏皂 Electrolux Handmade Workshop – Japanese Sandalwood Facial Soap

01/28 @ 2:00 下午 - 4:00 下午

活動資訊 Event Information


At the beginning of the year, treat yourself to a new gift for cleansing the body and mind. Join our workshop to learn how to craft natural handmade soap. Surround yourself with the healing scents of essential oils at home and embrace the upcoming year with joy.

課程內容簡介 Course Overview
經典手作皂 日本白檀洗顏皂
In this workshop, the instructor will guide you in creating a classic handmade soap: Japanese Sandalwood Cleansing Soap. You can take home approximately 500g of finished product, which can be cut into around five soap bars.Sandalwood, particularly white sandalwood, is a rare and precious wood known for its use in important rituals across various cultures. It possesses anti-inflammatory properties, reduces swelling, and promotes skin health. The specially blended white sandalwood essential oil added to this handmade soap gives it a gentle and fresh aroma with a deep and slightly sweet aftertaste. Washing your skin with this soap in the warm forest fragrance helps achieve radiant and clear skin. It’s not only perfect for personal use but also makes an excellent thoughtful Chinese New Year gift for friends and family.
✅ 溫和潔淨:手工皂通常使用天然成分,對皮膚更溫和,減少過敏反應,保持肌膚健康。
✅ 減少化學物質:它們不含有害的合成化學成分,降低環境和皮膚的負擔。
✅ 可持續性:手工皂的製作過程常採用環保方式,減少對地球的不良影響,支持可永續生活。
Benefits of Using Handmade Soap
✅ Gentle Cleansing: Handmade soaps typically incorporate natural ingredients, providing a milder and more skin-friendly cleansing experience. This helps reduce allergic reactions and promotes overall skin health.
✅ Reduced Chemicals: Handmade soaps do not contain harmful synthetic chemicals, lowering the burden on both the environment and the skin. By avoiding synthetic additives, they contribute to a cleaner and more eco-friendly cleansing routine.
✅ Sustainability: The production process of handmade soaps often follows eco-friendly practices, minimizing adverse impacts on the Earth. This commitment to sustainability aligns with the support for a more sustainable lifestyle.
人數:6組 (可攜伴,一組最多2人參與)  🧼課後可帶回500g成品,約可裁成五塊皂
Course Details
Theme: Japanese Sandalwood Cleansing Soap
Fee: NT$500
Participants: 6 groups (Can bring a companion, maximum of 2 participants per group); can take home 500g finished product (approximately five soap bars)
若家 老師
Instructor Profile
Teacher 若家 has a background in pharmacy and biotechnology. After obtaining the qualified instructor certificate for handmade soap, she has conducted courses in various schools, community colleges, and community development associations. With over ten years of teaching experience and a professional course design, she has accumulated rich expertise in the field.
🔹Taipei City Artisan Soap Association – Instructor (Certification No. 1809)
🔹Taipei City Artisan Soap Association Examination Supervisor
🔹National Taiwan University Farm – Handmade Soap Instructor
🔹New Taipei City Labor University – Handmade Soap Instructor
🔹New Taipei City Women’s University – Handmade Soap Instructor
伊萊克斯 美好生活體驗館
Electrolux Taiwan Experience Center
The Swedish premium home appliance brand Electrolux, with its “people-centric” philosophy, designed the “Taiwan Experience Center” located in Taipei’s East District. It is constructed with carefully selected green or energy-saving materials, infusing the warm atmosphere of Nordic living. The pavilion showcases the latest Electrolux home appliances, allowing you to personally experience the unique charm of each appliance.
➊ 本活動為確保課程流暢與體驗,如遲到超過10分鐘將無法參與,不便之處敬請見諒。
➋ 本活動若遭遇天災等不可抗力因素,將延期舉辦,日期另行通知。
➌ 參加者須年滿10歲且身高須超過130公分,因場地空間及教學品質恕無接受團體報名。
➍ 報名參加活動者即同意授予肖像權使用,活動中所進行之錄影、拍攝等影像,僅供主辦單位作為日後宣傳推廣及成果紀錄使用。若不同意肖像權使用者,則請於錄影拍攝時留意迴避。
➎ 本公司保留活動辦法調整與報名資格之最終決定權利。
➊ To ensure the smooth flow of the workshop and experience, participants arriving more than 10 minutes late will not be able to join. We appreciate your understanding.
➋ In case of unforeseen circumstances such as natural disasters, the event will be postponed, and the new date will be notified separately.
➌ Participants must be at least 10 years old and have a height exceeding 130 cm. Group registration is not accepted due to space constraints and the quality of instruction.
➍ By participating in the event, you grant permission for the use of your portrait rights. Video recording and photography during the event will be used solely for promotional and documentation purposes by the organizers. If you do not agree to the use of portrait rights, please be mindful to avoid during recording and shooting.
➎ The company reserves the right to make final decisions on adjustments to event rules and eligibility for registration.


2:00 下午 - 4:00 下午
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台北市, Taiwan
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