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以樂茗茶──《山晴山雨》|音樂 Music ╳ 茶席 Tea Ceremony ╳ 茶食 Tea Pairing @見書店 Sea To See Bookafé

09/22 @ 7:00 下午 - 8:30 下午


“For the best tea leaves, three days of sun and three days of rain work wonders.”

故名「山晴山雨」,” 以樂茗茶 ” 臺灣客家茶路與樂綻放。


Hence the name “Sunny and Rainy Days” blends Taiwan’s Hakka tea culture with music.

In Hakka villages, the tradition of welcoming guests with tea has been passed down through generations, embodying the warm and hospitable spirit of the Hakka people, creating a rich cultural tea route. Under the influence of tea culture, modern Hakka youth carry on the ancient charm with unique flair. “Sunny and Rainy Days” brings together diverse Hakka craftsmanship, blending “music” with “tea”, guiding attendees to savor the aroma, color, and taste of tea while enjoying tea delicacies, all while immersed in the sounds of Hakka music. This event invites everyone to experience Hakka tea culture and local stories through music and taste.

活動資訊 Event Details

時間 Date & Time|2024/9/22(日 Sunday)19:00-20:30(18:30入場 open at 18:30)

地點 Venue|基隆信二防空洞 Keelung Xin’er Air Raid Shelter

茶飲、茶食 Tea and Delicacies|高品茶*2、茶食*3 Two types of premium tea and three tea snacks

演出 Performance|金曲客語創作人 Golden Melody Award-winning Hakka singer-songwriter:黃珮舒 Huang Pei-shu

吉他演奏家 Guitarist:張仲麟 Chang Chung-lin

茶師 Tea master:Sandy 張瀞仁

茶食師/喵喵懂吃創辦人 Tea snacks chef and founder of You Love Dessert:蔡伯南 Tsai Bo-nan

入場 Admission|門票 Fee NT$250/人 person,其中NT$150可折抵「見書店」購書消費 NT$150 redeemable for book purchases at Jian Bookstore

報名 To apply:https://www.accupass.com/eflow/ticket/2408190658314803083100?utm_campaign=accu_theme&utm_medium=home_north&utm_source=Web

演出嘉賓 Performers

金曲客語創作人 Golden Melody Award-winning Hakka singer-songwriter 黃珮舒 Huang Pei-shu


A Hakka music creator blending pop, bel canto, and traditional Hakka folk styles. Huang has been recognized for her contributions to Hakka culture, including the New Taipei City Hakka Culture Promotion Award (2010), Hakka Affairs Council’s Dream Building Project Award (2011), and she has composed for the Taipei City Hakka Streaming Project (2016, 2024). She has also hosted the music show “Sounds of Beautiful Voices” (2011-2015) and composed for stage plays and animated films. Huang is currently a consultant for the Hakka Affairs Council and an instructor for Hakka folk music.

吉他演奏家 Guitarist 張仲麟 Chang Chung-lin

苗栗頭屋鄉客家人,是台灣指彈吉他Finger Style演奏家,2019年發行首張指彈吉他專輯「春拾」獲第10屆金音獎「最佳樂手獎」,2016年赴美拿下指彈吉他最高殿堂Winfield International Finger Style Guitar Championship季軍,是素有台灣吉他之神的音樂製作人黃中岳極力讚賞的新一代台灣吉他大師。因製茶家族背景斜槓茶道文化人,加入「陸羽體系」培訓。

A Hakka from Touwu Township, Miaoli, Chang is a fingerstyle guitarist. He released his debut album Spring Collection in 2019, winning the Best Instrumentalist Award at the 10th Golden Indie Music Awards. In 2016, he won third place at the prestigious Winfield International Fingerstyle Guitar Championship in the U.S. Recognized as one of Taiwan’s top emerging guitarists, Chang, with a family background in tea production, is also passionate about tea culture and is currently training under the “Lu Yu Tea System”.

茶師 Tea Master 張瀞仁 Sandy

forêt d’or丹露品牌主理。


Founder of the “Forêt d’Or” brand. Sandy is a certified tea evaluator and a third-class certified tea maker. She has experience teaching tea ceremonies in private experimental schools and has participated in the Phoenix Pavilion Slow Tea Journey (2016), Taiwanese Mountain Tea Flavor Micro Showcase (2023), Hualien Fuli Residency Project, and private tea parties at the Tainan Governor’s Residence (2024).

茶點師 Tea Snacks Chef 蔡伯南 Tsai Bo-nan



Founder of You Love Dessert. Tsai began writing Chinese pop songs at 17, with works featured in albums by Sam Lee, Samuel Tai, and Li Gang-lin, including the hit “Heartbroken” (originally titled “Coffee to Get You Drunk”). In 2022, he started Meow Meow Eats to create delicious desserts for his daughter. Recently, he has focused on innovating Hakka flavors into new dessert creations.


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