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仙人掌多肉植物盆DIY DIY Cactus and Succulent Plant Pot

07/21 @ 11:00 上午 - 07/27 @ 4:00 下午

  • 第一場 Session 1:7/21(日 Sunday) 11:00-12:00
  • 第二場 Session 2:7/27(六 Saturday) 15:00-16:00
  • 活動地點 Venue:新竹喜來登1F東館團客區 Sheraton Hsinchu 1F East Wing Group Guest Area
  • 活動費用 Fee:NT$500/組,每組最多2人參加,含植物、盆器及材料費乙份 NT$500 per group, maximum of 2 people per group, includes plants, pots, and materials
  • 早鳥優惠 Early Bird Discount:第一場7/14前,第二場7/22前報名享優惠NT$450/組 NT$450 per group for Session 1 if registered before 7/14, and for Session 2 if registered before 7/22
  • 活動內容 Content:邀請有新竹多肉王國稱號的﹝福祥仙人掌﹞,講授仙人掌相關知識後製作植物盆,從挑選品種、選擇盆器,再到添加週邊小物增添盆栽的層次感。希望透過DIY活動了解植物品種與培育,並且體驗手做的樂趣。 We have invited Fuhsiang Cactus, known as the Kingdom of Succulents in Hsinchu, to teach about cacti and guide participants in making plant pots. The session covers selecting species, choosing pots, and adding small accessories to enhance the layers of the potted plants. The aim is to learn about plant varieties and cultivation through a DIY activity, while experiencing the joy of handmade creations.
  • 報名 To apply:https://www.accupass.com/eflow/ticket/2406170804133379246810?utm_source=EventPage&utm_medium=AdCard&utm_campaign=accu_AdCard_2406210708552020492410

福祥仙人掌 Fuhsiang Cactus


Located in Xinpu Township, Hsinchu County, Fuhsiang Cactus collects over 8,000 types of succulents from around the world. From thumb-sized succulents to several-meter-high cacti, the park even features giant cacti taller than a person!


新竹縣, Taiwan
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