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今天,自然是我們的繆思——花磚設計暨絹印體驗 A Pattern Design & Screenprint Workshop by Tien-Tzu Lin

10/27 @ 3:00 下午 - 6:00 下午

除了路邊野草之外,由設計師轉化的植物圖像,也常常藉由壁紙、窗簾、包裝紙的形式出現在生活之中,應證了英國設計師William Morris的美學觀念:「快樂的本質存在於我們發自真心、好奇地去探索生活中的每個微小細節。」

此工作坊將簡短介紹,英國十九世紀知名設計師,William Morris取法自然的印花作品,印花加上日常的植物觀察為靈感,帶領學員自行設計並印製屬於自己的花磚印花。若有多餘的空白舊衣物,也歡迎帶來給予它們新的生命。

Beyond the wild grasses by the roadside, plant imagery transformed by designers often appears in daily life through wallpapers, curtains, and wrapping paper, affirming British designer William Morris’s aesthetic concept: “The true secret of happiness lies in taking a genuine interest in all the details of daily life.”

This workshop will briefly introduce the renowned 19th-century British designer William Morris and his nature-inspired print works. Drawing from botanical observations, participants will be guided to design and screenprint their own floral tile patterns. If you have any old, blank clothes, feel free to bring them along and give them new life.

課堂內容 Workshop Content:
.William Morris介紹與作品欣賞

  • Introduction to William Morris and appreciation of his works
  • Explanation of principles behind repeat pattern design
  • Screenprint design
  • Hands-on practice with single-color screenprinting

你會學到 You Will Learn:
✓William Morris知名的代表作品,與其在設計史中的定位

✓ William Morris’s famous works and his role in design history
✓ How to design repeat patterns
✓ How to create a simple screenprint
✓ Basic screenprinting techniques

你會帶走 You Will Take Home:

Your own designed floral-patterned tote bag (approx. 25*30 cm)

時間|10/27(日 Sunday)15:00-18:00

地點 Venue|花寓 Yuflorist,台北市信義區信義路五段150巷22弄61號 No. 61, Aly. 22, Ln. 150, Sec. 5, Xinyi Rd., Xinyi Dist., Taipei City

票價 Fee|單人票NT$1,500/person,兩人同行NT$2,700/for 2 person(原價NT$3,000),內含場地費、飲品一杯、講師費、材料。 Includes venue fee, one drink, instructor fee, and materials.

報名 To apply:https://www.accupass.com/eflow/ticket/2408271341563595673160

提醒 Notes|

  • 2人成課,6人額滿。
  • 恕不接受取消退費,可由親友代為參與。
  • 因記錄需要,本活動將進行拍照,以作為網站、Facebook等活動花絮使用。
  • The workshop requires a minimum of 2 participants to proceed and a maximum of 6 people.
  • Cancellations are not accepted, but friends or family members may attend on your behalf.
  • Photos will be taken during the event for use on the website, Facebook, and other event highlights.


3:00 下午 - 6:00 下午
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