五感療癒 Five-Senses Healing|頌缽體驗講座 Singing Bowl Experience Workshop
12/21 @ 8:30 下午 - 9:30 下午
【以震動與聲響,帶來身心和諧與寧靜 Achieving Mind-Body Harmony and Tranquility Through Vibration and Sound】
Have you ever encountered singing bowls? You might have heard the term mentioned casually or stumbled across their calming sounds on YouTube when searching for relaxation music. Although singing bowls are not yet widely known, their powerful healing effects have been supported by scientific research and are applied across various mind-body-spirit practices.
This 1-hour interactive workshop will introduce you to the charm of singing bowls, offering hands-on experience to personally feel their healing vibrations.
■ 講師 Instructor:莁凡
■ 費用 Fee:NT$300/人 person
■ 活動長度 Duration:1小時 hour/場 session
■ 人數 Capacity:6人 people/場 session
場次時間 Session Schedule/地點 Venue:
12/21(六 Saturday)12:00 @PiWa森林系塔羅(莁凡天缽/癒晶香坊)
報名 To apply:https://www.accupass.com/eflow/ticket/2411270329141768227187
關於莁凡與莁凡天缽 About Singing Bowl Tempo
Is a scientifically-minded mind-body-spirit practitioner. After experiencing a low point in life, he turned to metaphysical tools to seek meaning and rediscover personal motivation. Guided by rational inquiry, he continuously explores the potential and limitations of each healing method to assist those experiencing emotional or life struggles.
With over 10 years of experience, he specializes in:
- Divination and Fortune-Telling
- Singing Bowl Healing
- Flower Essence Emotional Support
Has also studied and validated various other mind-body-spirit tools while developing new healing products.
The mission of Singing Bowl Tempo is to help resolve emotional and physical imbalances, improve quality of life and empower people to heal themselves and others. Through self-exploration and inner listening, participants can embark on their personal healing journey.
注意事項 Notes
1. 以上活動/課程統一採網路報名,相關活動/課程報名與繳、退費規定請遵照ACCUPASS平台規範;提醒於報名完成後,如需退費請於活動開始前8日於ACCUPASS系統完成退費程序(系統將酌收10%手續費)。
2. 因頌缽有一定的重量(至少1kg),年齡14歲以下須由家長陪同參與;每堂名額有限,額滿為止。
3. 請最晚於活動/課程前10分鐘至現場完成報到手續;為維護整體品質,活動/課程開始10分鐘後,將無法入場也無法退費。
4. 現場將提供頌缽體驗,建議參加前1小時完成用餐。
5. 請穿著輕便服裝參與,避免過多的飾品,以便盡情感受頌缽的樂趣。
- Registration & Refunds: All registrations and payments must be made through ACCUPASS platform. Refund requests must be completed 8 days before the event via ACCUPASS system (a 10% handling fee applies).
- Age Restriction: Due to the weight of the singing bowls (minimum 1kg), participants aged 14 and under must be accompanied by a parent/guardian. Limited seats available; registration closes once full.
- Check-In: Please arrive at the venue 10 minutes before the workshop starts. Late arrivals (10 minutes after the session begins) will not be admitted, and refunds will not be provided.
- Preparation: Singing bowls will be provided for the experience. It is recommended to finish meals at least 1 hour before the event.
- Attire: Wear comfortable clothing and avoid excessive jewelry to fully enjoy the singing bowl experience.