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上五樓生活節7th Up to the 5th Floor Living Festival 7th

08/31 @ 2:00 下午 - 09/01 @ 8:00 下午

◤ 循環無限大 Infinite Recycling ◥


The 7th Up to the 5th Floor Living Festival embraces the concept of “Recycling and Reuse”. We invite you to bring your eco-friendly containers and explore the green living market and second-hand themed area, creating infinite possibilities for loving the Earth!

\上五樓暖身活動 Up to the 5th Floor Warm-Up Events/
𝟖/𝟑㊅|有機二手小書店 Organic Second-Hand Bookstore|14:00-17:00 @新竹喜來登1F大廳 Hsinchu Sheraton 1F Lobby

The 69 Bookstore from Guanxi Township, Hsinchu County, will make a pop-up appearance at the Hsinchu Sheraton. Bring your second-hand books and start a book exchange journey!

𝟖/𝟏𝟕㊅|在地小農迎冰禮 Local Farmers’ Ice Treat|14:00-17:00 @新竹喜來登1F大廳 Hsinchu Sheraton 1F Lobby

Enjoy a free citrus smoothie made from the oranges of Dashanbei Leisure Farm, Hsinchu. The refreshing and sweet-sour taste is perfect for cooling down in the summer heat!

活動資訊 Event Information

  • 日期 Date:2024/8/31-9/1
  • 時間 Time:14:00-20:00
  • 地點 Venue:新竹豐邑喜來登大飯店5F
  • 特別邀請單位 Special Guests:GREENPEACE綠色和平基金會、13好市集、石店子69有機書店、EcOlive歐莉循環餐盒
  • 停車優惠 Parking Discount:凡參與本活動之賓客皆可享飯店停車免費優惠 All guests participating in this event can enjoy free parking at the hotel
  • 環保愛地球 Eco-Friendly Earth Love:自備環保餐具、餐盒、環保袋至市集攤位消費可享優惠或折扣,現場亦提供環保餐具租賃服務,環保愛地球從你我做起 Bring your own eco-friendly utensils, lunch boxes, and shopping bags to enjoy discounts at the market booths. We also offer eco-friendly utensil rental services on-site. Let’s love the Earth together! 🌏

門票資訊 Ticket Information *6歲以下無需購票 Children under 6 years old do not need a ticket*

早鳥優惠 Early Bird Discount 即日起 Now until-8/25| 一般/現場 Regular/On-Site 8/26-8/31

  • 一日簡單生活 One Day Simple Life 早鳥 Early Bird NT$200/人 person|一般/現場 Regular/On-Site NT$250/人 person
    — 含一日入場資格、醬料兌換券乙張、新竹喜來登文青帆布包乙個 Includes one-day admission, one sauce voucher, and one Hsinchu Sheraton canvas tote bag
  • 二日簡單生活 Two Day Simple Life 早鳥 Early Bird NT$300/人 person|一般/現場 Regular/On-Site NT$500/人 person
    — 含二日入場資格、醬料兌換券二張、新竹喜來登文青帆布包乙個 Includes two-day admission, two sauce vouchers, and one Hsinchu Sheraton canvas tote bag
  • 永續手作生活 早鳥 Early Bird NT$800/人 person|一般/現場 Regular/On-Site NT$900/人 person [限量發售 Limited Offer]
    — 含一日入場資格、醬料兌換券乙張、新竹喜來登文青帆布包乙個、西瓜冰棒皂黏土DIY課程乙堂 Includes one-day admission, one sauce voucher, one Hsinchu Sheraton canvas tote bag, and one DIY watermelon popsicle soap clay class
  • 永續手作超值生活 早鳥 Early Bird NT$900/人 person|一般/現場 Regular/On-Site NT$1,150/人 person [限量發售 Limited Offer]
    — 含二日入場資格、醬料兌換券二張、新竹喜來登文青帆布包乙個、西瓜冰棒皂黏土DIY課程乙堂 Includes two-day admission, two sauce vouchers, one Hsinchu Sheraton canvas tote bag, and one DIY watermelon popsicle soap clay class

報名 To apply:https://www.accupass.com/eflow/ticket/2406270934195631252280?utm_source=EventPage&utm_medium=AdCard&utm_campaign=accu_AdCard_2407310403581361582348

◇ 醬料兌換券使用說明 Sauce Voucher Instructions ◇
‧ 醬料選擇:台式百搭肉燥醬/主廚特製青醬(素食可食)/古早味蒜蓉醬

During the festival, purchase produce from the “13 Market” stand, and redeem your voucher at the “5th Floor Food” booth for free chef-prepared sauce.
‧ Sauce options: Taiwanese-style meat sauce, Chef’s Special Pesto (Vegetarian), Traditional Garlic Sauce

活動流程 Event Schedule

活動介紹 Event Introduction

  • 綠色生活市集 Green Living Market
    Featuring local farm produce, various organic and healthy foods, eco-friendly creative market products, and an exciting second-hand themed area.

  • 8/31(六)歡樂小丑氣球|9/1(日)夢幻泡泡秀

8/31 (Sat) Fun Clown Balloon | 9/1 (Sun) Dreamy Bubble Show
Spend a magical weekend afternoon with colorful bubbles and fun clown balloon performances, experiencing the charm of bubbles and balloons up close!
📌【8/31】Fun Clown Balloon including one hour of balloon distribution – queue on-site for collection.
📌【9/1】Dreamy Bubble Show including giant bubble experience for 30 people – reserve on-site at the registration desk.

  • 8/31(六)喜波波故事劇場

8/31 (Sat) Hipopo Story Theater
Join Hipopo and her sister on a fun summer adventure at the beach! What interesting things will happen? Come up to the 5th floor to watch Hipopo and participate in a Q&A with prizes. Don’t miss it!

  • 9/1(日)環保手作體驗-西瓜冰棒皂黏土DIY
    韓式泡泡球品牌 嘻沐‧C.moon 帶來夏日最清涼的西瓜冰棒啦!嘻沐秉持100%安全無毒的原則,使用對海洋友善的材料,且通過SGS合格認證無四大重金屬及雌激素殘留,以天然親膚食品級原料DIY,學習調色、調香及手捏成就,獨一無二的冰棒泡泡皂黏土就此誕生!
    > 建議年齡:3歲以上(6歲以下建議1位家長陪同)
    > 活動內容:西瓜冰棒皂黏土*1+2-4個角色款皂黏土
    > 活動報名:前往立即報名,選擇”手作生活”票券,活動名額上限20人

9/1 (Sun) Eco-Friendly DIY Experience – Watermelon Popsicle Soap Clay
Korean bubble ball brand C.moon brings the coolest summer watermelon popsicles! C.moon adheres to 100% safe and non-toxic principles, using ocean-friendly materials that are SGS certified and free of heavy metals and estrogen residues. Create unique popsicle soap clay using natural, skin-friendly, food-grade ingredients.

> Recommended age: 3 years and up (children under 6 should be accompanied by an adult)
> Activity content: 1 Watermelon Popsicle Soap Clay + 2-4 character clay soaps
> Activity registration: Sign up now by selecting the “Handmade Life” ticket, limited to 20 participants

  • 9/1(日)環境繪本分享-我家不見了
    > 活動自由入場、免費參加!

9/1 (Sun) Environmental Picture Book Sharing – “My Home is Gone”
GREENPEACE shares a picture book to help kids and adults understand the impact of climate change on Earth through a lively and engaging story. Come and listen to the story!

> Free entry, no registration required!

  •   星空電影院 Starry Sky Cinema 🎬
    【8/31】我家有個開心農場The Biggest Little Farm


影片來源 Film sources:佳映娛樂、YT-cineplaza888

– 活動將進行拍攝其影像供主辦單位日後成果及宣傳紀錄使用。
– 若不同意授予肖像權者,請於報名表上特別註明,並於錄影與拍攝時留意迴避。
– 飯店保有修改與終止活動之權利,如有變更或詳細注意事項將公佈於官方網站。

– The event will be filmed and photographed for future use by the organizers.
– If you do not consent to being filmed, please indicate so on the registration form and take care to avoid cameras during recording.
– The hotel reserves the right to modify or cancel the event. Any changes or details will be announced on the official website.


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