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一日體驗UIUX設計師 One-Day UI/UX Designer Experience Workshop

11/23 @ 10:00 上午 - 6:00 下午

工作坊活動內容 Workshop Content

  • UIUX觀念理解:了解UIUX觀念,介面設計的工作內容與流程、工作要點
  • 專案企劃設計:選擇主題、產品設計與邏輯架構
  • 使用者資料分析與驗證:產品動機發想、資料蒐集、產業現況分析方法、使用者情境分析與模擬、設計解決方案
  • 流程圖繪製:功能清單和流程規劃
  • 分鏡繪製/介面原型製作:靜態分鏡(Wireframe)繪製、原型設計(Mockup)
  • 專題發表:分組上台發表成果,老師講評
  • Understanding UI/UX Concepts: Learn the fundamental concepts of UI/UX, including the tasks, processes, and key points of interface design.
  • Project Planning and Design: Choose a theme, design the product, and structure the logical framework.
  • User Data Analysis and Validation: Develop product ideas, gather data, analyze the current industry, simulate user scenarios, and design solutions.
  • Flowchart Creation: Plan the list of features and draw a comprehensive flowchart.
  • Storyboard Drawing / Interface Prototyping: Learn how to create static wireframes and prototype designs (Mockup).
  • Final Presentation: Groups will present their results, and the instructor will provide feedback.

適合對象 Target Audience

  • 剛接觸網路產品開發的新鮮人設計師、行銷、PM、工程師
  • 適合想轉職UI/UX Designer的新手,體驗業界執行流程
  • New designers, marketers, PMs, or engineers who are new to online product development.
  • Beginners looking to transition into a UI/UX Designer role and experience industry execution processes.


This is a beginner-friendly experiential workshop. For experienced professionals, the learning outcome may be limited. Please allow entry-level participants to join and benefit from the opportunity.

上課資訊 Workshop Information

  • 實體課程,分組活動
  • 上課時間:早上10:00-18:00
  • 報名後,上課前將會發送課前通知至Email,請務必填寫正確Email
  • Format: In-person workshop, with group activities.
  • Time: 10:00 – 18:00
  • Notification: A pre-class notification will be sent via email. Please ensure your email is correctly provided during registration.

報名 To apply:https://www.accupass.com/eflow/ticket/2409200026312132670350

講師介紹 Instructor Introduction

產品設計師 Product Designer | UI/UX設計 UI/UX Designer | 品牌設計師 Brand Designer

鑽研科技產業UI/UX設計10多年,擔任過交互設計UI/UX、品牌設計、戶外大型廣告設計、櫥窗陳列設計。大量接觸設計、工程、使用者體驗服務、能夠從不同角色面相切入設計觀點,並搭配實務經驗,擅長B2B系統整合介面設計與Design System,運用不同的邏輯思維打開你的UX新觀點。

With over 10 years of experience in UI/UX design in the tech industry, the instructor has worked in various roles such as interaction design, branding, large outdoor advertisement design, and window display design. The instructor excels in B2B system integration interface design and Design Systems, combining different perspectives to open up new ways of thinking in UX.

經歷 Experience:

  • Burt’s Bees小蜜蜂爺爺 品牌設計師
  • APIVITA品牌設計師
  • 口袋移動科技UI/UX產品設計師
  • 全球資訊儲存系統大廠UI/UX Leader
  • Brand Designer at Burt’s Bees
  • Brand Designer at APIVITA
  • UI/UX Product Designer at Pocket Mobile Technology
  • UI/UX Leader at a global information storage system company

#科技業10年-設計中心 UIUX Leader
#Design System 推崇用科學、邏輯的方式解決問題

產品設計師 Product Designer|UI/UX設計 UI/UX Designer|視覺設計 Visual Designer|自媒體經營 Social Media Manager

經歷 Experience:

  • 雲端發票 app產品設計師
  • 銀行總行數位金融部 app產品設計師
  • 全球領導品牌科技公司 UIUX設計師
  • 區塊鏈產業 UI設計師
  • 系統廠科技公司 UIUX設計師
  • 品牌視覺設計師
  • Product Designer for Cloud Invoice App
  • Product Designer for Bank Digital Finance Department App
  • UI/UX Designer at a leading global tech company
  • UI Designer in the blockchain industry
  • UI/UX Designer at a system integration company
  • Brand Visual Designer

#科技業8年 – 設計中心 UIUX 設計師

購客權益 Customer Rights

  • 購票後請於當日完成付款,逾時您的資格將被取消,請重新購買。
  • 轉讓申請最晚於開課3天前,以Email/官方Line通知 有用設計 教學團隊
  • 分組活動,人數未達到開課最低人數5人,將延至下期開課。
  • 本課程為實體課程,視疫情狀況滾動調整
  • 本課程不開立發票
  • Please complete payment on the day of purchase. Late payments will result in cancellation of your qualification, and you will need to repurchase.
  • To transfer your spot, notify the teaching team via email or Line at least 3 days before the workshop.
  • If the minimum number of participants (5) is not met, the course will be postponed to the next session.
  • This is an in-person workshop. Adjustments will be made based on the pandemic situation.
  • Invoices will not be issued for this course.

蒐集個人資料告知同意書 Personal Data Collection Agreement

  • 主辦單位有權將此項活動之錄影、相片,進行播放與報導、於本公司網站與刊物上暨參加者同意肖像,用於相關活動之宣傳與播放活動之用途,保證參加者個資不對外洩露。
  • 購票完成代表您已同意本公司使用者條款與隱私權聲明:報名此活動的同時,必須同時同意活動期間所拍攝到參加者相片肖像,做為後續花絮報導,集團行銷或社群露出宣傳使用。
  • The organizer reserves the right to use photos and videos taken during the event for promotional purposes, ensuring the privacy of participants is not disclosed externally.
  • By purchasing a ticket, you agree to the company’s terms of use and privacy policy, and consent to the use of photos taken during the event for post-event reports, group marketing, or social media promotions.

聯絡方式 Contact Information

注意事項 Notes


  • 額溫量測超過37.5度有發燒症狀者,將謝絕入場,並保留您的上課資格,延用至後續6個月內的課程。
  • 上課前,若您有出現身體不適、發燒、或呼吸道症狀者,切勿勉強上課。
  • 活動前,主辦單位將確保會場桌面、桌椅扶手、麥克風進行全面性清潔消毒,提供報名學員安心學習的環境。

To ensure the health of participants, the following pandemic prevention measures will be implemented:

  • If your body temperature exceeds 37.5°C, you will be denied entry. Your course qualification will be retained for use in a future session within the next six months.
  • If you feel unwell, have a fever, or show respiratory symptoms before the class, please do not attend.
  • Before the event, the organizer will fully sanitize the venue, including tables, chairs, armrests, and microphones, to provide a safe learning environment for all attendees.


10:00 上午 - 6:00 下午
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台北市, Taiwan
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