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一口基隆 One Bite Adventure at Keelung

08/10 @ 9:30 上午 - 8:00 下午

兩種時段與路線,用不同美食咀嚼基隆歷史 Two Time Slots and Routes: Savoring Keelung’s History with Different Delicacies

☀ 基隆人的早午餐 Keelung People’s Brunch

  • 基隆人的早餐到底為什麼都吃那麼飽?!
  • 在地人最愛的「偽馬卡龍」有什麼魅力?!
  • 大腸圈跟糯米腸差在哪?!
  • 海洋文化的精華都濃縮在吉古拉?!
  • 在基隆漫步隨時可以坐下來杯咖啡?!
  • Why do Keelung people always have such hearty breakfasts?!
  • What’s so appealing about the locals’ favorite “fake macarons”?!
  • What’s the difference between intestines in a bun and sticky rice sausage?!
  • Is the essence of marine culture concentrated in Jigu La?!
  • Can you always sit down for a coffee while strolling in Keelung?!

🌙 來基隆晚餐吃滿吃飽 Come to Keelung for a Full and Satisfying Dinner

  • 來聽聽基隆咖哩的大身世
  • 基隆手搖天后,要用珍奶擄獲你的心
  • 台灣特色甜點在基隆很不一樣?!一口酥脆香甜花生味
  • 廟口之外的美食天堂-美食家也青睞的仁愛市場
  • 青草巷走一遭,消暑治百病
  • Listen to the grand story of Keelung curry
  • Let Keelung’s hand-shaken tea queen capture your heart with bubble tea
  • Are Taiwan’s specialty desserts different in Keelung?! Crispy, sweet, and fragrant peanut flavor
  • Beyond the temple: the food paradise that even gourmets love – Ren’ai Market
  • Stroll through Green Grass Alley, cool down and cure all ailments


The dietary habits and local culture of a place are often closely intertwined. While tasting Keelung’s delicacies, you are also learning about the city’s history. Join us as we navigate the alleys and extract the unique stories of Keelung through six mouthfuls of food.


Keelung is an immigrant city, with its culinary culture mainly influenced by immigrants from Fujian and Guangdong, Japan, various Chinese provinces that came to Taiwan after the war, and more recently, the increasing number of Southeast Asian immigrants. Keelung’s delicacies are not just found at the temple markets but are also hidden in small stalls and old shops scattered through the streets and alleys. It’s no wonder people say that in Keelung, “within five steps, there’s sure to be delicious food”. These understated delicacies have been passed down through generations.



The small food stalls scattered around the harbor area, hidden in the intertwined alleys, may pass you by unnoticed with their discreet presence. Tasting various Keelung snacks and experiencing the youthful memories of a certain era, along with the flavors behind the port city’s glory, soothe not only the taste buds but also form a part of Keelung people’s everyday existence. These simple flavors are consistently embraced by every gourmet, local resident, and alleyway food lover, undisturbed by the restless food trends.

What other food stories await on this journey? One bite after another, each story links to the next, allowing the diverse flavors of Keelung’s culture to swim through your taste buds.

👉 帶路到 Routes:

【午餐路線 Lunch Route】西岸旅客碼頭、海洋廣場、孝三路、中山橋、鐵路街 West Coast Passenger Terminal, Marine Plaza, Xiao 3rd Road, Zhongshan Bridge, Railway Street

【晚餐路線 Dinner Route】海洋廣場、仁愛市場、青草巷、廟口夜市、慶安宮、百年糕餅鋪 Marine Plaza, Ren’ai Market, Green Grass Alley, Miaokou Night Market, Qingan Temple, Century-Old Cake Shop


✔報到時間 Check-in Time:午餐版 Lunch Route 09:45 / 晚餐版 Dinner Route 16:30

✔活動時間 Activity Time:午餐場 Lunch Route 10:00-13:00 / 晚餐場 Dinner Route 17:00-20:00

✔報到地點 Check-in Venue:海港大樓 Harbor Building(循雨都漫步傘標示 follow the Rain City Stroll umbrella signs)

✔人數限制 Group Size Limit:8人以內 Up to 8 people

✔注意事項 Notes:行程包含各類小吃品嘗(皆為葷食),不須另外付費,飲食中含有海鮮、花生等食材,對其過敏者,敬請斟酌參加。 The itinerary includes various snack tastings (all are non-vegetarian) at no additional cost. The food contains ingredients such as seafood and peanuts, so please consider this if you have allergies.


👉 雨傘人 Guides:

雨都漫步 Ilun


A native Keelung resident, working in the art industry for six years. Returned to the hometown in 2018 to rediscover the vibrant beauty of the mountains and sea where they grew up.

雨都漫步 張惠媛 Neil


Loves Keelung and the sea. Believes that the rain in Keelung is a form of nostalgia. Born, raised, and left Keelung, only to be brought back home by the waves, ready to share stories that deserve to be seen.

雨都漫步 米拉 Mila


A seasoned backpacker often staying in Keelung. Lived in Beijing for four years, traveled to over 30 countries, and excels in survival skills. Loves Latin America and lively festivals. Currently rediscovering the beauty of the hometown through KeeLung For A Walk.

票價與票券說明 Ticket Prices and Descriptions

雨都一口票-單人票 Single Ticket NT$880
倆人倆口票-雙人票 Double Delight Ticket NT$1,700

包含>> 三小時精彩導覽(含15分鐘休息)| 美食吃喝不能說 |
每人一台無線導覽機,聽解說超清晰 | 公共意外責任險 | 雨都漫步限定版地圖

Includes>> Three-hour exciting guided tour (including a 15-minute break) | Delightful food and drink experience | A wireless tour guide device for each person, ensuring clear explanations | Public liability insurance | Rain City Stroll limited edition map


Note: Kindergarten children are free of charge. Please specify the number of children in the remarks section when filling out the registration information.

報名 To apply:https://www.accupass.com/eflow/ticket/2403200712041290699423?utm_campaign=accu_banner&utm_medium=home_north&utm_source=Web


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