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【FUN樂BAR】OpenMic 現場Live音樂交流會 Live Music Exchange Event

08/24 @ 7:20 下午 - 08/31 @ 10:00 下午

什麼是OpenMic? What is OpenMic?



OpenMic, also known as “Open Microphone”, is typically an evening event held in cafés, bars, nightclubs, or comedy clubs, where everyone has the opportunity to participate in live performances.

The concept of OpenMic is to allow anyone to get on stage and perform. Whether you’re an amateur or a professional, performers are often making their debut or promoting upcoming performances. For music-themed events, OpenMic provides an open and interactive stage where all audience members can engage and participate.

不得不來的理由 Why You Can’t Miss It


You’ll find a group of music enthusiasts, from first-timers to seasoned musicians, gathered together. Whether you love singing, playing instruments, or simply immersing yourself in music, this is your musical paradise! We prioritize fun over professionalism, and there’s no need to worry about performance quality—because you’ll always receive the loudest applause!

在《FUN樂BAR》人人都有機會上台分享交流,快來一場現場LIVE KTV的特別體驗吧!

Everyone has the chance to share and exchange at FUN樂BAR. Come and enjoy a unique live KTV experience!

《FUN樂BAR》誠摯邀請以下的你 invites you if you:

  1. 喜歡唱歌或樂器演奏的你
    • 不論是歌唱高手,還是五音不全的音痴,我們都歡迎!
    • 想訓練自己上台壯膽或經營自媒體,這裡是最佳選擇!
    • 樂手Live演奏,帶來超特別的體驗。
  2. 想成為樂手的你
    • 想感受現場jam的刺激嗎?無論有無經驗,都歡迎你來試試!
    • 我們不限樂器種類,快帶上你的樂器參與音樂盛宴!
  3. 尋找音樂合作夥伴的你
    • 音樂路上需要彼此支持!這裡聚集了一群熱愛音樂的朋友,現場組團玩音樂!
  4. 想當觀眾的你
    • 周末夜晚只想聽歌放鬆,來這裡準沒錯!
    • 我們歡迎所有想來共襄盛舉的應援團。


  1. Love singing or playing instruments:
    Whether you’re a singing pro or someone who struggles with pitch, you’re welcome! If you want to build confidence on stage or grow your personal brand, this is the best place to start! Musicians will also provide live performances for a unique experience.
  2. Want to become a musician:
    Want to feel the excitement of jamming live? No matter your experience level, you’re welcome to try! We accept all instrument types, so bring your instrument and join the musical feast!
  3. Are looking for musical partners:
    We know the musical journey requires mutual support! Here, you’ll find a group of music lovers, ready to form bands and play together.
  4. Just want to be an audience member:
    Looking to relax with some music on a weekend night? You’re in the right place! We welcome all who want to join in the fun and cheer on the performers.

We welcome all forms of performance! Come to FUN樂BAR to make music and create wonderful musical memories together!

入場費 Fee

入場費 Fee:NT$380/人 person

入場費包含 Fee Includes:

  • FUN樂BAR活動參與費
  • 指定飲品+點心一份(飲品為 可樂/果汁/啤酒 擇一,點心品項為爆米花一份。19:30之前現場另有販售其他港式點心/炸物/鹹食。)
  • Participation in FUN樂BAR activities
  • One designated drink + one snack (Choose from cola, juice, or beer. Snack option: one serving of popcorn. Other snacks like dim sum, fried foods, and savory items will be available for purchase before 19:30.)

報名 To apply:https://www.accupass.com/eflow/ticket/2406180339264889617890?utm_source=EventPage&utm_medium=AdCard&utm_campaign=accu_AdCard_2407040831521388542561

報名方式 Registration Method

**每場次活動僅開放20組 Each session is limited to 20 groups**

  1. Online Registration: Online registrants will have priority to perform. After registering and paying via ACCUPASS, please fill out the song you wish to perform on Google Forms. Click here to fill out your performance song.
  2. On-site Registration: Depending on the number of online registrants, any remaining spots will be available for on-site registration. Whether you previously registered as an audience member or decide to participate spontaneously, on-site registration is welcome!

上台流程與細節 Stage Process and Details

■ 若你是線上報名者:

  1. 上台表演順序將由抽籤方式決定。
  2. 線上報名人數不足20組時,1組(1人或多人)可以演唱2首以上歌曲,接著再開放現場觀眾報名參加。
  3. 現場提供2組麥克風與樂手live演奏,上台表演者人數不限,若是一群好友想要上台共同歡唱、組團,通通歡迎!

■ 若你是現場報名者:

  1. 線上報名人數不足20組時,待線上報名者表演完後將開放現場報名。無論是先前報名當聽眾,或者是臨時參與活動,都歡迎現場參與同歡!
  2. 現場提供2組麥克風與樂手live演奏,上台表演者人數不限,若是一群好友想要上台共同歡唱、組團,通通歡迎!

■ 現場設備包含:

鋼琴1台(型號:Roland FP-10) / 電木吉他 1把 / Mixer 1台(型號:YAMAHA MG10XU) /  木箱鼓 / 麥克風 2組 / 吉他架 2組 / 譜架 2個 / 監聽喇叭 1組 / 吉他導線2條

For Online Registrants:

  • The order of performances will be determined by a lottery.
  • If there are fewer than 20 online registrants, each group (individual or multiple people) may perform more than two songs, and then the opportunity will be opened to on-site registrants.
  • The venue provides two microphones and live musicians for accompaniment. There are no limits on the number of performers. If a group of friends wants to sing or form a band together, all are welcome!

For On-site Registrants:

  • If there are fewer than 20 online registrants, the stage will open to on-site registrants after the online performers have finished. Regardless of whether you previously registered as an audience member or decide to participate on the spot, everyone is welcome to join the fun!
  • The venue provides two microphones and live musicians for accompaniment. There are no limits on the number of performers. If a group of friends wants to sing or form a band together, all are welcome!

The venue equipment includes:

  • 1 piano (Model: Roland FP-10)
  • 1 electro-acoustic guitar
  • 1 mixer (Model: YAMAHA MG10XU)
  • 1 cajón
  • 2 microphones
  • 2 guitar stands
  • 2 music stands
  • 1 monitor speaker
  • 2 guitar cables

活動地點 Venue:窩窩藝文空間 wooo art and cultural space

地址 Address:台北市大同區民生西路404號2樓 2/F, No. 404, Minsheng W. Rd., Datong Dist., Taipei City(距大稻埕碼頭約100m,步行2分鐘即可抵達 About 100 meters from Dadaocheng Wharf, a 2-minute walk)

**活動地點位於2樓展演空間,抵達後請直接上2樓即可 The event will be held on the 2nd-floor performance space. Please proceed directly to the 2nd floor upon arrival.**

GOOGLE商家: https://maps.app.goo.gl/rdxSpcvnyhpqWNeL9


台北市, Taiwan
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