【2025 跨年限定 New Year’s Eve Exclusive】桃園神社 ‧ 除夜の鐘 Taoyuan Shrine: Joya-no-Kane|日式跨年夜 A Japanese New Year’s Eve Celebration — 撞鐘祈福、御鈴之祓、開運福袋 Bell Ringing, Purification Ceremony, Lucky Bags
31 12 月, 2024 @ 8:30 下午 - 1 1 月, 2025 @ 12:00 上午
在年神到來之前,人們會前往神社進行「大祓(ㄈㄨˊ )」儀式,徹底清除一整年積累的穢氣和厄運。
直到最後一聲消失,新的一年也隨之揭開序幕 !!
“Joya-no-Kane” is an indispensable Japanese tradition for ringing in the New Year.
On December 31, known as “Ōmisoka”, Japanese people stay awake all night to welcome “Toshigami-sama”, the deity symbolizing harvest and peace. Before the arrival of this deity, people visit shrines for the “Ōharae” purification ritual to cleanse the accumulated misfortunes of the year. At Buddhist temples, monks ring the bell 108 times, representing the purification of 108 earthly desires and offering a fresh start. The resonating sound of the bell is believed to bring peace and usher in the New Year as the last tone fades.
12/31-1/1 ,從12/31 晚上20:00開始…
㊣ 除夜の鐘活動亮點 ㊣
✦ 全台唯一神社辦理跨年夜的撞鐘祈福
✦ 桃園神社一年一度夜間限定開放參觀
✦ 沉浸式文化體驗還原傳統道地的日式跨年
Highlights of the Event at Taoyuan Shrine “Joya-no-Kane”:
- Taiwan’s Only Shrine hosting a New Year’s Eve bell-ringing ceremony
- Special nighttime opening of Taoyuan Shrine
- An immersive cultural experience featuring traditional Japanese New Year customs
▲ 桃園神社跨年夜,告別煙火喧囂,迎來心靈淨化的時刻 🎇
▲ 這是一場人生中必經的跨年倒數體驗🎌
From 20:00 on December 31 to January 1, join us to ring the 108 bells, cleanse the heart and soul, and pray for good fortune in the serene ambiance of Taoyuan Shrine, a historical site built in 1938 during the Japanese colonial period.
🎁 兌換『開運福袋』乙份,為您開啟一整年的運氣與驚喜
🉐 歲神祝福繩 乙個(價值NT$450)
🉐 乙巳福米塊 乙個(價值NT$150)
🉐 蛇福藥師鈴 乙個(價值NT$180)
🉐 限量開運福錢 乙個(價值NT$100)
🉐 除夜の鐘 限定御朱印 乙張(價值NT$300),限定款只送不賣哦!!
🉐 除夜の鐘 限定紀念証 乙份
《除夜の鐘》體驗 💰️總價值高達NT$1,500 ↑↑↑ 💰️
📢 體驗名額僅開放424位,額滿不加開~~
📢 票務清算後,如有釋出會再於FB/IG公告名額資訊
✦ 除夜の鐘 — 感受內心的平靜,消除過往的煩惱
✦ 參加撞鐘可參與「御鈴之祓」,去除厄淨化積累一年的穢物
✦ 年度獨家深夜限定 — 屋台街,帶你邊吃邊玩,開心過個不一樣的新年!
▲ 怎麼參加《除夜の鐘》?
✦ 辦理時間
– 12/31(二)
20:30-22:00 集合、領開運福袋
22:00-00:00 除夜の鐘、御鈴之祓
✦ 辦理地點
– 桃園忠烈祠暨神社文化園區(桃園市桃園區成功路三段200號)
✦ 報名費用
– 除夜撞鐘 NT$600/人
– 贈り物
🎁 歲神祝福繩 乙個(價值NT$450)
🎁 乙巳福米塊 乙個(價值NT$150)
🎁 蛇福藥師鈴 乙個(價值NT$180)
🎁 限量開運福錢 乙個(價值NT$100)
🎁 除夜の鐘 限定御朱印 乙張(價值NT$300),限定款只送不賣哦!!
🎁 除夜の鐘 限定紀念証 乙份
✦ 報名方式
– 線上購票點選ACCUPASS「立即報名」➔點選「除夜撞鐘」,活動僅424位名額,報名額滿為止。
✦ 交易方式
– 線上刷卡(接受VISA, MasterCard, JCB, UnionPay銀聯卡線上刷卡。)
– 國泰世華ATM
– 全家超商繳費
– 街口支付
✦ 報到方式
– 活動入場請至服務台報到,憑「ACCUPASS電子票券憑證」一人一票認證後入場,如驗票時發生遺失、或無法辨識等狀況,恕不補發或退換票券。
– 憑票卷兌換撞鐘號碼牌、開運福袋乙份。
Event Details
- Date and Time: December 31, 20:30 – January 1, Midnight
- Location: Taoyuan Martyrs’ Shrine and Taoyuan Shrine Cultural Park (No. 200, Sec. 3, Chenggong Rd., Taoyuan Dist., Taoyuan City)
- Search “Taoyuan Shrine_Showa 13” on Google Maps for navigation
- Fee: NT$600 per person (includes a traditional lucky bag and a variety of gifts)
Included Gifts:
- “Omamori Bell” for removing misfortune (worth NT$300)
- A lucky bag with:
- Blessing Rope (NT$450)
- Fukumochi Rice Cake (NT$150)
- Snake Charm Bell (NT$180)
- Exclusive Commemorative Coins (NT$100)
- Limited Joya-no-Kane Goshuin Stamp (NT$300, not for sale)
- Commemorative Certificate
How to Register:
- Online Booking: Visit ACCUPASS and search for “Joya-no-Kane”. Only 424 spots are available.
- Payment Methods: Credit card, ATM transfer, convenience store payment, LinePay or JKOPay
- Please proceed to the service desk for event check-in. Admission will be granted upon verification of your individual ACCUPASS e-ticket. In the case of ticket loss or issues rendering the e-ticket unreadable, replacement or refunds will not be provided.
- Exchange your e-ticket for a bell-ringing number tag and one fortune blessing bag.
✦ 交通資訊 Transportation Information
▲ 注意事項 Notes
✦ 為維護活動品質,22:00後不再開放參與活動,敬請準時。
✦ 活動期間禁止任何商業行為之拍照、錄音、錄影。
✦ 本活動報名與繳費規定請遵照活動通平台規範。
✦ 若因不可抗力之因素(天災、疫情、戰爭等),政府下令終止本集會活動,我方將取消活動,並進行全額退款。
✦ 依照機關「中央氣象局—中度颱風、豪大雨特報—活動地點所處縣市」滿足條件「中度颱風、豪大雨特報」達停班停課標準,我方將取消活動,並進行全額退款。
✦ 本活動委託ACCUPASS代為處理退款事宜,依退款規則辦理。如需申請退款請於「購買成功24小時後,並於活動票券有效開始日前8日」辦理,並將酌收票價10%退票手續費,逾期恕不受理。
✦ 因應嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎(COVID-19)疫情,如感到身體不適,特別是出現呼吸道感染病徵,請考慮留在家中,直到身體狀況好轉。
✦ 上述事項若有未盡事宜,主辦單位保留活動異動之權利,如有異動,以活動通平台最後公佈資訊為主。
- To ensure the quality of the event, no participants will be admitted after 22:00. Please be punctual.
- Photography, audio recording, and video recording for commercial purposes are strictly prohibited during the event.
- Registration and payment must adhere to the regulations outlined on the event platform.
- If the event is canceled due to force majeure (natural disasters, pandemics, wars, etc.) by government order, a full refund will be issued.
- According to the Central Weather Bureau’s warnings (moderate typhoon or heavy rain advisory) that meet the conditions for work and school suspension in the event location, the event will be canceled, and a full refund will be processed.
- Refunds will be managed by ACCUPASS in accordance with their refund policies. To apply for a refund, you must do so 24 hours after purchase and no later than 8 days before the event start date. A 10% processing fee will be deducted, and late applications will not be accepted.
- In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, if you feel unwell, especially if experiencing respiratory symptoms, please consider staying home until fully recovered.
- The organizer reserves the right to make changes to the event details as necessary. In case of changes, the final information published on the event platform will prevail.
▲ 聯絡窗口 Contact Point
高小姐 Ms Gao
✦ 服務時間 Service Hours:周二至周日 Tuesday to Sunday 09:00-18:00
✦ 洽詢專線 Phone:(03)3368877
✦ E-mail:third.earthdope@gmail.com