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【 品水會 】出口小聚|學習x交友x休閒 Learn x Socialize x Leisure|讓你豐富生活的平台 A Platform to Enrich Your Life

09/15 @ 2:00 下午 - 6:00 下午





Do you truly understand the water you drink every day?

Whether it’s coffee, tea, alcohol, beverages, or juice, over 90% of their content is water. As the primary carrier of these drinks, the type of water used is crucial.

For this event, we’ve partnered with Diana, a certified water sommelier from Germany’s Doemens Academy, to guide participants through the world of water. You’ll delve into the mysteries of different water sources, gain a deeper understanding of your own palate, and enhance your focus.

Join us and learn how to “drink healthier” in your daily life💛

💧 深入了解不同水源的奧秘
🌊 品味每一口水的滋味
🍴 品水搭配精選食物,提升味覺體驗
🏆 盲測競賽,挑戰你的味覺極限
🎓 獲得專業的品水指導與知識

💧 Discover the mysteries of different water sources
🌊 Savor the taste of each sip
🍴 Pair water with selected foods to elevate your taste experience
🏆 Participate in a blind tasting competition and challenge your palate
🎓 Receive professional guidance and knowledge on water tasting

■ 時間 Date & Time:2024/09/15(日 Sunday)14:00-18:00
■ 地點 Venue:🚆捷運台北車站,走路3分鐘 3-minute walk from Taipei Main Station
■ 地址 Address:台北市中正區開封街一段6號 No. 6, Sec. 1, Kaifeng St., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei City
■ 人數 Participants:10人起辦,最多不限 Minimum of 10 people, no upper limit
■ 報名表單 Registration:請洽出口小聚 IG 個人資料連結 Please visit IG profile link of Life Exit for the form
■ 費用包含 Fee Includes:場租/主持/活動規劃/清潔/行銷/專業協作/各種不同的水種/精選食物/工作人員/影印/識別證 Venue rental, host, event planning, cleaning, marketing, professional collaboration, various types of water, selected foods, staff, printing, and name tags

報名 To apply:https://www.accupass.com/eflow/ticket/2408071024295398528740

言文字咖啡廳 Emoji Cafe & Bar☕


A clean and comfortable space where you can focus on tasting every sip of water. It’s also a popular spot for freelancers, located just a 3-minute walk from Taipei Main Station, making it very convenient.

■ 14:00-14:30 暖場 Warm-up
■ 14:30-15:30 品水方式教學 Water Tasting Techniques
■ 15:30-16:30 品水體驗(附搭配食物) Water Tasting Experience (with food pairing)
■ 16:30-17:20 品水盲測競賽 Blind Tasting Competition
■ 17:20-18:00 頒獎儀式/自由交流 Award Ceremony & Free Networking

– 為了不影響活動規劃,本活動採不退費制
– 若意外無法前來,請於3日前告知並找朋友替代
– 會於活動前2~3天寄送E-mail行前資訊

  • No Refund Policy: To avoid disrupting the event planning, this event does not offer refunds.
  • If you cannot attend, please inform us at least three days in advance and find someone to take your place.
  • Event details will be emailed 2-3 days before the event.


A:活動中會提供不同品牌和類型的水,讓參加者能夠品嚐和比較各種水的風味 😝





Q: Who is this event suitable for?
A: Everyone! This first event is open to all ages, so both adults and children are welcome.

Q: What types of water will be provided?
A: Various brands and types of water will be provided for participants to taste and compare their flavors.

Q: Are there any special instructions?
A: Yes, please avoid eating two hours before the event to focus better on tasting the different waters!

Q: Does the event include food?
A: Yes, light snacks will be provided to enhance the water tasting experience.

Q: Do I need to prepare anything for the event?
A: Just bring a happy mood! We will provide all necessary tools and materials.

Q: I have no experience with water tasting, can I still join?
A: Absolutely! Our event starts from the basics and is suitable for everyone.


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簡單步驟即可加入會員成為「小聚人」取得3大會員福利,請加入 LINE@217cceju 依指示操作即可,加入之後,未來每場活動,就都會有特殊優惠唷💛

近期會在出口小聚社群平台上,公告成為小聚人的條件與福利,先關注起來準沒錯 der ↓

以上所有文宣都出自於「知識包小腸」之手,她是出口小聚創辦人、Heptabase 講師
歡迎關注我們,有任何問題也歡用 LINE@  聯繫:


2:00 下午 - 6:00 下午
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台北市, Taiwan
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