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【舊鞋。拾現改變】舊鞋救命 十週年特展 10th Anniversary Exhibition of Shoes That Save Lives

09/07 @ 12:00 下午 - 09/08 @ 5:00 上午



In 2014, a poster titled Old Shoes. Save Lives unexpectedly mobilized 200,000 people in Taiwan to donate second-hand shoes, initiated by You-Ren Yang and Coral Lei, with the goal of helping children in Kenya avoid sand fleas. This sparked a cross-disciplinary public welfare movement. This year, the Shoes That Save Lives International Christian Care Association (commonly known as Shoes That Save Lives) marks its tenth anniversary. Over the past decade, they have served more than 12 African countries, led 24,000 volunteers, and impacted the lives of over 3 million people.

From what began as simple donations of goods, Shoes That Save Lives has since expanded to assist the ultra-poor in achieving economic independence, developing local leadership, and establishing sustainable community development programs. What started with a pair of old shoes has grown into six major projects that continue to take root in the corners of Africa, fulfilling the needs of vulnerable communities, all thanks to the goodwill of the people of Taiwan. To commemorate this, the Old Shoes, New Life: 10th Anniversary Exhibition invites you to participate in and witness the far-reaching impact of Taiwanese kindness through four major activities.

👣 非洲微型社區體驗展 African Micro-Community Experience Exhibition


The 10th-anniversary exhibition of Shoes That Save Lives recreates the results of African community building, specifically designed with four interactive areas for families and children: an African classroom, a water-carrying weight challenge, a barefoot sandpit, and African crop planting. These activities allow you and your children to experience real-life scenarios from the African region, right here in Taiwan.

活動辦法 How to participate:凡完成四個關卡並將過程分享社群,現場免費兌換限量10週年紀念明信片、收納折疊扇,數量有限、送完為止。 Complete all four activity stations and share your experience on social media to receive a limited edition 10th-anniversary postcard and foldable fan (while supplies last).

展覽時間 Exhibition Date & Time:9/7(六 Saturday)12:00-17:00、9/8(日 Sunday)09:00-17:00

展出地點 Venue:花博入口廣場 Entrance Plaza, Taipei Expo Park

參展方式 Entry:免費自由參展 Free, open to all

👣「救」鞋救命 故事招募 “Shoes That Save Lives” Story Recruitment


“This time, we’re not collecting shoes, but stories.” Open your shoe cabinet and see which pairs, though still in good condition, have been long forgotten. Share your old shoes and their stories with someone in Africa! Shoes That Save Lives will collect 100 pairs of shoes along with their stories to be showcased at the exhibition.

收件方式 How to submit:本主題採兩階段收件。 This will be a two-phase submission process.

第一階段 Phase 1:請先於ACCUPASS活動通報名登記、限額100份。 Register on ACCUPASS, with a limit of 100 submissions.

第二階段 Phase 2:請於2024/9/7(六 Saturday)14:00前,將您的鞋送至十週年特展現場。 Submit your shoes in person at the exhibition venue before 2:00 PM on 9/7 (Saturday).

展出地點 Venue:花博入口廣場 Entrance Plaza, Taipei Expo Park

提醒事項 Notes:

  • 舊鞋不限尺寸、年齡,需品質堪用之男鞋﹑女鞋(平底包鞋為主),無破洞、磨損、裂痕、脫皮、氧化等狀況。
  • 請於清潔後用鞋帶、繩子綑綁,使雙腳不分離。
  • 切勿使用塑膠袋與鞋盒包裝,一個紙箱內可放多雙鞋子,不要過多的包裝,例如:不需要一雙鞋一個塑膠袋、一雙鞋一個鞋盒。
  • 捐贈鞋子同時須完成分享小卡撰寫。分享小卡與鞋子將一同展出於特展現場。
  • Shoes are accepted in all sizes and for all ages. Men’s and women’s shoes (preferably flats) must be in usable condition, with no holes, tears, cracks, peeling, or oxidation.
  • Clean the shoes and tie them together with shoelaces or string to keep pairs together.
  • Do not use plastic bags or shoe boxes for packaging. Multiple pairs of shoes can be placed in one cardboard box without excessive packaging (e.g., no need to use a plastic bag or shoe box for each pair).
  • Along with the shoes, you must submit a completed story card, which will be displayed at the exhibition alongside the shoes.

👣國際永續論壇 International Sustainability Forum


In addition to material donations, Shoes That Save Lives has spent the last ten years reaching the forgotten corners of Africa and addressing the needs of impoverished areas. From converting shipping containers into classrooms and clinics to drilling wells for clean water and teaching livestock farming and organic agriculture to help rural areas become self-sufficient, we will share a decade of Taiwan-Africa cross-sector cooperation on 9/7 (Saturday).

論壇時間 Forum Date & Time:9/7(六 Saturday)13:30~16:30(13:00開放來賓報到)

論壇地點 Venue:Triangle(MAJI MAJI集食行樂 台北市中山區玉門街1號 No. 1, Yumen St., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei City)

報名方式 Registration:請先於ACCUPASS活動通報名登記、限額50人 Please register on ACCUPASS (limited to 50 attendees)

報名 To apply:https://www.accupass.com/eflow/ticket/2407150503232051102177?utm_campaign=accu_banner&utm_medium=home_north&utm_source=Web