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【線上 Online】藝術治療體驗式學習團體 Art Therapy Experiential Learning Group

09/20 @ 9:00 上午 - 09/24 @ 5:00 下午


Art therapy is a helping method based on psychological therapy theories, using art as a medium. It can facilitate emotional expression and help process complex emotions, making it particularly beneficial for individuals who struggle with verbal expression or emotional suppression. Art therapy is now widely applied in various settings, including medical institutions, educational environments, correctional facilities, social welfare organizations, and cultural spaces.

藝旅工作室首次舉辦線上學習團體,讓成員能 The Inside Art is holding its first online learning group, where members will:

  1. 單元式體驗多種藝術治療活動
  2. 與各場域助人專業交流
  3. 了解活動背後理念及變化應用方法,豐富助人技巧
  1. Experience various art therapy activities in a modular format.
  2. Engage in professional exchanges across different helping fields.
  3. Understand the concepts behind the activities and their adaptable applications to enrich helping techniques.

單元一 Module One:「人格特質」及「生命議題」 “Personality Traits” and “Life Issues”

(單元二為「個人成長」及「專業發展」,團體預計在年底舉辦;參加者需先完成單元一之學習團體,方能報名參加單元二課程 Module Two, “Personal Growth” and “Professional Development” will be held at the end of the year. Participants must complete Module One to be eligible to join Module Two.)

團體資訊 Group Information

團體設置 Format:線上團體;每週三晚20:00-21:30,每週一次,共6次 Online group; held every Wednesday evening from 20:00 to 21:30, once a week for 6 sessions

對象 Target Audience:助人工作者或相關科系碩士生 Helping professionals or master’s students in related fields

人數 Group Size:12-15人 participants

學費 Fee:NT$600/人/次,6次共NT$3,600 NT$600 per person per session; total NT$3600 for 6 sessions

報名 To apply:https://www.accupass.com/eflow/ticket/2407310503216224002570

*請成員提前準備當週所需媒材,團體日程和媒材清單將會在9月初公布。 Participants are required to prepare the necessary materials for each session in advance. The schedule and material list will be announced in early September.

帶領者 Facilitator

江嘉珮 Kong Ka-Pui 藝術治療師 Art Therapist

報名須知 Registration Information

1. 報名期限:即日起至額滿為止。

2. 報名以匯款順序錄取。

3. 倘未如期完成報名及繳費流程,主辦單位將會釋出名額予候補報名者。

  1. Registration Period: From now until all spots are filled.
  2. Registration is confirmed on a first-come, first-served basis upon payment.
  3. If registration and payment are not completed on time, the spot will be released to waitlisted applicants.

注意事項 Notes

1. 活動採實名制,不得任意轉讓和轉售,倘經主辦單位發現將取消報名資格。

2. 為確保品質,活動設有對象及人數限制,請報名者尊重規範,以達到最佳體驗。

3. 如因天災、事變等其他不可抗力之事件導致活動無法如期舉行,主辦單位將以電郵通知閣下,並視狀況另行補辦或取消。

4. 本活動不設退款。

5. 您所填寫的個人資料僅限於本課程之聯繫用途,主辦單位將確實依「個人資料保護法」辦理涉及個人資料之蒐集、處理。

6. 主辦單位將保有最後解釋及更改活動內容之權利。

7. 若未達最低開班人數,將於活動前三天以電郵通知並全額退款。

  1. The event follows a real-name system, and tickets are non-transferable or resalable. If violations are found, the organizer reserves the right to cancel the registration.
  2. To ensure quality, the event has participant and number restrictions. Please respect the rules to achieve the best experience.
  3. In the event of unforeseen circumstances such as natural disasters or other force majeure events preventing the activity from being held as scheduled, the organizer will notify participants via email and may reschedule or cancel the event accordingly.
  4. No refunds will be provided for this event.
  5. The personal information you provide will only be used for communication related to this course. The organizer will handle the collection and processing of personal data in accordance with the “Personal Data Protection Act.”
  6. The organizer reserves the right to interpret and modify the content of the event.
  7. If the minimum number of participants is not met, participants will be notified via email three days before the event, and a full refund will be issued.


09/20 @ 9:00 上午
09/24 @ 5:00 下午
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