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【水上大作戰 背包艇+BBQ Water Adventure: Packrafting + BBQ】出口小聚|學習x交友x休閒 Learn x Socialize x Leisure|讓你豐富生活的平台 A Platform to Enrich Your Life

08/31 @ 9:00 上午 - 4:00 下午





This summer’s hottest packrafting adventure is coming to Expat Gathering!

In collaboration with ODoor, the water activity experts, we’ve developed this exclusive event just for our community. Experience the thrill of white-water rafting while enjoying the stunning natural scenery of Pinglin. Afterward, we’ll relax by the riverside pavilion and enjoy a delicious BBQ.

This event isn’t just about fun—you’ll also learn something new! Our interactive team-building games and packrafting basics will be guided by professional instructors, ensuring you have a blast while staying safe.

It’s time to sign up!

🎒 背包艇教學,新手輕鬆上手
🌊 客製化水上團康遊戲
🚣‍♂️ 激流泛舟,刺激體驗
🍖 溪邊BBQ,涼爽夏日
🌟 獨家行程,市面少有
📸 活動攝影,留下精彩瞬間

🎒 Packrafting Basics – Easy for Beginners
🌊 Custom Water-Based Team Games
🚣‍♂️ Thrilling White-Water Rafting
🍖 Riverside BBQ – Refreshing Summer Vibes
🌟 Exclusive Itinerary – A Rare Opportunity
📸 Event Photography – Capture the Best Moments

■ 時間 Date & Time:2024/8/31(六 Saturday)09:00-16:00
■ 地點 Venue:官方協助配車,車手另有福利 Official carpooling assistance provided (with perks for drivers)
■ 人數 Participants:15人起辦,最多30人 Minimum 15, maximum 30
■ 費用包含 Fee Includes:場租/網美桌椅/背包艇裝備套裝(救生衣/溯溪鞋/戶外保險/教練&教學)沖洗費/BBQ烤肉食材/主持/活動規劃/清潔/行銷/工作人員/活動拍攝與錄製 Rental of venue/influencer-worthy furniture, packrafting gear set (life vest, water shoes, outdoor insurance, instructor & training), cleaning fee, BBQ ingredients, event hosting/planning, cleaning, marketing, staff, and event photography & videography

報名 To apply:https://www.accupass.com/eflow/ticket/2408070944141696125126?utm_source=EventPage&utm_medium=AdCard&utm_campaign=accu_AdCard_2406270934195631252280


We’ll be taking our expats to a leisure resort in Pinglin, surrounded by serene, crystal-clear waters, majestic mountain views, and a rich ecosystem—ideal for enjoying nature and adventure.

■ 09:00-09:30 集合 / 裝備穿戴 / 活動說明 Gathering / Gear Up / Event Briefing
■ 09:30-10:30 平靜水域 / 基礎教學 Calm Water Basics Training
■ 10:30-12:00 前進激流水域 / 水上大作戰 Advance to White Water / Water Battle
■ 12:00-13:00 整裝梳洗 Change & Refresh
■ 13:00-15:30 溪畔涼亭BBQ Riverside Pavilion BBQ
■ 15:30-16:00 收拾 / 賦歸 Pack Up / Departure

本場次為 出口小聚 創辦人 小腸 親自帶團

ODoor水上活動專家,合作的獨家活動 Exclusive Collaboration with ODoor, Water Activity Experts

– 為了不影響活動規劃,本活動採不退費制
– 若意外無法前來,請於3日前告知並找朋友替代
– 會於活動前2~3天寄送E-mail行前資訊

  • To maintain event quality, this event is non-refundable
  • If you’re unable to attend, please inform us 3 days in advance and arrange a substitute
  • Pre-event information will be sent via email 2-3 days before the event

A:本場次適合18-65歲 ,體重100kg內的小聚人哦。

A:若需要官方協助安排接駁,請私 出口小聚官方 LINE@217cceju 詢問小編,協助您處理。







Q: What age group is this event suitable for? Are there any other restrictions?
A: This event is suitable for ages 18-65, and participants must weigh under 100kg.

Q: Is there a shuttle service available?
A: If you need assistance arranging a shuttle, please contact us via Life Exit’s official LINE@217cceju, and we’ll help you out.

Q: Are meals included in this event?
A: Yes, all BBQ meals will be provided!

Q: Is there a changing room and shower facility?
A: Yes, the venue provides changing rooms and shower facilities, so no worries!

Q: What kind of water gear should I wear?
A: Please wear swimwear or a rash guard. Additional gear details will be provided in the pre-event information email.

Q: Can I stay and play after the event ends?
A: After the event ends, you can plan your own activities. You can explore nearby attractions with your driver or stay at the venue until the evening (if you wish to stay overnight, please arrange this separately with the venue).

Q: Is there parking available?
A: Yes, the venue has a large parking lot!

Q: Will there be photos provided from the event?
A: Our professional instructors will assist with photography and videography, which will be available for participants to download. Rest assured!


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2024/08/24 (六) 【以咖會友 #手沖咖啡 入門】

2024/08/25 (日) 【夏日甜品,甜點蠟燭體驗】

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8 月就有 6 場活動拉~~眾多活動內容正在籌備中!!


簡單步驟即可加入會員成為「小聚人」取得3大會員福利,請加入 LINE@217cceju 依指示操作即可,加入之後,未來每場活動,就都會有特殊優惠唷💛

近期會在出口小聚社群平台上,公告成為小聚人的條件與福利,先關注起來準沒錯 der ↓

以上所有文宣都出自於「知識包小腸」之手,她是出口小聚創辦人、Heptabase 講師
歡迎關注我們,有任何問題也歡用 LINE@  聯繫:


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