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【桃園書蜜生活】 Canva影像爆發力設計實作坊 Canva Image Explosion Design Workshop

08/15 @ 9:30 上午 - 3:30 下午






Join our Canva Image Explosion Design Workshop! Enhance your design skills!

This workshop will provide you with a rich design experience, allowing you to fully grasp the powerful features of Canva for creating presentations, posters, and short videos!

We will delve into how to create captivating visual effects and how to turn your ideas into actual works.

適用對象 Target Audience

社群小編 / 自媒體經營者 / 自營工作者 / 一般大眾

Social Media Editors / Self-Media Operators / Freelancers / General Public

上課方式 Course Format


  • Instructor’s presentation and explanation
  • Operational demonstrations
  • Hands-on practice and exchange
  • Classroom project presentations

學員自備事項 Things To Bring

1. 自備能上網筆記型電腦

2. 電源線

3. 外接滑鼠,以便您在繪製海報時更好操作

  1. Bring your own internet-enabled laptop
  2. Power cord
  3. External mouse for better operation when designing posters

課程大綱 Course Outline

  • Canva操作入門
  • Canva結合AI創意無限
  • 各式設計品排版運用(簡報、海報、短影片)
  • 圖片編輯技巧 素材選用
  • 色彩及字體的搭配
  • Introduction to Canva operations
  • Unleashing creativity with Canva and AI
  • Layout applications for various designs (presentations, posters, short videos)
  • Image editing techniques and material selection
  • Color and font matching

課程示範作品 Course Demonstration Works



講師介紹 Instructor Introduction

黃馨慧 Huang Xin-hu  現職 Current position:加一設計行銷有限公司 負責人 Owner of PlusOne Design




講師經歷 Instructor Experience

1、濟世功德協會 不老達人 手機攝影 講師

2、桃園社區大學 / 中壢社區大學 手機網美課 講師

3、桃園市政府就業輔導處 手機影片班 講師

4、桃園市政府政風處 內訓課程 捕捉美好瞬間 講師

5、聖約翰大學 網站設計 講師

6、平鎮浸信會Life3夢想才藝班 講師

學歷 Education:台灣藝術大學 視覺傳達系 Department of Visual Communication Design, Taiwan University of Arts

專長 Expertise:網站設計、平面設計、logo設計、攝影、手作。 Website design, graphic design, logo design, photography, handmade crafts.







課堂上輕鬆共學共好 書店空間寬敞舒適



The instructor has rich design experience and will share years of techniques and insights with you, helping you create high-quality works in Canva.

This workshop includes on-site practice to effectively enhance learning outcomes, starting from the basics and demonstrating various styles of design, making it easy to become a Canva expert. The spacious and comfortable bookstore space provides a conducive environment for collective learning and mutual improvement. A discussion group will be established for continuous sharing of post-class works and growth.

If you’re interested in using Canva, sign up to participate!

課程費用 Fee

單1堂課 6小時(含中午用餐休息時間) Single session: 6 hours (including lunch break)


Original price: NT$1,800, Promotional price: NT$1,650, Early bird price: NT$1,500 (for the first 5 registrants)






The course fee includes instructor fees, venue fees, and refreshments (tea, coffee, snacks). Lunch is self-arranged or can be ordered on the day.

Participants will receive a book discount voucher “Open the Book Discount Voucher NT$100” (usable on the day of the class).

This course requires a minimum of 5 participants to open. If fewer than 5 participants register, a full refund will be provided.

Don’t miss this great opportunity for learning and exchange! Register now to take your design skills to the next level!

報名 To apply:https://www.accupass.com/eflow/ticket/2407210954151637130293

~~熱情招生中 Enthusiastic Enrollment in Progress~~

注意事項 Notes
1. 書蜜生活將就活動過程進行攝、錄影,以利活動結束後提供成果發表影像留存及本單位行銷宣傳與推廣之用。
2. 活動前30分鐘開始報到,無法出席者恕無法退費。
3. 如遇颱風、地震等不可抗力因素影響,將依桃園市政府公告為準取消活動。
4. 書蜜生活保留課程內容與規則更動之權利,如有未盡事宜或任何異動,得隨時修正公告。
5. 本活動委託ACCUPASS代為處理退票退款事宜,票券可使用時間8日前辦理,酌收票價10%退票手續費,逾期恕不受理

  1. Open the Book will photograph and record the event for post-event presentations and for promotional use by our unit.
  2. Check-in begins 30 minutes before the event; no refunds for no-shows.
  3. In case of force majeure such as typhoons or earthquakes, the event will be canceled following Taoyuan City Government announcements.
  4. Open the Book reserves the right to change course content and rules. Any updates or unaddressed matters will be announced and corrected as needed.
  5. This event entrusts ACCUPASS to handle ticket refunds. Refund requests must be made 8 days before the event, with a 10% ticket refund handling fee. No refunds will be processed after the deadline.


9:30 上午 - 3:30 下午
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桃園市, Taiwan
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