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【心之島嶼】周曉蘭插畫個展 “Island of The Heart” Illustration Solo Exhibition By Chou Hsiao-Lan

03/19 @ 8:00 上午 - 03/25 @ 5:00 下午

展期:2024/1/25/ (三) – 3/25(四)

Exhibition Period: January 25 (Wednesday) to March 25 (Thursday), 2024
Venue: Design Gallery, Ming Chuan University (3rd floor of the Design Building), No. 5, De Ming Road, Guishan District, Taoyuan City


The Design Gallery is hosting an exhibition from now until March 25th, 2024.
“Island of the Heart” – Illustration Solo Exhibition by Chou Hsiao-Lan
We welcome all faculty and students to visit the Design Gallery on the 3rd floor of the Design Building to appreciate and provide feedback.

法國知名作家安托萬·德·聖修伯里(法語:Antoine de Saint-Exupéry;1900-1944)在《小王子》(法語:Le Petit Prince)一書中提到:「沙漠之所以美麗,是因為在它的某個角落隱藏著一口井。」〈What makes the desert beautiful is that somewhere it hides a well.〉 藝術品宛若「時空膠囊」,跨越了時間和空間的距離,創作者探索自身與外界人、事、時、地、物間的生命軌跡,從而進行內化映射在作品,體現出─「藝術即生活」的生命情趣。 此次插畫創作展─「心之島嶼」〈ISLAND OF THE HEART〉,意指我們每個人心中都有一個屬於自己的島嶼故事。我將日常生活的觀察、體會轉化為創作的符旨(signified)。作品藉由擬人化姿態的動物,表現出生活中個體與外界所產生的情感聯繫。而那些看似微不足道且容易被忽略的每一轉瞬,恰成為別具療癒效果的心靈雞湯。

Concept of Creation
Renowned French author Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (1900-1944) once wrote in “The Little Prince”: “What makes the desert beautiful is that somewhere it hides a well”. Artworks serve as “time-space capsules”, transcending the boundaries of time and space. The creator explores the life trajectory between oneself and the external world, reflecting on the essence of “art as life”. This illustration exhibition, “Island of the Heart”, signifies the unique stories residing within each individual’s heart. Through the personification of animals, the artworks depict the emotional connections between individuals and the external world. Every seemingly trivial and easily overlooked moment becomes a healing elixir for the soul.

台北出生,♀,國立臺北藝術大學美術研究所碩士。大學時多次於報紙發表插畫作品,便開啟了插畫創作之旅!平日喜歡「遊走人間」,將讀過的詩歌、走過的市集、聊過的對話,當成創意儲值。喜愛療癒感十足的小動物們,特別是外表呆萌的貓頭鷹! 現任銘傳大學兼任講師、國語日報美育組教師、光仁中學特約美術教師和自由插畫與繪本工作者,並多次擔任官方競賽與縣市美展評審。

Artist Profile

Born in Taipei, ♀, holds a Master’s degree in Fine Arts from Taipei National University of the Arts. During university, she frequently published illustrations in newspapers, initiating her journey in illustration creation. She enjoys “wandering the world”, using poetry, market strolls, and conversations as sources of creative inspiration. She has a special fondness for adorable little animals, especially owls with their endearing appearances! Currently serving as an adjunct lecturer at Ming Chuan University, a teacher in the Mandarin Daily News’ Art Education Department, a contracted art teacher at Kuang Jen High School, and working as a freelance illustrator and picture book creator. She has also served as a judge for official competitions and county art exhibitions on multiple occasions.


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