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【巴西之夜 Brazilian Night】João Menezes和巴西音樂的黃金時代 João Menezes and Golden Era of Brazilian Music

08/15 @ 7:30 下午 - 9:30 下午





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We are a performance art venue located in the East District of Taipei, listed as a must-visit destination for Taipei’s cultural scene. If you haven’t visited us yet, stepping into our venue amidst the hustle and bustle of the city will make you feel like you’ve entered a paradise.

Here, there’s no minimum spending requirement. All you need to do is immerse yourself in the music! Tickets come with a designated beverage and you can also purchase snacks to accompany your chill night.

In addition to weekend evening “performance events,” we also offer “knowledge lectures” and “course experiences” on weekdays and weekend afternoons. Our main goal is to promote the development of the performing arts industry in Taiwan and Asia, hoping to create more stages for artists and enrich everyone’s life perspectives and tastes with art, making art an integral part of everyday life!

演出內容 Performance Details

João Menezes是一位來自葡萄牙的歌手和吉他手,專攻巴西音樂,涵蓋Bossa Nova、Samba、Baião、Choro以及MPB等多種風格。畢業於著名的Guildhall School of Music & Drama,João在倫敦的各大場地演出,無論是獨奏還是與樂隊合作,都全心投入分享他對巴西音樂的熱愛。

在這次演出中,João將帶來MPB(“Música Popular Brasileira”,即“巴西流行音樂”)的經典曲目。MPB是一個融合了巴西傳統音樂風格如Samba和Bossa Nova,與現代音樂元素的廣義音樂類型。自20世紀60年代以來,MPB成為巴西音樂的主要類型,代表性音樂家包括Caetano Veloso、Gilberto Gil、Chico Buarque 和 Elis Regina等。

演出將聚焦於巴西音樂的黃金時代,這是一個充滿創新和活力的時期,見證了音樂風格的突破和跨界融合。João的演出將重現這段充滿經典旋律的時光,涵蓋了João Gilberto、João Bosco、Tom Jobim、Guinga、Djavan和Elis Regina等音樂家的傑作。

João Menezes is a singer and guitarist from Portugal specializing in Brazilian music, covering styles such as Bossa Nova, Samba, Baião, Choro, and MPB. Graduated from the renowned Guildhall School of Music & Drama, João has performed at major venues in London, dedicating himself to sharing his passion for Brazilian music, whether solo or with a band.

In this performance, João will present classic tracks of MPB (“Música Popular Brasileira,” or “Brazilian Popular Music”). MPB is a broad genre that blends traditional Brazilian music styles like Samba and Bossa Nova with modern music elements. Since the 1960s, MPB has become a major genre in Brazilian music, with iconic musicians such as Caetano Veloso, Gilberto Gil, Chico Buarque, and Elis Regina.

The performance will focus on the golden era of Brazilian music, a period full of innovation and vitality, witnessing breakthroughs and cross-genre fusion in music styles. João’s performance will recreate this time of classic melodies, featuring masterpieces by João Gilberto, João Bosco, Tom Jobim, Guinga, Djavan, and Elis Regina.

演出資訊 Event Information

● 活動時間 Date & Time|8/15(四 Thursday)19:30
● 活動票價 Fee|NT$500  ㊟ 凡付費票卷,包含一項指定飲品 Each paid ticket includes one designated drink

報名 To apply:https://www.accupass.com/eflow/ticket/2407280854042052215912?utm_campaign=accu_banner&utm_medium=home_north&utm_source=Web

● 爵士音樂家 Jazz Musician|
Vocal、Guitar:João Menezes

● 演出地點 Venue|享象 Rhythmscape
● 演出地址 Address|台北市大安區忠孝東路四段15號5樓之3​ 5F-3, No. 15, Sec. 4, Zhongxiao E. Rd., Da’an Dist., Taipei City
● 交通方式 Transportation|捷運忠孝復興4號出口,步行1分鐘 1-minute walk from Exit 4 of Zhongxiao Fuxing MRT Station​(阿宗麵線旁,由頂好名廈進入 enter via the Dinghao Building next to Ay-Chung Flour-Rice Noodle)
● 主辦單位 Organizer|音象表演藝術有限公司 Rhythmscape


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