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【在修復式正義實踐中讓關係正確的建構】新書作者見面會 【Setting Relations Right in Restorative Practice】Book Author Meet and Greet

03/26 @ 1:00 下午 - 2:30 下午




The Comparative Criminal Research Center of our institute, led by Professor Sheu Chuen-Jim, plans to host an online book launch event titled “Setting Relations Right in Restorative Practice” on Tuesday (3/26) at BB301 in the Social Sciences Building.

The authors, respectively serving as Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Australian Restorative Justice Association, present a practical guide on restorative justice. This book can be utilized in the judicial field to provide healing for injuries and can also be applied more broadly in communities to assist people in peaceful coexistence.

Drawing from decades of frontline experience in restorative justice, the authors articulate a theoretical framework and provide detailed skill sets. The book includes case studies and improvement suggestions for existing programs in the judicial system, as well as innovations in the restorative justice model for institutional abuse, domestic violence, and sexual assault cases. It also discusses the practical applications of restorative justice in campus and workplace settings.

▶視訊(Microsoft Teams)報名連結 Registration for the online event via Microsoft Teams can be found at:https://reurl.cc/K4gX39
(報名資訊僅要求註冊姓名、email、組織與職稱 Registration information only requires name, email, organization, and job title)



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