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【台灣朝聖之路 Taiwan Pilgrimage Route】木柵指南宮竹柏參道 Zhizhan Temple Bamboo Cypress Path in Muzha|步道小旅行、寂靜漫步遊 A Small Trail Trip and Silent Walk

10/19 @ 3:00 下午 - 5:30 下午

👉活動理念 Event Concept




Many studies have shown one thing: being close to nature is beneficial to both physical and mental health.

The idea of using nature as a “green gym” has gradually gained popularity. However, it emphasizes not just being in nature but maintaining appropriate behavior, actions, and mindset during the activity. For example, avoiding using mobile phones and loud noises, opening your senses, stretching your body, relaxing, meditating, and so on. By doing this, you can fully relax both your body and mind while enjoying the journey.

“Traveling” is not just about sightseeing; it also involves life experiences, sharing beautiful things, self-discovery, and even realizing ideals and values.

📣美遊記全系列活動 Full Series Events:【城市小旅行、步道小旅行】

👉活動規劃 Event Details

📅活動時間 Date & Time:2024/10/19(六 Saturday)15:00-17:30

🚩集合地點 Meeting Point:指南宮竹柏參道入口牌樓 The archway at the entrance of the Bamboo Cypress Path, Zhizhan Temple(地址 Address:台北市文山區指南路三段33巷 Ln. 33, Sec. 3, Zhinan Rd., Wenshan Dist., Taipei City)

🚶‍♂️ 路線安排 Route:指南宮竹柏參道入口牌樓(集合)→終南亭→龍嗥亭→七星亭→福德祠→純陽寶殿→自在茶亭(解散) Bamboo Cypress Path Entrance Archway (Meeting) → Zhongnan Pavilion → Longhao Pavilion → Qixing Pavilion → Fude Temple → Chunyang Hall → Zizai Tea Pavilion (End of the trip)

報名 To apply:https://www.accupass.com/eflow/ticket/2407230437191675472680?utm_source=EventPage&utm_medium=AdCard&utm_campaign=accu_AdCard_2408290248008358608990

📢主辦單位 Organizer:美遊記

📢共同主辦單位 Co-organizer:羅德尼身心放鬆術

📢協辦單位 Supporting Organization:鴻運旅行社-范靜宜(品保編號:北0017/交觀甲0464)

📢活動費用 Fee:定價 Regular price NT$600/限時優惠價 Limited offer NT$450 /團體優惠價 Group discount NT$390(單次報名2人以上即符合資格 for groups of two or more)

📢費用包含 Fee Includes:講師費、保險 Instructor fee and insurance

📢活動講師 Instructor:孫仁明 Sun Ren-ming

📢講師簡介 Instructor Profile:【羅德尼身心放鬆術】【美遊記】共同創作者、【中山社大】廟宇走讀祈褔趣課程老師、【大安社大】城市小旅行課程老師、【104高年級】導覽老師

👉景點介紹 Trail Introduction


The “Zhizhan Temple Mountain Trail” also known as the “Thousand-Step Trail” or “Bamboo Cypress Path”, has been a main pilgrimage route for believers since ancient times. It has always attracted many visitors, whether it was a narrow mountain path or the stone steps built during the Japanese era. In recent years, the path has been renovated to restore its former glory, with bamboo cypress trees planted along the way, and the original stone lanterns and pillars repaired. This path now shines once again as a symbol of pilgrimage in Taiwan.


The trail is approximately 993 meters long and consists of 1,346 steps. The difficulty level is relatively high, so it is more suitable for people who regularly exercise. However, by adjusting the pace and using walking sticks, even those with less experience have a good chance of successfully reaching the top. In addition to the challenge, the journey is filled with symbolic gourds, Japanese stone lanterns, uniquely designed pavilions, bamboo cypress trees, and varying landscapes, all of which enhance the experience, making this path a spiritual journey worth taking.


The archway at the entrance stands out with its unique style. Beyond marking the beginning of the trail, it signifies stepping into a sacred, serene realm. The gourd symbol on the archway represents prosperity and has the auspicious meaning of “blessing and fortune,” derived from the mythological Li Tieguai’s staff, making it a subtle yet meaningful feature of the pilgrimage route.



From its early days as a place for maintaining local security to later becoming a spot for rest and observation, a “pavilion” is not just a traditional architectural form but also serves as a place for welcoming and sending off visitors. What was once a cold, unadorned structure, in the eyes of literati, has transformed into a symbol of deep sentiment. A simple pavilion, through their writing, becomes an expression of personal aspirations or emotional longing, witnessing the joys and sorrows of life. Among the three pavilions along the path, the “Long Hao Pavilion” (Dragon Roar Pavilion) is the most representative.

From the moment one’s eyes first meet it, attention is naturally drawn and hard to shift elsewhere. Though hidden in lush greenery, its innate charm is undeniable. The weathered architecture blends with the surrounding untouched woods, creating an indescribable atmosphere, as if crafted by a master hand. The contrasts between the elements somehow harmonize, providing a peaceful retreat for travelers from the clamor of the outside world. The “Long Hao Pavilion” not only offers a place for temporary rest but also serves as an excellent outdoor photo setting. It’s naturally picturesque, allowing one to effortlessly capture stunning images, leaving behind beautiful memories with just a simple gesture or pose.


Since its construction, the Chunyang Temple has undergone several renovations and is now a three-story building. Its design is based on the work of one of Taiwan’s foremost traditional architecture masters, Chen Yingbin. His contributions to the history of Taiwanese temple architecture are significant, with notable works including not only Muzha’s Zhinan Temple but also Beigang Chaotian Temple, Dalongdong Bao’an Temple, Taoyuan Jingfu Temple, Xianshe Temple, and Jian Tan Temple, among others. On the first floor, the main hall enshrines Lü Dongbin, a revered Taoist immortal. Above the hall, there is a plaque that reads “The Most Spiritual Mountain in the World.” Behind the main hall stands a carved greenstone dragon head, symbolizing the mountain’s guardian deity, something rare in other temples. The semi-circular stone steps in front of the temple gate offer one of the best spots to take in Taipei’s scenic views. Whether it’s the sunrise, sunset, sea of clouds, or mountain mists, these breathtaking views attract numerous visitors for a moment of pause and admiration.




👉寂靜漫步 Silent Walk







To fully enjoy this journey, we need to make some changes: no talking, no eating or drinking, no listening to music, and try not to think about anything. Keep this state for at least 15 minutes and focus on breathing and mindfulness. When “body and mind” are fully present, you can truly resonate with the environment and open your senses to the gifts of nature:

Ears: Listen to the sounds of nature, which is relaxing
Eyes: Greenery reduces eye fatigue and helps relieve stress
Mouth: Speak less to conserve energy
Nose: Fresh air, rich in phytoncides and negative ions, refreshes the body and mind
Body: Relax through stretching, letting the breeze take away your worries

👉寂靜山徑&無痕山林 Leave No Trace










Respect nature for sustainable development:

✅ No loud noises
✅ No amplifiers
✅ No music along the way
✅ Avoid stepping on moss
✅ Properly dispose of waste
✅ Preserve the original appearance of the environment
✅ Respect wildlife
✅ Consider other users of the trail


👉報名須知 Event Registration Notes












✅ The trail is family-friendly, but due to the many steps, participants should assess their fitness level before registering. Children under 12 must be accompanied by a parent (1:1 ratio).
✅ The event includes insurance, so please provide your full Chinese name, birth date, and ID number when registering. If you cannot or do not wish to provide this information, please refrain from registering.
✅ Ensure that your full name, phone number, and email address are accurate for event communication.
✅ Fees must be paid in full before the event, and any price differences must be resolved.
✅ If you cannot attend after registering, you may transfer your spot (with notice at least 3 days before the event).

Refund Policy:
A. 100% refund up to 6 days before the event.
B. 70% refund 5-2 days before the event.
C. No refunds 1 day before or on the day of the event.
D. Need pay NT$100 for handling charge.

👉注意事項 Notes











✅ In the event of force majeure such as natural disasters or unfavorable weather conditions, the organizer reserves the right to cancel the event for safety reasons, to ensure the safety of participants.

✅ The event’s videos, photos, etc., are the intellectual property of the organizer. The organizer will use them for event documentation, news releases, and subsequent marketing purposes. If you do not agree, please inform us at any time, and already published content can be removed.

✅ The organizer reserves the right to modify, suspend, or cancel the event. Any updates regarding the event will be announced on relevant platforms. Any matters not covered in these terms may be amended and announced by the organizer without further notice.

✅ No-shows, those who leave the group during the event, or who fall behind will be considered as voluntarily withdrawing from the event. Rejoining the group mid-event will not be allowed.

✅ Participants are advised to assess their physical condition and prepare accordingly: wear light and comfortable clothing, non-slip shoes, a sunhat, prepare for cold weather, sun protection, and mosquito repellent, as well as bring rain gear, personal medications, light snacks, water, and a walking stick if necessary. Please refrain from wearing perfume on the event day.

✅ Please arrive on time at the designated check-in time to avoid impacting the quality of participation and your own rights.

✅ The planned route may be adjusted slightly according to the actual guide schedule and conditions.

✅ Receipts can be provided if required, but no invoices will be issued.

✅ The minimum number of participants for the event is six. If the minimum is not met, the organizer will decide whether to proceed or reschedule for the next event.

✅ The guided tour will be conducted via LINE conference room wireless system. All participants are required to bring their own earphones. The relevant link will be provided in the pre-event notification.








🚌公車236、237、282、530、611、小10 、棕3、棕5、棕6、棕11、棕15、綠1、指南客運 1、2、3『政治大學』站下車後,沿指南路二段走到政大實小對面的指南路三段33巷口進入。

🚈捷運木柵線到『萬芳社區』站下車後,搭乘小10公車,或『動物園』站下車後,搭乘棕 15公車到『北政國中站』下車,沿指南路走到政大實小對面的指南路三段33巷口進入。


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