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【元宇宙之無境虛幻 Unreal Boundless】沈浸式光影藝術展 Immersive Projection Mapping Art Exhibition

07/01 @ 9:00 上午 - 07/15 @ 9:00 下午

展覽資訊 Exhibition Information

 沈浸式光影藝術展 Metaverse: Boundless Illusions Immersive Light and Shadow Art Exhibition

沉浸式光影藝術展藉由先進的光影藝術和互動投影技術,打造一個充滿思考性與 趣味性的沉浸式體驗空間,引領觀眾進入一個超越現實的虛擬世界,透過視覺、聽覺、嗅覺與觸覺等五感冥 想與多重的感官刺激,讓觀眾進入深層心靈探索與自我覺知,感受科技與自然及冥想與藝術的元宇宙概念。


The Immersive Light and Shadow Art Exhibition uses advanced light and shadow art and interactive projection technology to create a thought-provoking and fun immersive experience. It guides visitors into a virtual world that transcends reality, engaging their senses—sight, sound, smell, and touch. Through multi-sensory meditation and stimulation, visitors can explore their inner selves and achieve self-awareness, experiencing the concept of a metaverse that combines technology, nature, meditation, and art.

We hope that visitors find peace in the tranquil and harmonious atmosphere created by natural elements within the exhibition. This experience aims to inspire thoughts about the future coexistence of AI technology and nature, and the relationship between humans and their living environment.

展區介紹 渾沌世界最空靈淨化的角落 Exhibition Zones Introduction



The exhibition combines the expertise of more than ten artists, technologists, videographers, musicians, spatial designers, meditation experts, and incense masters from around the world. This collaboration creates an immersive light and shadow art experience, opening the senses to meditation. It provides visual, auditory, gustatory, and tactile comfort, cleansing the mind and helping individuals discover new personal energies.

The exhibition is divided into twelve units, each designed to immerse visitors in an environment that opens the mind through atmospheric audiovisual experiences. Among these, visitors will encounter the works of renowned cross-strait artist Wu Yong-jian’s mascot creations, perfect for selfies and sharing. The journey concludes in a fantastical setting composed of seasonal flowers, crystals, musical calligraphy, and more, allowing visitors to temporarily set aside external conflicts and pressures, regain self-confidence, and accept the infinite illusions with renewed self-awareness.


To satisfy the desire for mementos after your visit, we have prepared a variety of creative merchandise resembling twinkling stars. Choose a few to continue shining in your own sky, or share them with friends to spread the sparkle.


Before entering the virtual world, prepare yourself mentally by removing your shoes and socks, freeing your feet, and bringing your wandering or restless mind back to focus. Slowly and quietly, immerse yourself in the experience.


Before entering the virtual world, stroll through Taichung’s scenic spots, taking photos and sharing them on social media. Let your friends see you navigating these scenes as if you were in an uncharted realm.


This Zone is specially prepared for those bringing children or for those who are children at heart. It includes digital painting and bead art activities that engage your arms and hands. There are also snacks and drinks available. If you want more fun, you can add a session. After fully engaging your mind, body, and stomach, it’s time to dive into the virtual experience.

本區看到的聞到的還有飄過眼前的花開花落如夢泡影,似真是假或以假亂真,3D浮空投影是AI人工智慧與元 宇宙交互融合的呈現型態,你可以透過浮空投影欣賞虛實交融的美景,並與植被元素互動,感受生命力量。

In this Zone, what you see, smell, and the ephemeral blooms passing before your eyes are dreamlike illusions, blurring the lines between reality and fantasy. The 3D floating projection showcases the interactive fusion of AI intelligence and the metaverse. You can admire the beauty of this virtual and real-world blend through the floating projections and interact with plant elements to feel the life force.


This Zone features picturesque scenes of falling flowers and flowing water enhanced with poetry, creating a poetic atmosphere. It might inspire you to recite a poem, and yes, you can! This area encourages you to boldly recite poetry amidst the flowing colors and floral imagery, not limited to just a few lines.

本區是給很想要躺草皮又怕躺到毛小孩家長忘了帶走的S的你所準備的,你可以很大方躺在舒服的長草地上墊上一顆石頭枕,感受草浪與自然樂音的環繞景象,在風聲、氣音、香氛、草浪、石頭枕堆環抱中,讓你沉浸 在五感滿足的平靜與安寧。

This Zone is designed for those who want to lie on the grass but are worried about getting too close to pets left behind by their owners. You can comfortably lie on the soft grass with a stone pillow, surrounded by grass waves and natural music. In this serene setting of wind sounds, air whispers, fragrances, grass waves, and stone pillows, you can immerse yourself in a state of peace and tranquility, satisfying all five senses.


This Zone reveals that you are not the only one leisurely wandering through nature. Especially at night, the forest is inhabited by many mysterious sprites. Interacting with them allows you to experience the diversity of life forms and their mysterious charm.

本區探索文字從象形經形、音、義演化至今重解構中文字的詮釋,符合時代現象賦予新意,是巫老師「字匯」 系列作品想引發你對生活、待人、處世的思考與共鳴,帶來一場文字「字匯」與智慧的啟迪之旅。

This Zone explores the evolution of Chinese characters from pictograms to their current forms, analyzing the interpretation of characters through shapes, sounds, and meanings. This aligns with contemporary phenomena and gives new meaning to the characters. This is part of Mr. Wu’s “Character Collection” series, aiming to provoke thoughts on life, relationships, and existence, bringing a journey of enlightenment through words and wisdom.

本區以「念頭」系列作品為主題,透過沈浸式投影、冥想、缽音…探索念頭的善惡、美醜、實虛及貪瞋痴崢等十個對比畫面,呈現念頭的差異。美的念頭如美艷花束,吸引蜂蝶繁華;反之,醜的念頭如惡臭垃圾,招來蠅 蟲凌亂。那你想裝什麼呢?

This Zone features the “Thoughts” series, using immersive projections, meditation, and bowl sounds to explore the duality of thoughts—good and evil, beauty and ugliness, reality and illusion, greed and contentment. Ten contrasting scenes depict the variations of thoughts. Beautiful thoughts, like a vibrant bouquet, attract bees and butterflies, while ugly thoughts, like stinking garbage, attract flies. What kind of thoughts do you want to harbor?

本區空間透過反射與折射手法將滿地落花鋪滿整個空間,看似為你鋪設的花道你近卻又散開,或散落在你走過 的途中,像是求之不得得之非求的人生玩笑,然花開有時,花落有時,我若無求眼見花正開,伸手落花時。

This Zone uses reflection and refraction to cover the entire space with scattered flowers, creating an illusion of a floral path that disperses as you approach or walk through it. It symbolizes the elusive nature of desires and the joke life plays with us—flowers bloom and fall in their own time. When you have no desires, you see flowers in full bloom; when you reach out, the flowers fall.

本區以互動彩繪投影的方式,讓你的心願透過那顆星傳送至宇宙,不管是事業、愛情、財運、健康、幸福…等, 都有一顆專屬的星願星可以連結你與宇宙為你滿願。

This Zone employs interactive painting projections to send your wishes to the universe through a star. Whether it’s for career, love, wealth, health, or happiness, there is a star for each wish, connecting you with the universe to fulfill your desires.

.ᐟ.ᐟ 等等還不急著走,記得穿回鞋子並多帶些念想回家繼續閃亮自己的星空喔 .ᐟ.ᐟ

Wait, don’t rush to leave yet! Remember to put your shoes back on and take some memories home to keep shining in your own starry sky.

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台中市, Taiwan
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