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【以咖會友 手沖咖啡入門 Coffee Meet-Up – Pour Over Coffee Basics Workshop】出口小聚|學習x交友x休閒 Learn x Socialize x Leisure|讓你豐富生活的平台 A Platform to Enrich Your Life

08/24 @ 3:00 下午 - 6:00 下午




In the hustle and bustle of daily life, give yourself a reason to indulge!

Join our Pour Over Coffee Basics workshop at Coffee Meet-Up to quickly grasp essential coffee knowledge while making new friends in a charming, red-brick studio.

We’ll also provide a beautifully arranged set of coffee equipment, creating a full-on ritualistic experience ✨

💛個人專屬名牌 🍪精緻下午茶點

📸 We’ve booked the entire red-brick studio!
💛 Personalized name tags
🍪 Delicious afternoon tea treats
☕ Taste four different types of coffee beans
☕ Learn the differences between light, medium, and dark roasts
☕ Master how to order single-origin coffee
☕ Get recommendations for Taipei’s best coffee shops
✋ Brew your own pour-over coffee

(依現場狀況微調內容 Content may be slightly adjusted based on the situation)


■ 時間 Date & Time:2024/8/24(六 Saturday)15:00-18:00
■ 地點 Venue:🕯️空間療癒師 – After. Atelier.🕯️
■ 位置 Location:龍山寺附近,行前公佈 Near Longshan Temple, exact location announced prior to the event
■ 人數 Participants:15人起辦,最多25人 Minimum 15, maximum 25
■ 報名表單 Registration Form:https://www.surveycake.com/s/4ONr9
請洽小聚 IG 主頁連結,那邊可以點擊喲 Please check our IG homepage link for easy acces
■ 費用包含 Fee Includes:場租/主持/活動規劃/清潔/行銷/茶水/工作人員/影印/識別證/手沖咖啡設備/下午茶/咖啡豆 Venue rental, host, event planning, cleaning, marketing, tea, staff, printing, name tags, pour-over coffee equipment, afternoon tea, and coffee beans

報名 To apply:https://www.accupass.com/eflow/ticket/2407251728274271087010?utm_campaign=accu_banner&utm_medium=home_north&utm_source=Web

🕯️空間療癒師 – After. Atelier.🕯️

這一次,我們將活動地點選在龍山寺站附近的After. Atelier,一個實景攝影棚兼挑高六米的紅磚老宅和溫暖的木質調小木屋,一起享受老宅攝影棚带来的鬆弛感!


After. Atelier還有近百種拍攝大小道具可自由搭配,攝影用藝術小書、報紙、植物、藝術瓶器、手沖咖啡器具、泡茶杯具組、韓國玻璃層架、各種尺寸鏡子、推車、復古沙發、QQ毛網美椅、高檔皮革椅、金色高腳椅、美妝小物、一些精品🥰


This time, we’ve chosen to host the event at After. Atelier, a real-life photography studio near Longshan Temple. The space includes a high-ceilinged red-brick house and a cozy wooden cabin, offering a relaxed atmosphere!

💛 6-8 constant photogenic scenes for simultaneous shooting
💛 30 ping (approximately 1000 sq ft) of open space with 6-meter-high ceilings

After. Atelier also offers nearly a hundred photography props, including art books, newspapers, plants, artistic vases, pour-over coffee sets, tea sets, Korean glass shelves, various sizes of mirrors, vintage sofas, trendy chairs, and more 🥰

Whether for photography or coffee enjoyment, this is the perfect place.

■ 15:00-15:30 入場時光 Arrival Time
■ 15:30-16:30 咖啡品飲與教學 Coffee Tasting & Instruction
■ 16:30-17:30 手沖咖啡體驗 Pour Over Coffee Experience
■ 17:30-18:00 小聚總結、會後交流 Wrap-Up & Socializing


【Dress code】
🥠幸運餅乾色系(白、咖、杏) Fortune Cookie Color Palette (White, Brown, Almond)

– 為了不影響活動規劃,本活動採不退費制
– 若意外無法前來,請於3日前告知並找朋友替代
– 請勿空腹前往,本活動只供茶點不供餐
– 會於活動前2~3天寄送E-mail行前資訊

  • This event follows a no-refund policy to maintain event planning integrity.
  • If you are unable to attend, please notify us at least 3 days in advance and find someone to attend in your place.
  • Please do not attend on an empty stomach, as only light refreshments will be provided.
  • Pre-event information will be sent via email 2-3 days before the event.


A:會需要你自備馬克杯來裝咖啡唷~也請記得攜帶一顆愉悅的心情 😝



A:After. Atelier擁有挑高六米的紅磚老宅和木質調小木屋,是一個實景攝影棚,光線溫暖,非常適合拍照和享受咖啡。

Q:一定要穿小聚規定的Dress Code色系嗎?

Q: Is this pour-over coffee workshop suitable for beginners?
A: Yes! The workshop is designed with beginners in mind, covering basic topics, and you’ll get to use all the equipment.

Q: Do I need to bring anything on the day of the event?
A: Please bring your own mug for the coffee! And don’t forget to bring a joyful heart 😝

Q: Will there be interactive activities during the event?
A: None of Coffee Meet-Up’s events have mandatory interactive sessions, so rest assured!

Q: Can I bring a friend with me?
A: Of course! The venue is super photogenic, so bring a friend and snap some pics together 🙂

Q: What makes the venue special?
A: After. Atelier features a 6-meter-high red-brick house and a wooden cabin, providing a warm, photogenic setting, perfect for enjoying coffee and taking photos.

Q: Is it mandatory to follow the Dress Code?
A: No strict dress code—just come as you feel comfortable and happy!


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簡單步驟即可加入會員成為「小聚人」取得3大會員福利,請加入 LINE@217cceju 依指示操作即可,加入之後,未來每場活動,就都會有特殊優惠唷💛

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以上所有文宣都出自於「知識包小腸」之手,她是出口小聚創辦人、Heptabase 講師
歡迎關注我們,有任何問題也歡用 LINE@  聯繫:


After. Atelier
台北市, Taiwan
+ Google Map