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【中秋限定作品 Mid-Autumn Limited Edition】生活中的調香手作課 Fragrance Craft Workshop|擴香瓶 Diffuser Bottles|月餅香氛蠟燭 Mooncake Scented Candles

09/19 @ 9:00 上午 - 09/28 @ 6:00 下午

課程特色 Course Highlights





🌿 Personalized Creations: You can select different essential oils and fragrances to create a unique piece based on your preferences and needs. (Mooncake candles cannot be customized)

🌿 Professional Guidance: The course is taught by experienced perfumers who will provide expert knowledge and techniques, ensuring that you can master the skills of making essential oil candles and diffuser bottles.

🌿 Natural Materials: Learn how to choose and combine healthy, non-toxic ingredients to create eco-friendly and safe fragrance products.

🌿 Interactive Experience: The course is designed to emphasize interaction and hands-on practice, allowing participants to create and share their own works in a relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere.


課程體驗 Course Experience





  • Understanding Fragrances: Learn about the origins, characteristics, and applications of various fragrances in scent creation.
  • Demonstrating Unique Scent Creation: By using a rich variety of fragrance combinations, the instructor will demonstrate how to create a unique, personalized scent.
  • Emphasizing Creativity and Feelings: You will have the freedom to express your creativity and design a fragrance that reflects your personal style.
  • Complete Your Own Fragrance Masterpiece: Take home a creation that enhances your living space with delightful scents.

品牌介紹 Brand Introduction


Charmèr 鑲媺(ㄇㄟˇ),我們是自2023年創立的台灣品牌。 「Charmèr」在法文中是迷人的意思,而「媺」為美善之意,期待香氣足夠迷人,能夠鑲進世界,帶來美善的改變。

最開始由兩位對香精過敏,又想在生活中享受香氛的人創立。在大學時因緣際會接觸了精油,自此無比喜愛,一瓶瓶的收藏,原本只是希望不同的植物氣味混合能得到更豐富的香味, 卻玩出了魔法~我們在生活中經常使用香氛,調整心情、消除異味,維持自身的狀態,同時也和朋友分享我們調出的味道,頗受好評。所以在互相支持下,決定共同創造這個品牌。 希望帶給大家一些不一樣的香氛,由天然植物萃取,保留了自然的層次,同時經過人的感受淬煉,能夠更貼近這個凡俗塵世,再讓自然的香氣去引領。讓也和我們一樣,對香精過敏的人們也能享受香氛生活。

Charmèr 鑲媺, founded in Taiwan in 2023, derives from the French word “Charmèr” meaning charming, and “媺,” which signifies beauty and goodness. Our hope is that our charming fragrances will bring beauty and goodness to the world.

The brand was initially created by two fragrance enthusiasts who were allergic to synthetic fragrances but still wanted to enjoy scented products in their daily lives. After discovering essential oils during their university years, they fell in love with the natural scents and began experimenting with different plant aromas to create magical combinations. The founders regularly used these creations to uplift their moods, eliminate odors, and maintain their well-being. The positive reception from friends encouraged them to launch this brand. Charmèr offers natural plant-based fragrances, retaining the layers of nature while adding a human touch, making these scents more accessible. We hope to provide unique fragrances for those who, like us, are sensitive to synthetic fragrances.

課程作品 Course Works

個性化小香水 Personalized small perfume

擴香瓶、月餅香芬蠟燭(擇一) Diffuser Bottle or Mooncake Scented Candle (choose one)


備註 Notes:月餅香氛蠟燭無法客製化,香調為以下 The Mooncake Scented Candle cannot be customized and features the following scent profile

前調|甜橙 絲柏 薄荷

中調|薰衣草 天竺葵 迷迭香


  • Top Notes: Sweet Orange, Cypress, Mint
  • Middle Notes: Lavender, Geranium, Rosemary
  • Base Notes: Cedarwood

課程資訊 Course Information

擴香瓶手作體驗課 Diffuser Bottle Workshop

作品 Creation:擴香瓶、5ml客製香水 Diffuser Bottle, 5ml customized perfume

日期 Date:9/19、9/21、9/26、9/28

時間 Time:13:30-15:30

價格 Fee:🌺 初學體驗價 Beginner Special Price NT$1,500

【中秋限定】月餅香氛蠟燭 Mid-Autumn Exclusive Mooncake Scented Candle

作品 Creation:月餅香氛蠟燭、5ml客製香水 Mooncake Scented Candle, 5ml customized perfume

日期 Date:9/21、9/28

時間 Time:10:00-12:30

價格 Fee:🥮 中秋限定價 Mid-Autumn Special Price NT$1,800


作品 Creation:月餅香氛蠟燭、擴香瓶、5ml客製香水 Mooncake Scented Candle, Diffuser Bottle, 5ml customized perfume

日期 Date:9/21、9/28

時間 Time:10:00-12:30、13:30-15:30

價格 Fee:⚡ 限量優惠價 Limited Offer Price NT$3,000

報名 To apply:https://www.accupass.com/eflow/ticket/2408260554573774637460?utm_campaign=accu_banner&utm_medium=home_north&utm_source=Web

上課環境 Classroom Environment



Q. 上課人數大約幾人?

A. 為維持教學品質,2人開班、6人滿班。

Q. 適合對象?

A. 對創作有興趣者、有無基礎均可參加。

Q. 關於個資保護?

A. 您的個資不會對外公開,但參與活動代表您同意我們使用於內部行銷。

Q. 如果未達開班人數怎麼辦?

A. 未滿最低人數將取消開課並於活動日後7天內全額退款。

Q. 會開立電子發票嗎?

A. 會,請在報名時確實填寫資訊。

Q: How many participants per class?

A: Classes will start with a minimum of 2 participants and a maximum of 6 to ensure quality instruction.

Q: Who is this course suitable for?

A: Anyone interested in creativity can participate, with or without prior experience.

Q: Will my personal information be protected?

A: Your personal information will not be disclosed to third parties, but by attending the event, you agree to its use for internal marketing purposes.

Q: What if the class does not reach the minimum number of participants?

A: If the minimum number is not met, the class will be canceled, and a full refund will be issued within 7 days after the scheduled date.

Q: Will electronic invoices be issued?

A: Yes, please make sure to provide accurate information when registering.


台北市, Taiwan
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