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『歐陸民謠』爵士三重奏之夜 『European Folk Jazz』An Evening with Jazz Trio

04/20 @ 6:00 下午 - 9:00 下午

青田藝集週六音樂夜 Art Reading Cafe’ Saturday Music Night:

『歐陸民謠』 『European Folk Jazz』

爵士三重奏之夜 An Evening with Jazz Trio


Immerse yourself in the romanticism and picturesque beauty of European folk melodies, where soft melodies gently meander through the realm of beautiful music. This performance blends the unique musical personalities of three musicians, enriching each other’s expressions with the language of jazz. With notes fermenting in harmony, the performance becomes a beautiful and creative game. Tonight, the audience is invited to enter the world of European folk jazz music crafted by the trio.

演出樂手 Performing Musicians

打擊 Percussion:莊彥宇 Chuang Yen-Yu

爵士低音提琴 Jazz Double Bass:劉育嘉 Liu Yu-Jia

鋼琴/歌手 Piano/Vocals:Julian Moreen 朱利安・莫林

樂手介紹 Musician Introduction

莊彥宇 Chuang Yen-Yu


計劃:【畫像】爵士十重奏、【Conversation 對話】爵士四重奏實驗音樂會、【莊彥宇爵士三重奏】、【莊彥宇打擊四重奏】等創作計劃,並於瑞士及台灣進行巡迴演出;2020返台後即參與許多演出,爵士、古典、現代、實驗劇場等,並組成了【川樂團】、【畫像五重奏】等爵士樂團。

曾任於瑞士Les Evouette音樂學校打擊教師、台南應用科技大學講師、新北市莊敬高職音樂科、台北青山康橋國小、民權國小打擊樂團等。



Graduated from the Department of Music at Taipei National University of the Arts, obtaining the highest diploma in percussion performance from the Conservatoire à Rayonnement Régional de Versailles in France. Later, graduated from the Conservatoire de Musique d’Orsay in France and the Haute Ecole de Musique de Lausanne in Switzerland with majors in jazz piano performance and composition. Due to a passion for using music as a form of diary, during the time in Europe, embarked on personal musical projects including the “Portrait” Jazz Decet, “Conversation” Jazz Quartet Experimental Concert, “Chuang Yen-Yu Jazz Trio”, and “Chuang Yen-Yu Percussion Quartet,” and toured in Switzerland and Taiwan. Upon returning to Taiwan in 2020, I participated in numerous performances spanning jazz, classical, contemporary, experimental theater, and formed jazz bands like “Tran” and “Portrait”.

Previously served as a percussion instructor at the Les Evouette Music School in Switzerland, lecturer at Tainan University of Technology, music teacher at Juang Jing Vocational High School in New Taipei City, and percussion band instructor at Kang Chian International School and Minquan Elementary School.

Currently a member of the Taipei Percussion, participating in various concerts. Works are featured in the Taipei Percussion albums “窗外的巴黎” and “冬之旅”, which were nominated for the Best Crossover Album at the 2019 Golden Melody Awards.

In addition to music, frequently invited to collaborate on different events, having hosted Taiwan Blizzard Entertainment’s “國際全明星賽” and “台北大賽”, and served as a regular event emcee. She has also collaborated on projects with the YouTube channel “上班不要看”.

劉育嘉 Liu Yu-Jia

爵士低音提琴演奏家、作曲家。學習歷程多元、曾就讀國立台南藝術大學中國音樂學系及國立東華大學音樂系-爵士組、主修低音提琴。曾獲兩廳院最佳Bass手,並於2015年於兩廳院爵士音樂營-研習營開始擔任教師一職,致力於爵士音樂推廣教育以及原創音樂發表。2016年榮獲台北爵士樂壇新秀比賽第一名。同年參與『揮灑烈愛』多媒體跨界音樂劇,於國家音樂廳演出。2018年開始與德裔鋼琴家Julian Moreen共同策劃『原創音樂巡迴演出計畫』並擔任台灣及亞洲地區總策劃,並以Julian Moreen為首組成Julian Moreen Quartet。2019年隨Julian Moreen Quartet受邀於台灣台中爵士音樂節演出、並策劃亞洲地區交流與展演。同年參與『瘋戲樂』年度大戲《台灣有個好萊塢》擔任樂手一職。演出足跡遍及台灣、馬來西亞、新加坡、德國…等等不同國家。擅長與多元類型團體合作,參與原創發表、電影配樂錄製、專輯錄製、舞蹈、音樂劇、現代劇場…等誇界藝術。

Jazz double bassist and composer. With a diverse educational background, he has studied at Department of Chinese Music at Tainan National University of the Arts and Department of Music at National Dong Hwa University, specializing in jazz bass. he was awarded the Best Bassist by the National Theater & Concert Hall twice, and began teaching at the NTCH Jazz Music Camp-Workshop in 2015, dedicating myself to the promotion of jazz music education and original music composition. In 2016, I won first place in the Taipei Jazz New Talent Competition. That same year, he participated in the multimedia crossover music drama “揮灑烈愛”, performing at the National Concert Hall.

In 2018, he collaborated with German pianist Julian Moreen on the “原創音樂巡迴演出計畫”, serving as the overall planner for Taiwan and Asia, and formed the Julian Moreen Quartet with Julian Moreen as the leader. In 2019, the Julian Moreen Quartet was invited to perform at the Taichung Jazz Festival in Taiwan and to plan exchanges and performances in the Asian region. That same year, participated as a musician in the annual production of “台灣有個好萊塢” by the “Studio M” troupe. His performances have taken to various countries including Taiwan, Malaysia, Singapore, Germany, etc. Excel in collaborating with diverse groups, participating in original compositions, film scoring, album recordings, dance, musicals, modern theater, and other interdisciplinary arts.

Julian Moreen 朱利安・莫林

歌手/鋼琴手(德國) Vocals/Pianist (Germany)



The Süddeutsche Zeitung hailed Julian Moreen’s final concert of his 2018 Autumn Eurasian Tour as “an energetic late summer storm.” Leading with piano and electric guitar, Julian creates atmospheric pieces with his distinctive sound, spanning genres from country music to modern jazz and indie rock. Julian Moreen possesses an infectious singing voice, with his music unfolding like storytelling, sometimes entering into meditative contemplation, only to unleash powerful energy in an instant.

After graduating from the Berklee College of Music in the United States, he embarked on his performance career in New York City. In the fall of 2018, he embarked on his first Asian tour with his band, performing in Malaysia, Singapore, and Taiwan before heading to Europe. With a passion for education, he conducted masterclasses and workshops in multiple countries during the tour, collaborating with high schools and universities. He is currently preparing to release his debut solo album in Germany.

報名 To apply:https://www.accupass.com/eflow/ticket/2403070711167763304220?utm_campaign=accu_theme&utm_medium=home_north&utm_source=Web

電話洽詢 Phone Inquiry:02-23911268

晚餐費用 Price for Dinner

每人880元(美食套餐+音樂會門票費用) NT$880 per person (includes gourmet set meal + concert ticket)

活動流程 Event Schedule

18:00               開放入場 Open for entry

18:30-20:00  享用美食套餐(會一起出餐,請大家這個時間點要到喔) Enjoy the gourmet set meal (meals will be served together, please be punctual)

20:00-21:00  欣賞音樂會演出 Enjoy the concert performance

餐點 Menu

【麵 包 Bread】裸麥酸麵包 Rye Sourdough Bread

【湯 品 Soup】主廚精選濃湯(蛋奶素) Chef’s Special Creamy Soup (vegetarian)

【主 餐 Main Course】(三擇一) (Choose one)

A. 蕃茄海鮮珍珠麵 Tomato Seafood Pearl Noodles

B. 奶油菠菜佐牛肉 Creamed Spinach with Beef

C. 炭烤白花椰菜燉飯(蛋奶素) Charcoal-Grilled Cauliflower Risotto (vegetarian)

【飲 品 Beverages】美式咖啡、熱紅茶、草本檸檬草(單杯三擇一或現場採自助式) Americano, Hot Black Tea, Herbal Lemongrass Tea (choose one per person or self-service at the venue)


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青田藝集 Art Reading Cafe
台北市, Taiwan
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