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『來自北歐』斯堪地納維亞音樂之夜 『From the Nordic』 An Evening of Scandinavian Music

27 4 月, 2024 @ 6:00 上午 - 9:00 下午

青田藝集週六音樂夜 Art Reading Cafe’ Saturday Music Night:

『來自北歐』 『From the Nordic』

斯堪地納維亞音之夜 An Evening of Scandinavian Music



“From the Nordic: A Journey through Scandinavian Music” In the distant northwest of Europe lies the Scandinavian Peninsula, as we’ve learned from our geography textbooks, and it’s also the homeland of the Vikings. This peninsula encompasses three countries: Sweden, Norway, and Denmark, and sometimes Finland is included as well. The traditional music of these regions each possesses unique characteristics and is influenced by neighboring countries. We will present the beauty of Northern music with Swedish traditional keyed fiddle, guitar, and fiddle, accompanied by the singing of Nordic traditional folk songs.

演出樂手​ Performing Musicians

Nyckelharpa 演奏:林世唐 Tauno Lin

北歐民謠演唱/吉他 Nordic Folk Singing/Guitar:林孝軒 Lin Xiao-Xuan

古提琴演奏 Fiddle:王年愷 Wang Nian-Kai

演出樂手介紹 Musician Introduction

林世唐 Tauno Lin


Mr. Tauno Lin is Taiwan’s first Celtic and Nordic music performer, specializing in Irish flute and Swedish keyed fiddle. He has been promoting Irish music in Taiwan for many years and has studied Irish tin whistle and flute with the Japanese Irish master, Mr. Hatao. He has also been invited to participate in the recordings of albums by Taiwanese artists such as Ho Chen-Chen and Liang Wen-Yin, making him an important figure in Taiwan’s Irish music scene. In recent years, he has begun to study Nordic music and promote it in Taiwan. He has performed Swedish keyed fiddle at Nordic Family Day events hosted by Volvo Automobiles.

王年愷 Wang Nian-Kai


Graduated from the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures at National Taiwan University, with a major in cello from the Graduate Institute of Conducting and Percussion Instruments at Taipei National University of the Arts. He pursued a doctoral program in translation at National Taiwan Normal University but discontinued it. He enjoys self-learning various skills, including cello, viola da gamba, translation, photography, soldering, and hand drip coffee. He also likes to challenge himself with some crazy feats, such as performing all six solo cello suites by Bach in one concert, walking 25 kilometers to attend a performance, translating a three-hour-long script within 12 hours, and carrying five cameras when going out.

林孝軒 Lin Xiao-Xuan


經歷:南加州大學Oriana women’s choir、奧斯陸大學Akademisk korforening、沂風室內合唱團、台北愛樂合唱團

A astrophysicist who once studied the rays of the sun in Norway, a country known for its long winter nights. Regardless of location, always finds time for singing, and this time, she wants to share some folk songs from the Nordic.

Experience: being part of the Oriana Women’s Choir at University of Southern California, being part of the Akademisk Korforening at University of Oslo, YiPhone choir, and Taipei Philharmonic Chorus.

報名 To apply:https://www.accupass.com/event/2403130540391434028140

電話洽詢 Phone Inquiry:02-23911268

晚餐費用 Price for Dinner

每人880元(美食套餐+音樂會門票費用) NT$880 per person (includes gourmet set meal + concert ticket)

活動流程 Event Schedule

18:00               開放入場 Open for entry

18:30-20:00  享用美食套餐(會一起出餐,請大家這個時間點要到喔) Enjoy the gourmet set meal (meals will be served together, please be punctual)

20:00-21:00  欣賞音樂會演出 Enjoy the concert performance

餐點 Menu

【麵 包 Bread】裸麥酸麵包 Rye Sourdough Bread

【湯 品 Soup】主廚精選濃湯(蛋奶素) Chef’s Special Creamy Soup (vegetarian)

【主 餐 Main Course】(三擇一) (Choose one)

A. 蘿勒鮮魚 手工麵疙瘩 Handmade gnocchi with fresh fish and basil

B. 蕃茄牛尾 蒔蔬 筆管麵 Tomato oxtail with vegetables and penne pasta

C. 野菇蔬食燉飯(蛋奶素) Mushroom and vegetable stew with rice (vegetarian)

【飲 品 Beverages】美式咖啡、茉香綠茶、神秘山脈 花果茶(單杯三擇一或現場採自助式) Americano, jasmine green tea, Mystery Mountain fruit tea (choose one per person or self-service at the venue)


27 4 月, 2024
6:00 上午 - 9:00 下午
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青田藝集 Art Reading Cafe
台北市, Taiwan
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