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「狂詩曲 Manimani」日台舞踏交流 2024 Japan-Taiwan Butoh Dance Exchange 2024

10/19 @ 7:00 下午 - 10/20 @ 5:00 下午


「狂詩曲」日台舞踏交流2024,將隆重呈現日本舞踏家大倉摩矢子(Mayako Okura)和辻拓也(Takuya Tsuji)的雙人舞踏《狂詩曲》,以及台灣藝術家胡嘉(Hu Chia)的舞踏作品《蟄》。


此活動延續日本 Walks Project(大倉摩矢子+辻たくや)舞踏團隊於 2023 年 7 月在東京主辦並獲得巨大的迴響,向當代觀眾傳達了表現自由的重要性,並得到了高度評價。我們計劃在此基礎上進一步發展,擴大影響力。

「まにまに道中狂詩曲」”Manimani Douchuu Kyoushikyoku“


在日本,從1700年代開始,「狂詩」流行起來,指以詼諧方式詠唱人性或社會卑俗面的詩歌。我們對「MA-NI MA-NI」這個音非常喜愛。「MA」在日語中聯想到「間」,即「空間」之意。這個「間」是可見之物與不可見之物交織的淡薄空間,不屬於你也不屬於我,而是大家共享的場所。




 Walks project 

由大倉摩矢子(Mayako Okura)與辻拓也(Takuya Tsuji)所組成的舞踏團體,他們是舞踏家大森政秀(天狼星堂主宰)的弟子。在這個社會動盪的時代,我們每個人將如何行走、生活並創造未來?他們通過改變世界並不斷改變自身,探索舞踏的新可能性。


舞踏演出 Butoh Performance 

活動時間|10/19(六)19:00(18:40 開放入場)

演出地點|華山中3館 2F 拱廳(100台北市中正區八德路一段1號)

  • 上半場「蟄」二⼗五分

舞踏演出|胡嘉(Hu Chia)

  • 下半場「まにまに道中狂詩曲」“Manimani Douchuu Kyoushikyoku“ 四⼗五分

舞踏演出|大倉摩矢子(Mayako Okura))+ 辻拓也(Takuya Tsuji)


舞踏工作坊 Butoh Workshop(無經驗者OK) 滿額:20人

指導老師|大倉摩矢子(Mayako Okura))+ 辻拓也(Takuya Tsuji)




舞踏地點|華山中2館 2F 果酒練舞場(100台北市中正區八德路一段1號)

攝影紀錄|小野塚誠、汪德範、bozzo、Claude Hofer


報名 To apply:https://www.accupass.com/eflow/ticket/2406110535407823401000?utm_campaign=accu_theme&utm_medium=home_north&utm_source=Web

共同主辦:Walks project(大倉摩矢子+辻たくや)、滅劇場(Miè Theatre)

贊助單位:公益財団法人東京都歴史文化財団 アーツカウンシル東京 [スタートアップ助成]


“Free expression, expression of truth”

“Manimani”「狂詩曲」Japan-Taiwan Butoh Dance Exchange 2024 will proudly present the duo Butoh performance “Manimani”「狂詩曲」by Japanese Butoh artists Mayako Okura and Takuya Tsuji, as well as the Butoh work “Chí”「蟄」by Taiwanese artist Hu Chia.

We seek to create a place where people can deepen and enhance their understanding of Butoh and artistic culture from different countries.

Butoh has become an important field of free expression in society today. This project aims to be an international exchange for a more affluent society through Butoh and will play a role in the artistic and cultural exchange between Japan and Taiwan.

Following the success of the highly acclaimed “Japan-Taiwan Butoh Dance Exchange,” organized by the Walks Project in Tokyo in July 2023, which conveyed the importance of freedom of expression for people living today, we dedicate ourselves to developing the outcome and further expanding free expression.

「まにまに道中狂詩曲」“Manimani Douchuu Kyoushikyoku“

The meaning of “Manimani” which we will dance this time in “Manimani Douchuu Kyoushikyoku(Rhapsody in English)” is “as it is” “with” or “The state of being left to its own motion” and is used in Japanese tanka poetry as “as it is by God”

“Kyoushikyoku” is an extremely free, unrestrained, and brilliant instrumental piece that does not have a fixed form, but is composed of several folk or epic musical ideas arranged one after the other. “Kyoushi” has been popular in Japan since the 1700s and refers to poems that comically depict the vulgar aspects of human beings and society.

We really like the sound of “MA-NI MA-NI”. “MA” seems to be connected to the Japanese word “ma”. “Ma” is a space where visible and invisible things are intertwined. An imperceptible space that is mine, yours, and no one else’s at the same moment. This is what I imagine from the sound of “MANIMANI”.

In the process of maintaining that space, why don’t we dance and walk together, transcending race, gender, and life/non-life? It makes me feel that this is the meaning of dancing as a duo as opposed to dancing solo, and of dancing in Taiwan across the border. In this time of global and social turmoil, I believe that each one of us, while searching for the way forward, will open up to all possibilities, and the path we take will surely lead us to a world of abundance and the joy of life.

A sanctuary filled with many kinds of being that continue to exist together – we call it “Manimani Douchuu”.

I would like to dance it as a contemporary “Butoh version rhapsody”, making it sure step by step.

Please take a look!

I would also like to express my gratitude to the Mie Theatre 滅劇場,Taiwan International Butoh Association for their continuous support of this project. We could not have done such a big project by ourselves. Thank you very much.

Event Schedule

Butoh Performance

Date & Time: 10/19 (Sat) 19:00 (Doors open at 18:40)

Venue: M3 Sake Factory, Huashan 1914 Creative Park (No.1,Bade Road Sec.1,Zhong Zhen District,Taipei 100)

  • First Half: “Chí”「蟄」- 25 minutes

Butoh Performance: Hu Chia

  • Second Half: “Manimani Douchuu Kyoushikyoku”「まにまに道中狂詩曲」– 45 minutes

Butoh Performance: Mayako Okura+Takuya Tsuji

Post-performance discussion | 20 minutes

Butoh Workshop (Beginners Welcome) Capacity: 20 people 

Instructors: Mayako Okura + Takuya Tsuji

Date: 10/20 (Sun)

Time: 10:00-17:00 (Doors open at 09:30)

Duration: 6 hours (Lunch break from 12:00 to 13:00)

Location: Fruit Wine Dance Studio, 2nd Floor, Huashan 1914 Creative Park (No.1,Bade Road Sec.1,Zhong Zhen District,Taipei 100)

Photography: Makoto Onozuka(小野塚誠),Te-Fan Wang(汪德範),Bozzo, Claude Hofer

All events will be filmed.

Organizers: Walks project (Mayako Okura + Takuya Tsuji), Miè Theatre

Supported by Arts Council Tokyo (Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation for History and Culture)

Co-organizers: Taiwan International Butoh Association, Huashan 1914 Creative Park, Kaidan_dessert



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