「漫遊.藝宇宙」新北市國際藝術村成果展 “Wander Through the Art Cosmos” New Taipei City International Artist Village Exhibition
1 2 月, 2025 @ 11:00 上午 - 12 2 月, 2025 @ 5:00 下午
This exhibition showcases the artistic creations of the current 8 groups (9 individuals) of artists-in-residence at the New Taipei City International Artist Village. It is organized into 8 themed art sections, based on the artists’ respective creative fields. Through diverse perspectives, the exhibition documents their year-long residency experience in Tamsui and presents the outcomes of their artistic practices.
參展藝術家 Participating Artists
展覽期程 Date
開放時間 Opening Hours
Weekdays: 11:00 – 17:00
Weekends: 11:00 – 18:00
展覽地點 Venue
滬水一方藝文空間5樓(地址 Address:新北市淡水區觀海路91號 No. 91, Guanhai Rd., Tamsui Dist., New Taipei City)
活動費用 Fee
免費參觀 Free Entry
諮詢專線 Contact Information
Phone: (02) 2621-2830 ext. 222 (Mr. Chen)