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《2024小澤征爾松本音樂節 in Taiwan Seiji Ozawa Matsumoto Festival in Taiwan》臺灣轉播 Taipei Broadcast──臺北場 Taipei Session
1 9 月, 2024 @ 2:30 下午 - 6:30 下午

2024 小澤征爾松本音樂節 in Taiwan
The overseas premiere! Special screening of Seiji Ozawa’s conducted performances, officially authorized for broadcast in Taiwan!
In 2024, the Seiji Ozawa Matsumoto Festival in Taiwan returns. The Matsumoto Festival was first broadcast in Taipei and Kaohsiung in 2022, and despite the pandemic, all sessions filled up within just a week! The event brought audiences the experience of attending a live concert in Japan, reigniting the emotional connection to live music. In 2023, legendary 91-year-old film composer John Williams took the stage, sparking waves of movie nostalgia, and Seiji Ozawa’s personal appearance deeply moved all attendees.
This year, the festival’s principal guest conductor, Nodoka Okisawa, will lead the Saito Kinen Orchestra in performing Brahms’ classic symphonies. Additionally, the broadcast date coincides with Seiji Ozawa’s 89th posthumous birthday, and a special authorized film featuring Seiji Ozawa will be screened to allow Taiwanese music lovers to once again experience the grace of this maestro.
節目異動公告 原訂指揮尼爾森斯因身體不適,取消今年音樂節行程,本活動內容指揮改為小澤征爾松本音樂節首席客席指揮沖澤和佳,曲目改為布拉姆斯第一號&第二號交響曲,開放開放8/14前報名觀眾於活動7日前免費退票。如有退票需求者,請直接聯繫MUZIK客服人員:
Program Change Notice: Originally scheduled conductor Andris Nelsons has canceled his participation due to health reasons. As a result, the conductor for this event will now be the festival’s principal guest conductor, Nodoka Okisawa. The program has changed to Brahms’ Symphony No. 1 & No. 2. Audience members who registered before August 14 can request a refund up to 7 days before the event. To request a refund, please contact MUZIK customer service:
(02)2577-5860 #712 高小姐 Ms Gao/service@muzik.com.tw
或可訊息聯繫「MUZIK閱聽古典樂」粉絲專頁 Or message the “MUZIK Classical Music Listening” Facebook page:
指揮 Conductor
沖澤和佳 Nodoka Okisawa
演出樂團 Performing Orchestra
齋藤紀念管弦樂團 Saito Kinen Orchestra
演出曲目 Program
Brahms: Symphony No.1 in C minor, Op. 68
Brahms: Symphony No.2 in D major, Op. 73
日期時間 Date & Time
9/1(日 Sunday)14:30 導聆 Pre-concert Talk|15:00 正式放映 Screening(14:00 入場 Admission)
導聆 Pre-concert Talk
林伯杰 Lin Bo-Jie
活動地點 Venue
微風影城 Breeze Cinemas
(微風廣場8樓,台灣台北市復興南路一段39號 8/F, Breeze Center, No. 39, Sec. 1, Fuxing S. Rd., Songshan Dist., Taipei City)
活動當日每人可獲得價值新台幣200元活動抵用券 Each attendee will receive an activity voucher worth NT$200
商品抵用券使用方式及注意事項 Voucher Terms and Conditions
- 本券限9/1(日)觀賞《2024小澤征爾松本音樂節in Taiwan》台北轉播活動期間使用,使用期間為9/1(日)14:30-18:00,逾期無效。
- 本券限兌換微風影城《松本套餐》使用。
- 抵用券一張限兌換一次,並由工作人員回收。
- 本券不得轉售、兌換現金、找零或折換其他贈品。
- 本券若被盜用、遺失,恕無法補發。
- 不得用於微風百貨其他樓層及商店。
- 本券為贈品,係屬無償取得,不適用商品(服務)禮券記載之規範。
- 使用本券為非發票交易,該訂單應以「購買時實際支付的金額」開立發票金額。
- 本券須有謬斯客國際有限公司用印始生效力,並應妥善保管,若有破損、無法辨識,影印者無效。
- 本公司保留活動調整及變更商品抵用券贈送辦法及折抵方式的權利,如有變動請以謬斯客國際有限公司公告為主。
- The voucher is valid for use during the “2024 Seiji Ozawa Matsumoto Festival in Taiwan” Taipei broadcast on September 1 (Sunday) from 14:30-18:00. It expires after this period.
- The voucher can only be used for redeeming the Breeze Cinemas “Matsumoto Set Meal.”
- One voucher per redemption; vouchers will be collected by staff upon use.
- The voucher cannot be resold, exchanged for cash, given as change, or redeemed for other gifts.
- Lost or stolen vouchers cannot be replaced.
- The voucher cannot be used at other floors or stores in Breeze Center.
- This voucher is a complimentary gift and is not subject to gift voucher regulations.
- Non-invoice transactions apply when using the voucher; invoices will be issued based on the actual payment amount.
- The voucher must bear the stamp of Muse International Co., Ltd. to be valid. Vouchers that are damaged, illegible, or photocopied are void.
- Muse International Co., Ltd. reserves the right to adjust and change the voucher redemption terms and conditions. Please refer to official announcements from the company for updates.
*本活動將進行現場平面攝影及動態錄影紀錄,影像紀錄以藝文推廣或非營利性之目的為限,參與本活動即同意授權「謬斯客國際有限公司」進行拍攝、製作及公開播送本活動影片。 This event will be recorded through both photography and videography. The footage will be used for arts promotion or non-profit purposes. By participating in this event, attendees authorize Muse International Co., Ltd. to record and publicly broadcast the event video.
【高雄場】請點此報名,把握有限名額喔~ For Kaohsiung Registration, click here and secure your spot now!