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《耳中手顫 鐵汁黑暗》大友良英、Chris Pitsiokos台北公演 Otomo Yoshihide & Chris Pitsiokos Live in Taipei

09/14 @ 8:00 下午 - 11:00 下午

日本當代最重要的實驗音樂家大友良英與他近年的合作夥伴Chris Pitsiokos來台演出!

One of Japan’s most important contemporary experimental musicians, Otomo Yoshihide, along with his recent collaborator Chris Pitsiokos, will be performing in Taiwan!

日期 Date:2024/9/14(六 Saturday)

地點 Venue:台北市大安區建國南路一段177號 No. 177, Sec. 1, Jianguo S. Rd., Da’an Dist., Taipei City     C-LAB 立體聲場

時間 Time:19:45 入場 / 20:00 開演

演出者介紹 Performer Introduction

大友良英 Otomo Yoshihide

日本當代最重要的實驗音樂家大友良英,師承日本第一代自由爵士吉他大師”高柳昌行”,自1990年代組建實驗樂隊”Ground Zero”以來,即成為日本實驗音樂最受矚目人物,於即興吉他演出之外,大友良英也將唱盤主義(turntablism)帶入實驗音樂範疇中,拼貼取樣來源從爵士樂至文化大革命時期樣板戲,其創作跨越了爵士樂、搖滾樂、自由即興音樂及噪音,Ground Zero於1998解散後,樂團成員至今皆成為了國際上重要的自由即興音樂家,成員散居德國、日本,之後,大友良英另組樂團ONJQ(Otomo Yoshihide’s New Jazz Quintet),近年出版自傳《我成長的音樂時代》,亦跨足電影,影集配樂如晨間劇《小海女》、《漫長的告別》、《韋駝天》……等。大友至今與無數位爵士樂、即興音樂的傳奇音樂家合作。

Otomo Yoshihide is one of Japan’s most significant experimental musicians of today. A student of Japan’s first-generation free jazz guitar master Masayuki Takayanagi, Otomo has been a key figure in Japanese experimental music since forming the experimental band Ground Zero in the 1990s. In addition to his improvisational guitar performances, Otomo also brought turntablism into experimental music, with his work spanning jazz, rock, free improvisation, and noise. After Ground Zero disbanded in 1998, its members went on to become important figures in the international free improvisation scene. Otomo later formed the band ONJQ (Otomo Yoshihide’s New Jazz Quintet). In recent years, Otomo has published his autobiography The Music Era I Grew Up In and has ventured into film and TV soundtracks, scoring for productions such as Amachan, The Long Goodbye, and Segodon. He has collaborated with countless legends in jazz and free improvisation.

Chris Pitsiokos


Born in 1990 in New York and currently based in Berlin, Chris Pitsiokos is an improvisational saxophonist who doesn’t restrict himself to any specific musical genre, drawing from noise, improvisation, free jazz, minimalism, and art rock. Chris explores various saxophone sounds and vocabularies, having led or participated in over 30 album releases. Since 2018, he has been touring with Otomo Yoshihide.

Jyun-Ao Caesar

Jyun-Ao Caesar的音樂靈感來自Eric Cordier與大友良英,或許可以簡略地總結成一種「姚大鈞泛具象音樂論」的創作實踐。他在訊號處理、類比放大與田野錄音的經驗以及他對時空的知識,直接或間接地導致了他的演奏方式。近幾年來尋找著適合與他的吉他互動的機材,這些器材允許他即時地

Jyun-Ao Caesar’s musical inspiration comes from Eric Cordier and Otomo Yoshihide, which could be summarized as a practice of “Yao Da-chun’s general concrete music theory”. His experience in signal processing, analog amplification, and field recording, combined with his knowledge of space and time, has influenced his unique performance style. Recently, he has been searching for equipment that interacts well with his guitar, allowing him to control changing parameters and sound illusions in real-time, striking a balance between certainty and improvisation.


丁啟佑 Dean Chiyou




Hailing from Donggang, Pingtung, he has been making noise since his freshman year in college. He finds creating noise to be a joyful activity and enjoys eating, drinking, and buying records. His current goal is to create noise that brings happiness, although he has not yet succeeded. Since 2022, he has formed the noise and vocal duo “金含” with Yang Yu-Chiao.




喜歡散步,喜歡樹的屍骨。專職為口頭傳統民間譚(oral tradition folktale)的口頭表演藝術家,並從事口傳文學、戲劇與電影的敘事學、故事詩學與比較故事學研究,定期舉辦「世界民間譚」展演式講座。曾修習鋼琴與聲樂,除舉辦獨奏會外,亦多次參與兩廳院歌劇製作及其他音樂會之獨唱演出。2017 融合聲樂、自由即興與口頭表演藝術,展開《聲熔質變——Anamorphosis & Anatexis》與《詩(屍)術流散——Necromantia dispersus》系列的實驗聲響演出,並曾受邀參與「時間另類指南」、「失聲祭」、「南方以南」、「台東聲音藝術節」等展覽與表演活動。2023 年獲國藝會補助,赴法國巴黎與長笛演奏家周少葳演出專輯《[砅]:聲音、民間 譚、影像》系列音樂會。另從事靜態展覽作品製作,參與 TKG+ projects與其他聯展。自 2019 起,擔任高雄市電影館講師與衛武營劇場體驗教育計畫業師至今。個人著作,包含甲骨文異譚《藝》、《易》、《一》等,文字散見於國藝會線上誌、Artalks、Giloo 紀實影音、Bios Monthly等線上平台,以及《幼獅文藝》與《MUZIK》等紙本刊物,並出版聲成像詩集《肸蠁》(2023, Feb)。自2022 五月開始積極運用 AI 協作製作實驗性作品,與 Midjourney AI 協作出版漫畫《鵲之終末的目擊者》(2022, May),並於《幼獅文藝》刊登多篇 AI 協作的文學作品,如《AI之味》(2022, Dec)等。

Loves taking walks and admiring the skeletons of trees. A specialist in oral traditional folktale performances, he also works in the fields of narrative poetics, comparative storytelling and cinematic narration. In 2017, he began experimenting with sound art through projects like Anamorphosis & Anatexis and Necromantia dispersus, blending vocal music, free improvisation, and oral performance. He has been involved in multiple exhibitions and performances, and he continues his interdisciplinary work, including collaborations with AI.

Anteng Tsai





An illustrator at Near-Gray Studio.

“I see images when I listen”, is something that someone once told Anteng after a performance, and this has led to his exploration of how sound can bypass hearing to directly create visuals, questioning the conventional ways of perceiving sound.


票價 Fee:預售 Pre-sale NT$800/現場 At the door NT$1,000

報名 To apply:https://www.accupass.com/eflow/ticket/2407131030401152660300?utm_campaign=accu_banner&utm_medium=home_north&utm_source=Web

主辦單位 Organizer

先行一車 Senko Issha Records

合辦單位 Co-organizer

C-LAB 台灣當代文化實驗場

注意事項 Note

**9/15大友良英與Chris Pitsiokos於REVOLVER Livehouse演出僅售現場票。

  • This performance is part of the Sound Art Festival at Taiwan C-Lab. Please enter the venue after the previous program has concluded.
  • Otomo Yoshihide and Chris Pitsiokos will also perform at Revolver Livehouse on September 15. Only tickets at the door will be available for this performance.


台北市, Taiwan
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