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《殘茶》感官茶席 Sensory Tea Ceremony|聲音藝術 Sound Art × 薰香美學 Incense Aesthetic × 觸覺體驗 Haptic Experience feat. 聲音藝術家 Sound Artist 武田真彥 Masahiko Takeda(日本京都 Kyoto, Japan)

08/04 @ 1:00 下午 - 6:30 下午

一場結合聲音、氣味與觸覺體驗(Haptic)的茶席,由來自日本京都的聲音藝術家 武田真彥 帶領你進入一個擴張感官的品茶體驗。



A Tea Ceremony Combining Sound, Scent, and Haptic Experience

Experience an expansive sensory tea ceremony led by sound artist Masahiko Takeda from Kyoto, Japan. This unique event combines elements of sound, scent, and touch to create a profound tea-drinking experience.

Concept of “Zan”
“Zan” allows various concrete and abstract experiences to overlap, enabling us to feel the passage of time. The lingering memories, the remaining silence, the residual scent. In literature, “zancha” often symbolizes the passage of time, the aftertaste of emotions, or the subtle beauty of life.

Inspired by the Japanese incense appreciation aesthetics of “cherishing lingering scent and ashes”, this event integrates the work “CONiCENCE”, extending the abstract trajectories of “zan” in space. Participants will experience the aftertaste of tea, connecting scent, sound, and touch through their actions, preserving memories over time.

(照片提供 Photos provided by:武田真彥 Masahiko Takeda,攝影 Photography:Kotone )

活動時間與場次 Event Schedule

日期 Date:2024/08/04(日 Sunday)

【場次一 Session 1】 13:00~14:30,共1.5小時。

【場次二 Session 2】 15:00~16:30,共1.5小時。

【場次三 Session 3】 17:00~18:30,共1.5小時。

* 本活動提供感官體驗的茶席,語言將以日、英文為主,並提供簡易中文翻譯。 This event offers a sensory tea ceremony experience, conducted primarily in Japanese and English, with basic Chinese translation provided.

藝術家介紹 Artist Introduction

(照片提供 Photos provided by:武田真彥 Masahiko Takeda,攝影 Photography:Tomoko Hayashi (atelier now/here) )

武田真彦 | Masahiko Takeda




他與音樂家江島和臣(Kafuka)共同運營媒體實驗室「Laatry」。他也是與糸魚健一(Ken’ichi Itoi)、UXDXN、赤川純一(Junichi Akagawa)共同活躍的「PsysEx」成員。

代表作品包括完整專輯《Mitate》、聲音裝置作品《CYCLEE》、聲音產品《Synclee》、為旅館「Azumi Setoda」創作的音樂《CYCLICAL MEDIUM》以及「KYO AMAHARE / KYO」的空間聲音設計。

在2023年,《CYCLEE》獲得了香港媒體藝術獎「FUTURE TENSE未來時態」的最佳人氣獎。

Born in 1987 in Kyoto, Japan, Masahiko Takeda is a sound artist based in Kyoto. He graduated from Doshisha University with a degree in commerce and completed an advanced bespoke tailoring course at Central Saint Martins in London. Following the closure of his family’s Nishijin weaving business, “Obi no Kurow”, he creates works across sound installations, performing arts, contemporary art, and traditional crafts.

He co-operates the media lab “Laatry” with musician Kafuka and is a member of “PsysEx” alongside Ken’ichi Itoi, UXDXN, and Junichi Akagawa. His notable works include the album “Mitate”, the sound installation “CYCLEE”, the sound product “Synclee”, and the music for the inn “Azumi Setoda”. His “CYCLEE” project won the Best Popularity Award at the “FUTURE TENSE” Hong Kong Media Art Awards in 2023.



展出作品 Featured Work



“CONiCENCE” attempts to harmonize and record space through scent. Incense can be freely chosen and lit according to the viewer’s mood. From that moment, people with different purposes connect through time, senses, and space. The accumulated ashes and lingering scent quietly narrate the passage of time from the past to the future, embodying the Japanese incense aesthetics of “cherishing lingering scent and ashes”.

藝術家 Artists:武田真彥(Laatry)、江島和臣(Laatry)

創作年份 Year of Creation:2024年

合作對象 Collaborators:SHOWKO(SIONE)

素材 Materials:香、陶瓷、壓克力、金屬線 Incense, ceramics, acrylic, metal wire

創作協力 Creation Support:lisn, Tianhua 天華沉香, FabCafe Kyoto, KYOTOJUSHI Co.,Ltd.

* 本作品將於活動中展示 This work will be displayed during the event

推薦對象 Recommended For

● 喜歡聲音藝術的人

● 喜歡日本文化的人

● 喜歡日本薰香文化的人

● 對於觸覺體驗與設計有興趣的人

● 對於傳統文化融合科技創新有興趣的人

  • Sound art enthusiasts
  • Fans of Japanese culture
  • Admirers of Japanese incense culture
  • Those interested in haptic experiences and design
  • Individuals intrigued by the fusion of traditional culture and technological innovation

活動費用 Fee

NT$650/人 *包含煎茶、甜點、線香與講師費用 Includes sencha, dessert, incense, and instructor fee

活動地點 Venue

FabCafe Taipei
台北市萬華區中華路一段76巷12號 No. 12, Ln. 76, Sec. 1, Zhonghua Rd., Wanhua Dist., Taipei City(捷運西門站六號出口步行10分鐘 10-minute walk from Exit 6 of Ximen MRT Station)

參加者對象 Participant Information

*因FabCafe Taipei內空間有限,本工作坊不開放攜伴參與,若有同行夥伴可至1樓咖啡廳消費靜候。

14 years and older, 15 people per session.

Due to limited space at FabCafe Taipei, this workshop does not allow companions. Those with companions can wait at the café on the first floor.

報名 To apply:https://www.accupass.com/eflow/ticket/2407160917047906729600

注意事項 Notes

1. 當天請於活動時間開始前準時抵達。

2. 活動將安排攝影,報名本活動即表示同意接受攝影,如不希望被攝影,請主動告知工作人員,我們將注意並特別安排。

3. 活動當天將展示薰香裝置藝術,現場將會產生薰香煙霧。若您無法長時間處於薰香空間,請評估是否參加。

4. 本茶席可能會安排日式席地坐席,最終形式將依主辦單位安排為準。若您身體不適合久坐盤腿,或有任何疑慮,請聯繫主辦單位。

5. 主辦單位保留活動異動之權利,如有其他未盡事宜,依主辦單位相關規定為最後依據。若有任何活動異動,主辦單位將提前告知參加者。

6. 如因天災等不可抗力因素,主辦單位將主動聯繫延期或退款。

7. 活動材料皆需事先準備,為避免資源浪費,退款需於活動票券有效開始日前 8 日辦理申請,逾期恕不受理。退票申請方式請參考『退款說明』。

8. 此活動為付費活動,將於活動結束後開立發票。

  1. Please arrive on time before the event starts.
  2. Photography will be arranged during the event. By registering, you agree to be photographed. If you prefer not to be photographed, please inform the staff.
  3. Incense installation art will be displayed during the event, producing incense smoke. Please assess your ability to stay in an incense-filled space.
  4. The tea ceremony may involve Japanese floor seating. If you have concerns about sitting cross-legged, please contact the organizer.
  5. The organizer reserves the right to make changes to the event. Any updates will be communicated in advance.
  6. In case of weather or other force majeure, the organizer will contact participants for rescheduling or refunds.
  7. To avoid waste, refunds must be requested at least 8 days before the event date. Please refer to the “Refund Instructions” for details.
  8. This is a paid event, and invoices will be issued after the event.

活動團隊 Event Team

主辦 Organizer|FabCafe Taipei、武田真彦 Masahiko Takeda

協力 Support|SIONE、Tea Farm Inokura、天華沈香

聯絡方式 Contact:jean.wang@loftwork.com

特別介紹 Special Introduction


出生於擁有330年歷史的京都茶陶窯家族「真葛燒」。經歷佐賀的陶藝訓練後,於2005年在京都創立了自己的陶藝工坊。並於2009年以「可閱讀的器物」為概念成立品牌 SIONE。她在銀閣寺附近開設了直營店,並將活動擴展到全球,包括米蘭、巴黎、中國和台灣。


她多次於媒體上曝光,尤其因參加紀錄片節目《Seven Rules》(關西電視台、日本電視台)而備受關注。她的出版作品包括《培養感受力:打造自我風格的日常練習》(CrossMedia Publishing),目前已售出4萬本(截至2023年4月),以及《用自己的語言說話ー為了替自我準則建立自信ー(暫譯)》(CCC Media House:於2023年5月發行)。

Born into the Kyoto tea pottery family “Makuzu Ware”, which has a 330-year history, SHOWKO established her ceramic workshop in Kyoto in 2005 after training in Saga. In 2009, she founded the brand SIONE with the concept of “readable vessels”, opening a direct store near Ginkakuji and expanding globally. SHOWKO also consults on new business launches and brand building, collaborating with historic Kyoto companies like “Fukujuen”.

SHOWKO has been featured in the media, particularly for her participation in the documentary program “Seven Rules”. Her published works include “Cultivating Sensitivity: Daily Practices to Create Your Own Style” (CrossMedia Publishing) and “Speak in Your Own Language” (CCC Media House).




江島和臣 Kazuomi Eshima & 武田真彥 Masahiko Takeda


Active in music and art, Kazuomi Eshima and Masahiko Takeda run the media lab “Laatry”, focusing on creative experiments in “inheritance and harmony”. Their work spans various media, including sound design, spatial production, product creation, website and app development, and installation exhibitions.





1:00 下午 - 6:30 下午
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FabCafe Taipei
台北市, Taiwan
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