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《春眠 Sleep in Spring》StudioQ藝術展演計畫 StudioQ Art Performance Project

12/28 @ 7:00 下午 - 12/29 @ 8:00 下午



“How long do you think it will take me to forget this sentence?”
As Meixin’s memory gradually fades, the story begins with Lixin preparing to send her to a care home. The reserved Lixin and the mischievous Meixin, a complementary couple, face the challenges of dementia together. What will become of their relationship? Lixin always wonders when Meixin is genuine and when she is teasing him, while Meixin strives to hold on to every beautiful moment, unwilling to let those precious memories drift away.

The script is adapted from the original play, Sleep in Spring, by Jian Li-Ying.
Before winter arrives, let us gather here to enter this “Sleep in Spring” and explore the journey of memory and life together.

報名 To apply:https://www.accupass.com/eflow/ticket/2411041532378073664570?utm_campaign=accu_theme&utm_medium=home_north&utm_source=Web

【演出製作團隊 Production Team】

劇本改編 Script Adaptation|洪思語、彭維維

導演 Director|呂婕箏

行銷 Marketing|李沛瑤、洪莯芮

製作 Production|林采融

演員 Cast|李沛瑤、林采融、洪莯芮、彭維維(依姓氏筆畫排序)

指導老師 Advising Instructor|王瑋廉

指導助教 Assistant Instructor|蕭新亭


舞台設計 Stage Desig|李沛瑤、呂婕箏

舞台技術執行 Stage Technology Execution|吳冠毅

特別感謝 Special Thanks|王小棣導演、安哲毅導演


演出單位 Performance Unit|維維十七路劇團

指導暨主辦單位 Supervised and Organized by|StudioQ 表演教室


台北市, Taiwan
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