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《夏日池畔派對》峇厘島放鬆趴 Summer Poolside Party – Bali Relaxation Bash

08/10 @ 5:00 下午 - 7:30 下午

活動入場費 Event Admission Fee
大人 Adults NT$1,199/位 person
※ 一張大人至多可帶一位6歲以下小朋友。 One adult ticket allows admission for one child under 6 years old.
※ 入場費可兌換活動主食餐點乙份及特調飲品二杯,現場還有多項餐食開放加購。 Admission fee includes one main dish and two specialty drinks. Additional food and beverages are available for purchase on-site.

著裝建議 Dress Code
.夏日風情 Summer Vibes
※ 由於場地限制,請穿著夾腳拖或平底鞋入場,著跟鞋恕無法進入泳池區。 Due to venue restrictions, please wear flip-flops or flat shoes. Heeled shoes are not allowed in the pool area.

派對必訪亮點 Party Highlights
印尼雅加達主廚「Indra」操刀料理 Cuisine by Jakarta Chef Indra
《夏日池畔派對》力邀來自新北美食地標Mega50餐飲及宴會之[Asia49亞洲料理及酒廊]的印尼籍主廚Indra Kusuma胡英達客座,帶來道地南洋風味料理、香氣撲鼻的燒烤等美味料理,每道餐點都將帶你感受天堂之島專屬的舌尖風味。


The Summer Poolside Party proudly invites Chef Indra Kusuma from the renowned Mega50 Dining and Banquet’s Asia49 Asian Cuisine and Lounge in New Taipei City. Chef Indra will present authentic Southeast Asian dishes and aromatic BBQ delights, transporting you to the taste paradise of the island.

[Chef’s Profile] With 20 years of rich experience, Chef Indra has served as a chef on luxury cruises and hotels across Europe, Asia, and Australia. Skilled in Western cuisine and infused with the spices of Indonesia, Chef Indra brings a unique, flavorful, and authentic Southeast Asian culinary experience.

超人氣DJ樂團「民生電氣」駐場排曲 Popular DJ Band “Minelectro Inc.” Live Set
《夏日池畔派對》將由民生電氣-DJ Litro領銜致獻,帶來系列放鬆曲風,讓你在炎炎夏季,擁有最Chill的派對時光。


The party will feature a live set by Minelectro Inc., led by DJ Litro, bringing a series of relaxing tunes. Enjoy the most chill party time this summer.

[DJ’s Profile] DJ Litro is known for performing at major local music festivals such as Megaport Festival, Vagabond Festival and LUCfest. He is also the organizer of the well-known “Soul Creamy Club” which focuses on quality jazz selections, and collaborates with brands like VOGUE, ELLE, and Eslite Park Lane.

酒水餐食精緻多樣,池畔現場自在享用 Exquisite Food and Drinks, Enjoy by the Pool

The event will offer seven types of cocktails, two craft beers, and six non-alcoholic beverages at the poolside. Each admission ticket includes two drink vouchers, with more available for purchase. Paired with Chef Indra’s exquisite dishes, enjoy a delightful poolside dining and relaxing experience.

高空心型泳池,與叢林風打卡區設計 Heart-shaped Sky Pool and Jungle-themed Photo Area

Enjoy the party in the exclusive heart-shaped sky pool, explore the newly designed jungle animal photo area, and play in the flower-decorated pool area with green lawns. A mini bar and food truck add to the Bali-like leisure time.

報名To apply:https://www.accupass.com/eflow/ticket/2406260324061852631535?utm_source=EventPage&utm_medium=AdCard&utm_campaign=accu_AdCard_2407161334411596015579

※ 提醒您:禁止酒駕,未滿18歲,禁止飲酒。 Note: Do not drink and drive. Alcohol consumption is prohibited for those under 18 years old.
※ 主廚照片提供:Asia49亞洲料理及酒廊;DJ照片提供:民生電器音樂派對品牌。 Chef photos courtesy of Asia49 Asian Cuisine and Lounge; DJ photos courtesy of Minsheng Electric Music Party Brand.


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