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《古典時代的瘋狂史 A History of Madness in the Classical Age》×《明室 Camera Lucida》 |書蟲的夏季課 Bookworm’s Summer Class

08/10 @ 2:00 下午 - 08/31 @ 5:00 下午

法國哲學家傅柯(Michel Foucault, 1926-1984)可說是二戰以來繼沙特(Jean-Paul Sartre, 1905-1980)之後,最為人所知、思想也最為原創的法國哲學家之一。在其生命短短不到六十年的歲月裡,留下了《古典時代的瘋狂史》(Histoire de la folie à l’âge classique, 1961)、《臨床的誕生》(Naissance de la clinique, 1963)、《詞與物》(Les mots et les choses, 1966)、《知識考古學》(L’archéologie du savoir, 1969)、《話語的秩序》(L’ordre du discours, 1971)、《監視與懲罰》(Surveiller et punir, 1975)、四卷《性史》(Histoire de la sexualité I -IV),並留下數千篇中短論文與訪談,收錄在《文與言》(Dits et écrits I et II),還有在他過世後,門生故舊編纂的手稿等,諸如《主體的解釋學》(L’herméneutique du sujet, 2001)、《非正常的人》(Les Anormaux, 1999)等十四餘冊書籍。今年適逢其逝世四十週年,就讓我們以兩次的講座來引領讀者進入傅柯短暫又多彩的世界。

French philosopher Michel Foucault (1926-1984) is considered one of the most renowned and original thinkers in France since World War II, following Jean-Paul Sartre (1905-1980). Despite his relatively short life of less than sixty years, Foucault left behind significant works including Madness and Civilization (Histoire de la folie à l’âge classique, 1961), The Birth of the Clinic (Naissance de la clinique, 1963), The Order of Things (Les mots et les choses, 1966), The Archaeology of Knowledge (L’archéologie du savoir, 1969), The Order of Discourse (L’ordre du discours, 1971), Discipline and Punish (Surveiller et punir, 1975), and the four-volume History of Sexuality (Histoire de la sexualité I-IV). He also produced thousands of essays and interviews collected in Dits et écrits I et II, as well as posthumously compiled manuscripts by his students and colleagues, such as The Hermeneutics of the Subject (L’herméneutique du sujet, 2001) and Abnormal (Les Anormaux, 1999). This year marks the 40th anniversary of his passing, and we invite readers to explore Foucault’s brief yet colorful world through a series of two lectures.

《明室》講座介紹 Introduction to the Camera Lucida Lecture


After nearly thirty years (1997-2024), a new traditional Chinese translation of Roland Barthes’ Camera Lucida has been released this spring! Fans of Barthes and photography theory are eagerly anticipating this edition, many holding onto their old copies of Camera Lucida while rushing to obtain the new one. Teacher Hsu Chi-Ling has made significant revisions and corrections in this second edition, making the Camera Lucida even brighter. If ever there was a time to reread Camera Lucida, it is now!

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