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《不良大叔 Naughty Uncles》首場線下見面會 First Fan Meeting

07/20 @ 7:00 下午 - 9:00 下午


Naughty Uncles Single Release Fan Meeting is here~~~





Ozzie, Benson, and Bird, the three humorous and fun-loving uncles, originally just wanted to turn their bowling time into a podcast for memory’s sake. Unexpectedly, it turned into a single release and a fan meeting XD!

With a light-hearted and witty style, their carefree chatter turns out to be so funny that it needs warning labels: don’t listen while driving (you might crash), don’t listen while working (your boss behind you might want to listen too), don’t listen while exercising (beware of getting a stitch)……

Even the uncles themselves didn’t expect that their usual whimsical and limitless chatter would now lead to a single release! Who goes bowling and ends up releasing a single? Naughty Uncles sings about facing midlife crises yet remaining “naughty” with light-hearted and funny lyrics. Not becoming the ideal adults is just fine! We can laugh out loud bravely in our dreams! We are the forever naughty, forever young-at-heart uncles! (Beware of throwing your back out…)

Come and watch the uncles share their hilarious life stories, making even themselves laugh out loud. Now, we’re bringing this joy to the live stage, inviting everyone to join this fun-filled (X) absurd (O) carnival!

活動詳情 Event Details

日期 Date & Time:2024/7/20(六 Saturday)19:00-21:00
(雜學校 Za Share 2024 國際教育創新博覽會展期 International Education Innovation Expo from 7/18-7/21)

地點 Venue:台北市圓山花博爭豔館 Taipei Yuanshan Expo – 台北市中山區玉門街1號 No. 1, Yumen St., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei City
(at 雜學校 Za Share 2024 國際教育創新博覽會-國際教育舞台)

特別驚喜 Special Surprises

現場演唱 Live Performance:首次公開演唱全新單曲《不良大叔(不正ㄟ阿叔)》,用輕鬆搞笑的歌詞詮釋不服老的大叔精神,重燃追夢的熱情。 First public performance of the new single “Naughty Uncles”, featuring funny and light-hearted lyrics that embody the unyielding spirit of the uncles, reigniting the passion for dreams.

▲ 不良大叔 Naughty Uncles Live Podcast :現場感受不良大叔的“話唬爛”魅力。 Experience the charm of the uncles’ live banter.

▲ 粉絲互動 Fan Interaction:現場粉絲互動,讓你有機會直接參與大叔們的對話交流。 Engage in interactive sessions with the uncles, giving you a chance to join in their conversations.

獨家福利 Exclusive Perks

每位參加不良大叔單曲發行見面會的粉絲將獲得 Every fan attending the Naughty Uncles Single Release Fan Meeting will receive:

▲ 展會4日連票+獨家紀念品:7/18-7/21「 2024 國際教育創新博覽會」四天直接讓你逛好逛滿!

▲ 簽名海報:獨家限量版簽名海報。貼在牆壁上防老(?)

▲ 合照機會:與三位大叔合影留念,永遠保存笑到落下頦的瞬間!

  • 4-Day Expo Pass + Exclusive Souvenirs: Enjoy all four days of the “2024 International Education Innovation Expo” from 7/18 to 7/21!
  • Signed Poster: Limited edition signed poster to keep you feeling young (?)
  • Photo Opportunity: Take a memorable photo with the three uncles, capturing the moments of laughter!

票券資訊 Ticket Information

1. 不良大叔《見面會》票價 Naughty Uncles Fan Meeting Ticket:NT$2,999/張 each

內含 Includes:

  1. 《不良大叔》單曲發行粉絲見面會門票*1
  2. 雜學校十週年「2024國際教育創新博覽會」4日連票*1
  3. 雜學校十週年 媒體記者會暨貴賓交流邀請函*1
  4. 雜學校十週年 獨家紀念學生證*1
  5. 雜學校十週年 紀念商品*1
  6. IMPACT教育影響力專刊*1
  1. 1 Ticket to the Naughty Uncles Single Release Fan Meeting
  2. 1 4-Day Pass to Za Share’s 10th Anniversary “2024 International Education Innovation Expo”
  3. 1 Invitation to Za Share’s 10th Anniversary Media Conference and VIP Networking Event
  4. 1 Exclusive Commemorative Student ID for Za Share’s 10th Anniversary
  5. 1 Commemorative Product for Za Share’s 10th Anniversary
  6. 1 Copy of IMPACT Education Influence Magazine

2. 不良大叔《見面會》+《週邊商品》限量預購方案 Naughty Uncles Fan Meeting + Merchandise Limited Pre-order Package:NT$3,699/套 set

內含 Includes:

  1. 《不良大叔》單曲發行粉絲見面會門票*1
  2. 雜學校十週年「2024國際教育創新博覽會」4日連票*1
  3. 雜學校十週年 媒體記者會暨貴賓交流邀請函*1
  4. 雜學校十週年 獨家紀念學生證*1
  5. 雜學校十週年 紀念商品*1
  6. IMPACT 教育影響力專刊*1
  7. 不良大叔鴨舌帽(原價 NT$550)
  8. 《不良大叔(不正ㄟ阿叔)》單曲卡帶(原價 NT$350)
  1. 1 Ticket to the Naughty Uncles Single Release Fan Meeting
  2. 1 4-Day Pass to Za Share’s 10th Anniversary “2024 International Education Innovation Expo”
  3. 1 Invitation to Za Share’s 10th Anniversary Media Conference and VIP Networking Event
  4. 1 Exclusive Commemorative Student ID for Za Share’s 10th Anniversary
  5. 1 Commemorative Product for Za Share’s 10th Anniversary
  6. 1 Copy of IMPACT Education Influence Magazine
  7. 1 Naughty Uncles Cap (original price NT$550)
  8. 1 Single Cassette of “Naughty Uncles” (original price NT$350)

報名 To apply:https://www.accupass.com/eflow/ticket/2406211348158546246760?utm_campaign=accu_theme&utm_medium=home_north&utm_source=Web




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